I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 668 Relationship Broken 02

Chapter 668 Relationship Broken 02
After Yun Su had breakfast with her, he took a walk nearby again, and it all seemed like yesterday.

It is sunny today, it is only early November, and it has not yet snowed. The original ice skating rink has become an open space, and many people are walking or playing in the open space.

"Yanxi, there are some things I don't know how to tell you, but thank you for not leaving me, thank you for giving me motivation and encouragement."

Faced with grandpa's sad eyes, mother's tears, family's worries, and the fear of losing her, no one knew how terrified he was.

Yan Xi was a little embarrassed. She had never done anything for him, let alone gave him motivation and encouragement. He didn't have to thank her.

"Yanxi, I have already resigned from the National Security Bureau. I may enter the military region and basically stay in the capital." Yun Su said, if there is no urgent matter, he can go to her on vacation, as long as When she comes to the capital, he can see her.

"Well, congratulations." Apart from these two words, Yan Xi really didn't know what to say.

"How do you say congratulations? You should say it's good, or bad, or express your opinion." Yun Su was a little bit dumbfounded, there was nothing worthy of congratulations.

"Very good." Yan Xi said sincerely. She has no opinion and is not qualified to express an opinion. After knowing his identity, she can roughly guess his future life, so she is not surprised by his decision. .

Yun Su looked at her, unable to peek into her heart, maybe he was too sensitive, today he was basically talking and she was listening.

"Yan Xi, I think you're a little... quiet today." It was different from the usual quiet, but so silent that it made him panic.

"Really?" Yan Xi pretended to be puzzled, she had some words that were difficult to say at this moment.

"We haven't seen each other for a long, long time. If you want to ask me anything, or if you think I've done something wrong, you can tell me." Yun Su's tone was solemn, and he hoped that they could be honest with each other.

"I think you are already very good, I just..." I can't accept that you are so good.

"Just what?" Yun Su cared very much about her thoughts.

"I'm not good enough." Yan Xi always felt that he was a superficial and vulgar person.

Yun Su was stunned for a while, and it took him a while to realize: "I think you are very good, really good."

Yan Xi felt a little uncomfortable, unexpectedly he had such a high opinion of her.

"Why do you think you are not good enough?" Yun Su was a little puzzled, and he felt that he was not good enough.

"No one is perfect, I'm just talking casually, skip this topic." Yan Xi couldn't explain.

"Well, are you free recently? Do you need to go on a mission?" Yun Su asked, her birthday was two weeks away, and he wanted to spend her birthday with her.

"I don't know, I may not be free for a long time in the future." Yan Xi said intentionally or unintentionally, he entered the military region to take up a job, and if there is no special task, the working hours are generally stable, so he doesn't have to waste time waiting for her.

Yun Su was very understanding: "I understand."

Yan Xi: "..."

The two walked like this all morning until they finished lunch.

Yan Xi said that he wanted to go back to the hotel for an afternoon nap, so Yun Su sent her back.

When he walked to the door of the room, Yun Su looked at her reluctantly. It was rare that she was free, and he didn't want to be separated from her.

Yan Xi said, "Goodbye."

Yun Su hesitated to speak, and didn't say goodbye for a long time.

Yan Xi glanced at him: "What's wrong?"

Yun Su's eyes flashed. He used to think that some things should be realized in marriage, but she said that she would not consider getting married in the next five years, so he hoped to advance certain things.

Yun Su looked serious: "I want to take a nap with you."

Yan Xi: "..."

Seeing her strange expression, Yun Su realized that what he said just now seemed inappropriate, and he quickly explained: "It's just a nap, I have no other intentions. I'll come to you again in the afternoon, so I don't have to go back and forth."

Yan Xi said, "I forgot to tell you, I have to do something this afternoon, so you don't need to come find me."

Yun Su said, "Then I'll wait for you for dinner."

Yan Xi said, "I won't be back until very late, so you don't have to wait for me. I'm a little sleepy, bye."

Yun Su was a little disappointed: "Goodbye."

Yan Xi took out the room card and opened the door to enter the room.


(End of this chapter)

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