I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 672 Relationship Broken 06

Chapter 672 Relationship Broken 06
Cheng's mother said: "I remember your father told me something at that time. They picked up a baby girl. Your father originally wanted to bring her back to be your sister, but he was snatched away by words, saying It’s better to be husband and wife than brothers and sisters.”

Yun Su was a little surprised, it turned out that there was such a thing, Yan Xi almost became his sister.

"I've never seen her before. What's her name? How is she doing now?" Mother Cheng's heart was a little heavy. She should have been only seventeen or eighteen years old when her words died. What about grown girls.

"Yan Xi, she's... fine now." Yun Su couldn't tell, he always felt that he couldn't peek into her heart, and she seemed indifferent to other things except for tasks. She liked to run, be quiet, and occasionally take a nap. Games, not so much like, as it is a habit.

"When will you bring her back and show me?" Mother Cheng asked with a smile.

"This is not the time yet." Yun Su's expression was gloomy, not to mention her grandfather's objection, she had no intention of doing so for the time being.

"Then when is the time?" Cheng's mother was a little impatient. Her son was 28 or 30, and to put it bluntly, he was almost [-] years old.

"Grandpa had a heart attack just now because he opposed me being with Yan Xi." Yun Su said.

"Why does your grandfather object?" Mother Cheng was puzzled.

"I don't know." Yun Su had no clue.

"Well, when your grandfather is in a good mood, I'll try to persuade him." Mother Cheng said, even though the old man cared about what happened back then, his words and words have passed away for so many years, so there is nothing he can't let go of.

"Mom, thank you." Yun Su looked at his mother, who never expected him to do much, and always hoped that he would be safe and happy.

"Thank you, mother and son." Cheng's mother was relieved that her son was the greatest comfort for the rest of her life.

The Cheng family is one of the most prestigious families in the capital. Although the Cheng family is kind and their descendants are almost all high-ranking, but because of this, she has no support from her husband, and her son is young, so she is alone and helpless.

No matter how good the Cheng family treated her, it was only for her husband's sake. She had no right to speak in the Cheng family. She could only be gentle and docile at all times, and be kind to others.

Because she has no power and money, and no power to make her speak loudly, she can only maintain her place by virtue.

"Son, you just have to coax your girlfriend home. No, don't go home yet. Your grandpa is not so easy to persuade." Cheng's mother was a little worried. The old man always said one thing, and she was not sure of persuasion, but this was her son's marriage , the old man can't interfere.

"Mom, you don't need to try to convince Grandpa, you can try to find out the reason." Yun Su said.

"Isn't it because of your father's death that your grandfather couldn't understand words and words, so he didn't accept Yan Xi." Cheng Mu said.

Yun Su frowned, he vaguely felt that his grandfather still had something to hide from him, and there was another reason for his grandfather's objection.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if your grandpa objects, this is your marriage, you decide by yourself. I'll send someone to clean your house in the city center, and you take your girlfriend there." Mother Cheng ordered, In the future, when my son gets married, he won't live here often. One is that it is inconvenient to go to work, and the other is that there are many things to do in Cheng's mansion.

No matter how kind people are, there will be some friction after getting along for a long time. Not everyone can be as "gentle and gentle" as her, and she doesn't want her daughter-in-law to be wronged.


(End of this chapter)

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