I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 671 Relationship Broken 05

Chapter 671 Relationship Broken 05
Cheng Yuan's face was pale, his breathing became more and more difficult, and his body trembled and fell down.

"Doctor! Mom, call the doctor!" Yun Su yelled towards the door, put Cheng Yuan flat on the ground, and supported his back.

Cheng Yuan's throat tightened, he couldn't breathe, his consciousness gradually lost, his body began to convulse and convulse, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Yun Su's heart tightened, knowing that his grandfather had a heart attack, he quickly searched Cheng Yuan's pocket: "Grandpa, where is the medicine?"

Yun Su immediately found the medicine from Cheng Yuan's body, poured out a pill, put it in Cheng Yuan's mouth and swallowed it under his tongue.

The servant rushed over upon hearing the sound, and so did Cheng's mother and the family doctor.

The doctor asked everyone to back away, and he immediately gave first aid.

After Cheng Yuan took the medicine for two to three minutes, his symptoms were relieved and his breathing gradually became smoother.

After tossing for a while, they sent Cheng Yuan back to the room to rest, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor couldn't say anything, so he just told him again: "The old man hasn't had an illness for a long time, so he can't be stimulated anymore, he must keep calm."

Yun Su felt guilty, his grandfather had coronary heart disease, he shouldn't make him angry.

After the crowd dispersed, Cheng's mother called her son to the room, and her heart was always with her son.

"What happened just now?" Mother Cheng asked, the old man will not get sick for no reason.

"Mom, do you know about father and words?" Yun Su couldn't figure it out. Grandpa always understood righteousness, why he was so persistent in this matter, and it was already a matter of the previous generation. Why did Yan Xi get involved ?
Mother Cheng was taken aback for a moment, with a sad expression on her face, and after a long silence, she said, "What are you referring to?"

"Grandpa told me that my father died to protect words and words, is it true?" Yun Su still wanted to verify, even though he felt that it was not too important.

"After more than ten years, I don't want to pursue it anymore. I don't know what the real situation is. This is what words and words say. Besides, they have all passed away. It is pointless to say more."

At this moment, Cheng's mother remembered that she had hated words and words for almost ten years, maybe she was dark and selfish in her heart, until she learned that words and words were both dead, she no longer hated them.

"Mom, do you know they have a daughter?" Yun Su's expression was a little dignified.

"I know, what's the matter?" Mother Cheng looked at her son.

"Will you dislike her, or even... hate her?" Yun Su asked tentatively, would his mother also object?

"How come? Even if I hate words and words, I will never hate their daughter. This is our adult business, and has nothing to do with children. She should have grown up by now." Cheng's mother suddenly felt ashamed, and her words Her death dispelled her hatred, but she didn't know that their daughter had lost her parents.

"She has grown up. If I like her, if I want to marry her, will you accept it?" Yun Su's eyes were firm, and his tone was pleading.

Cheng's mother didn't realize it for a moment: "Son, don't you already have a girlfriend?"

Yun Su said seriously: "She is my girlfriend."

Cheng's mother was stunned, and it took a while to understand that her son's girlfriend is the daughter of words.

Cheng's mother smiled happily, and suddenly felt that she was destined, and said, "Of course I will accept it. You have never brought her back because you are afraid that I will not accept it?"

Yun Su's expression relaxed, fortunately his mother was so happy about it.

(End of this chapter)

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