I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 680 Encountered Hunting 04

Chapter 680 Encountered Hunting 04
Yan Xi returned home and contacted the local Interpol Huaguo Center Branch, and learned that the four killers had been transferred tonight, and they didn't know if they were dead or alive, and only collected blood samples from the ground.

It was dark at the time, but she vaguely knew that if two of the killers were hit at the vital points, if they were not treated in time, they would probably die, and the other two killers were only incapacitated, so as long as they didn't lose too much blood, they shouldn't die.

When the local Interpol arrived, they didn't find any people or bodies, so someone must have moved them.

Who is going to kill her?
Based on her missions over the years, many criminals escaped, but most of the main criminals were caught.

Who would go to such lengths to hire a killer to hunt her down?
How did he know that she was in Jingyang City?

The next morning, when her boss, Mr. Carney, learned of the incident, he told her to go back to Lyon temporarily if necessary, because her situation may be very dangerous now.

Yan Xi is considering whether to go to Lyon, after all, she has no clue now, and she is in a situation where the enemy knows the enemy.

At this time, suddenly received a strange call.

Yan Xi picked up the phone and answered the call, waiting for the other party to speak.

"Do you know how much your life is worth?" In a playful tone.

"What do you mean?" Yan Xi recognized the other party's voice, and he was a little surprised that it was Yi Shuihan.

"Someone bought your life, I took it, and I will kill you within seven days. Unexpectedly, your life is quite valuable."

"Who?" Yan Xi's face changed slightly. Yi Shuihan is a fickle person. Even if Yi Shuihan told her, it doesn't mean that Yi Shuihan won't kill her. looking at her.

"I also want to ask who you offended. You don't know yourself, and I don't know even more. If you give me the same price, I can help you kill the other party." According to her mood.

"How much?" Yan Xi asked, Yi Shuihan is a figure on the list of killers, and he knows a lot of inside stories in the killer world, so maybe he can find out who bought her life.

"5000 million." Yi Shuihan thought to himself, but Yan Xi's life was not worth the price at all, so she guessed that Yan Xi had some important clues about someone.

"Then you should kill me." Yan Xi really couldn't come up with 5000 million.

"I'll give you a [-]% discount."

"Even if you give me a discount, I have no money." Yan Xi is not stingy, but she really has no money. After working for so many years, she has not made much money. It is all the money left by her parents .

"I knew your life was worthless." Yi Shuihan was a little angry, Yan Xi didn't even give 500 million?

"I don't need you to kill the other party, help me find out who it is, and I'll give you 100 million." Yan Xi said, this was already the highest price she could give.

"100 million? Are you kidding?" Yi Shuihan sneered.

"I'm serious." Yan Xi's tone was gloomy, she didn't even want to give 100 million!

"Forget it, I don't want your money, it's like repaying your life." Yi Shuihan said, once Yanxi saved her life, she doesn't like to owe favors.

"Yes." Yan Xi responded.

After hanging up, Yan Xi was a little worried. Yi Shuihan didn't know that she was working for Interpol, and Yi Shuihan was an internationally wanted criminal.

Yi Shuihan was originally a killer in an international killer organization. She was investigating the organization at the time. Yi Shuihan planned to betray the organization and secretly provided information to the police. After the organization collapsed, Yi Shuihan disappeared without a trace.

Although she did not agree with Yi Shuihan's behavior, she did not report Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan is very principled and only kills treacherous people.She didn't think Yi Shuihan's approach was correct, but she couldn't think it was wrong either.


(End of this chapter)

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