I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 675 Relationship Broken 09

Chapter 675 Relationship Broken 09
Yan Xi booked a plane ticket to Jingyang City tomorrow.

The next morning, Yan Xi took the plane back to Jingyang City.

Back at his familiar home, Yan Xi felt very comfortable. The house hadn't been cleaned for more than half a year, and it was covered in dust.

Yan Xi put down his luggage, it looks like he has to clean up all day today.

Jingyang City in early November was not too cold.

The boss hasn't assigned any tasks to her yet, so it looks like she will be on vacation for a while.

After finishing dinner at the restaurant outside, Yan Xi was about to go to the supermarket to buy something, but there was nothing in the refrigerator.

It was a bit cold at night, and the road in the old city was a bit dark.

Yan Xi suddenly sensed that someone was following her, she didn't look back, but made a detour, but the man still followed her.

She was very familiar with the roads around here, and suddenly hid in an alley, listening carefully for the footsteps outside.

Under the moonlight, I saw the shadow on the ground getting closer and closer to the entrance of the alley.

Yan Xi hid around the corner until the man came over, not sure if the man had a weapon in his hand, so she took the lead in grabbing the man's right hand.

The man's hand was in his pocket, Yan Xi dragged it out, and when he was about to raise the gun, Yan Xi bent his wrist in the opposite direction.

what!The man screamed in pain, the gun in his right hand fell to the ground, and his left hand immediately punched out.

The two immediately fought.

The man is ruthless, hitting Yan Xi's vitals directly.

After a few tricks, Yan Xi's expression changed slightly. The man in his 30s obviously had received professional training.

Yan Xi asked coldly, "Who are you?"

The man didn't speak, and tried to pick up the gun on the ground several times, but was stopped by Yan Xi.

Suddenly, three men appeared from the other end of the alley, all of them armed with guns, raised their guns and shot at Yan Xi.

With a bang, a bullet passed Yan Xi's side.

Immediately afterwards, there were several gunshots of bang bang bang.

Yan Xi cursed in his heart, pushed the man to block the bullet, and the man was shot instantly.

Yan Xi bent over and picked up the gun on the ground, dropped the man, and fled quickly.

The three men immediately chased after him, regardless of whether the man who was shot in the alley was alive or dead.

Yan Xi ran for dozens of meters, and when he ran into a turning intersection, he bumped into one.

"Ah!" The woman fell to the ground and got up clutching her abdomen.

Bang bang bang, the woman screamed in fright.

Yan Xi didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but when he heard the gunshot behind him, he worried that the bullet would hit the woman.

Yan Xi held the gun in one hand and dragged the woman up with the other.

With a bang, Yan Xi was shot in the right arm, and the woman screamed again.

Yan Xi dragged the woman behind a car and shouted in a low voice, "Get down!"

The woman was so frightened that she squatted on the ground subconsciously. She couldn't get down.

bang bang bang!Bullets hit the car.

Yan Xi lay on the ground and shot out from under the car, one of the men was shot in the leg.

Then Yan Xi quickly changed his position, shot from the side of the front of the car, and another man fell to the ground.

With the last one left, Yan Xi took a deep breath, stood up abruptly, took aim, and fired in one go.

The last one fell too.

The man who was shot in the leg just now was lying on the ground, raising the gun in his hand.

Yan Xi fired another shot, and the man stopped moving completely.

Yan Xi heaved a sigh of relief, and when he was about to go out to check on those men, he saw a woman lying on the ground trembling.

Yan Xi was inevitably taken aback. Was this woman shot?
"Send me to the hospital..." Su Qianqian said with difficulty, clutching her aching abdomen.

"Where is the injury?" Yan Xi immediately checked the woman, but found no wound, but saw that the woman's abdomen was protruding high.

Yan Xi's mind went blank for a moment, this woman was pregnant.

"Hang on, I'll take you to the hospital!" Yan Xi immediately picked up the woman and ran to the road.

There is no traffic on this road, and there is no waiting for a taxi in an instant.

Yan Xi stood on the driveway without hesitation.

Swipe!A car stopped in front of Yan Xi.

The driver opened the window, and when he was about to curse, Yan Xi had already walked to the door.

"The pregnant woman is injured, let me borrow your car to take her to the hospital! I will pay you!" Yan Xi said sincerely.

The driver saw Yan Xi holding a woman in his arms, and the woman's belly bulged.

The driver would not refuse to save her. He immediately opened the door and got out of the car to help put the pregnant woman in the back seat.

When the driver was about to return to the driver's seat, he saw Yan Xi sitting in the driver's seat.

"Get in the car! Please take care of the pregnant woman, I'll drive!" Yan Xi closed the driver's door.

"You are stealing the car!" The driver was furious.

"If you don't get in the car again, I will really grab the car." Yan Xi can drive away at any time.

Only then did the driver realize his situation. He was outside the car, so he immediately got into the back seat.

"Help the pregnant woman!" Yan Xi glanced at the driver.

The driver was a little angry, but he also cooperated with the safety of the pregnant woman.

With a sound of swiping, the car galloped away, and the speed soared all the way.

The driver was stunned. How many times was the speed limit on this road section?
The cold wind blowing in through the crack of the window completely messed up his hair.

until you pass through an intersection.

The driver lost his composure and screamed, "You ran a red light!"

Yan Xi said, "I know."

The driver was angry: "This is my car! I will be ticketed!"

Yan Xi said, "I know."

Yan Xi's speed was extremely fast, and now he went through another red light.

The driver was furious, but there was nothing he could do until the whistle sounded from behind.

The driver yelled: "There is a police car! Stop!"

Yan Xi not only did not stop, but also accelerated, throwing the police car far away.

The driver was terrified and looked at Yan Xi in disbelief, is this woman crazy?He has only seen the scene of racing with a police car on TV!

Finally saw the hospital.

The car stopped in front of the emergency center.

Yan Xi immediately got out of the car, picked up the woman, and rushed into the emergency room.

"Doctor! The pregnant woman is injured!" Yan Xi shouted.

Two nurses immediately pushed over to the hospital bed and helped to put Su Qianqian on the bed. Su Qianqian was already dying of pain.

A female doctor came: "Where is the pregnant woman injured?"

Yan Xi said, "The abdomen!"

The doctor rolled his eyes and checked the patient's abdomen. It seemed that he was full term.

"Are you a family member of the patient? Inform her husband that she may be giving birth!"

"I'm not a family member. She should have a mobile phone and ID with her." Yan Xi rummaged through the woman's pockets and found the mobile phone and wallet.

Take out the ID card in the wallet, Su Qianqian, 25 years old.

Yan Xi checked the phone's address book, but he didn't find the husband's note name, but a mother's note.

I called my mother's number, but it didn't answer until the phone rang.

Looking in the address book again, I saw a series of familiar numbers.

Note the name President Gu?

She was a little impressed by this number.

(End of this chapter)

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