I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 667 Relationship Broken 01

Chapter 667 Relationship Broken 01
Yun Su thought for a moment, he and Yan Xi had been separated for too long, because he didn't have the courage to meet her before, and he wanted to appear in front of her in his best state.

It's the beginning of November now, and her birthday is about to come again. Uncle Nie asked him to give her a gift the year before last. He didn't listen to Uncle Nie because he felt unfamiliar.

Last year they carried out the task of cross-border military cases together, and during the task, he did not give her a gift.

Has missed two years, he does not want to miss this year.

Yun Su suddenly felt a gaze, and looked over subconsciously, only to see two nurses by the window looking at him, the sun was shining brightly outside the window.

Nurse A looked surprised: "He looked over, he is looking at me!"

Nurse B showed a sweet smile: "Is he looking at me?"

Nurse A said: "How is it possible, I am obviously more beautiful than you, okay?"


Yan Xi went back to the hotel and checked who was in Zha Cheng's family and who were their relatives.

Cheng Yuan had three sons and one daughter, the second son passed away, and all the names of the grandchildren have cloud characters.

Yan Xi's mood was a bit complicated, and it was not difficult to guess Yun Su's identity.

He is the grandson of Cheng Yuan.

The Cheng family is a wealthy red family in the capital, with a prominent family background. Cheng Yuan was once a general of the Hua Kingdom, and almost all of his descendants held important positions, especially in the Hua Kingdom's military circles.

Yun Su is the third generation of red roots.

Before, she always thought that Yun Su's family was ordinary, so she never expected that he was from the Cheng family.

That night, Yan Xi received a message.

Seeing this long-awaited message, she seemed to have lost her enthusiasm at the moment.

She can like him, but she already understands that she cannot have a marriage relationship with him.

She is still fortunate that she knew the result early to avoid misunderstanding in the future.

She can maintain a lover relationship with him, but both must understand that he and her will not have a marriage in the future, and will be separated one day.


The next morning, Yan Xi got up very early, went to the hotel's fitness room for a half-hour run, and then went back to the room to wash up.

At seven o'clock, there was a knock on the door.

Yan Xi opened the door with mixed feelings.

The person in front of the door was tall and straight, with unconcealable excitement on his handsome face, his eyes were staring at her deeply, and his bright black pupils reflected her figure, as if he wanted to engrave her in his heart.

Yan Xi was also looking at him, he was like a pine and cypress on a high mountain that has experienced wind and snow, steadfast, resolute, and indomitable.


"Yan Xi, long time no see." Yun Su took a step forward, couldn't help reaching out to hug her gently, yearning for her warmth and breath.

Yan Xi also reached out to hug him, it wasn't too long, she had only seen him yesterday.

"I'm sorry, I kept you waiting for too long." Yun Su's words were full of apology and guilt. Since the end of February last year, he has never seen her, never heard her voice. How afraid he is that she will gradually forget him, Only those few simple messages gave him comfort.

"Don't tell me you're sorry, I understand." Yan Xi said, there was no one waiting for the other between her and him, so there was no need to apologize for it.

Yun Su's heart was shocked, nothing could shake him more than her understanding, he would rather she blame him and be angry with him, he cared too much about his own physical defects, but didn't consider her feelings.

After hugging him for a while, Yan Xi slowly let go of him and asked, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Not yet, I want to have breakfast with you." Yun Su said this not-so-touching love sentence, and it's been a long time since he spent a beautiful morning with her.

(End of this chapter)

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