I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 670 Relationship Broken 04

Chapter 670 Relationship Broken 04
"What did you say?" Cheng Yuan suddenly became angry and looked at Yun Su sternly.

"Grandpa, I will marry her in the future." Yun Su was unwavering, and he could see that his grandpa's attitude was opposition, but this was his marriage, so he could only try his best to convince him.

"You can marry any woman, even if you want to marry a foreign woman, I can accept it, except that it can't be Yan Xi!" Cheng Yuan said without doubt.

"Why?" Yun Su was shocked and asked incomprehensibly.

"Do you know who she is? Do you know the relationship between her parents and your father?" Cheng Yuan asked sharply.

"I know, Uncle Nie told me." When he was ten years old, his father died while carrying out a mission. He only had a few memories of his father, but they were very deep.

"He must have something else that he didn't tell you. Do you know how your father died? At that time, your father was on a mission with words and words, and your father died protecting them! Your father will never come back, but they came back alive! "A trace of hatred flashed across Cheng Yuan's eyes.

Yun Su's heart trembled, he didn't know exactly how his father died, he only knew that his father died for the country.

The saddest thing about the death of his father was his mother and grandfather. At that time, his mother had been ill for several months, and he stayed by her bedside every day, for fear that her mother would leave him too.

However, no one wanted a tragedy to happen. The moment they received the mission, they put their lives at risk. The Cheng family had no reason to blame their father for making such a choice, whether he sacrificed his life for the country or sacrificed himself to save others.

"Grandpa, that was an accident and no one wanted it to happen."

"But it happened!" Cheng Yuan's eyes were full of grief. His second son died young, and the white-haired man gave away the black-haired man. Even after more than ten years, he still couldn't let go of it!

Yun Su was speechless for a while, he didn't understand why grandpa put his father's death on words and words, and even on Yan Xi, the culprits were those lawbreakers, those who killed his father.

"Grandpa, words and words also sacrificed their lives for the country. They are for the country just like my father, and they are equally worthy of respect."

"That's another matter! I will never allow Yan Xi to enter my Cheng family. If you want to marry her, unless I'm dead!" Cheng Yuan said word by word, without any leeway.

Yun Su was shocked, completely unexpected that his grandfather would threaten him with death, which put him in a dilemma in an instant.

"Grandpa, I can understand your grief, and I can understand your resentment of words and words for this."

Yun Su put himself in his shoes and thought that although he didn't have a child yet, if he lost a child, it would be extremely sad, more painful than losing his father and husband.

"However, I can't understand that this matter has nothing to do with Yan Xi. She lost her parents, so she is so innocent."

Cheng Yuan didn't want to hear these reasons, and asked, "Do you have to marry her?"

"Yes." Yun Su said firmly.

"You! She won't really marry you, it's all because of your own passion!" Cheng Yuan's face was livid, there was no such a coincidence, Yan Xi must have noticed something!You must approach your grandson with a purpose!

"Grandpa, why do you think so?" Yun Su was shocked, even though he didn't believe it, he still felt cold all over, she must like him too!

"I don't object to you marrying her, but I'm afraid..." Cheng Yuan suddenly had difficulty breathing, and his old hands covered his heart.

"Grandpa!" Yun Su immediately went to support Cheng Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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