I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 681 Encountered Hunting 05

Chapter 681 Encountered Hunting 05
The next day, the comparison and analysis of the blood samples collected by the Interpol Huaguo Jingyang City Branch showed some clues.

The blood sample of one of the killers was matched. Chen Xing, 35 years old, from Qizhou City, Chen Xing escaped and has not been arrested so far.

Yan Xi retrieved the information, this is Hua Guo's case, she was not involved in it, who asked Chen Xing to kill her?
A few days later, I received a call from Yi Shuihan.

"Wei Ke, 45 years old, from Qizhou City, the owner of the Jindian Nightclub in Qizhou City, he has hired assassins to assassinate certain people many times through the assassin's website, and you are just one of them."

Hearing this, Yan Xi found that Wei Ke and Chen Xing were both in Qizhou City, and they got in touch. She didn't know Wei Ke, so she guessed that Wei Ke was ordered by someone. Although she didn't know who was going to kill her, at least there was someone The clue is gone.

I searched Wei Ke's information. Wei Ke's native place is Fushan. He came to Qizhou City five years ago and opened a Jindian Bar. In just two or three years, it became the largest nightclub in Qizhou City.

No photos of Wei Ke can be found. Wei Ke himself is extremely low-key and rarely shows his face. He got married at the age of 40 and his son is only four years old.

Wei Ke is originally from Fushan, but there is no information about him in Fushan, only a remote rural address.

Check the rural address again. This village was expropriated by the government 15 years ago. Now it has become a town, so it is difficult to trace it.

Wei Ke's information is too vague, why did he come to Qizhou City five years ago, where he has the money to open a bar, and developed the bar into a nightclub within a period of time.

Wei Ke hired Yi Shuihan to kill her within seven days. If she is still alive after seven days, Wei Ke should continue to hire a killer to hunt her down.

That is to say, within these seven days, she should be safe for the time being.

So we must find the person behind the scenes who instructed Wei Ke to kill her as soon as possible.

Yan Xi thought for a while, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Uncle Nie, good morning, excuse me now?"

"Don't bother me, good morning." Nie Shen was a little surprised, Yan Xi rarely took the initiative to call him.

"I want to ask you for help with something." Yan Xi stated his intention directly. This is Huaguo, and he has been waiting for Interpol to obtain information for too long.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Nie Shen was very happy.

"Wei Ke, from Qizhou City, the owner of Qizhou Jindian Nightclub, I want to know his information, especially the fund account information, and try to investigate secretly." Yan Xi said, Wei Ke was ordered to kill her, and he will definitely collect money , or get any benefits.

"Okay, what happened?" Nie Shen was a little puzzled, why did he investigate secretly?About the task?

"I don't want to say it for now."

"It's okay, wait for me for a while." After Nie Shen hung up, he found his cronies to check. It is not difficult for him to check a person's account information.

Within half a day, Nie Shen sent the message to Yan Xi.

Seeing Wei Ke's ID photo, he had a very ordinary face.

Wei Ke's nightclub has no problems, pays taxes and accepts inspections on time.

He has an overseas account, and the fund situation cannot be found, so it should be paid to Yi Shuihan with the funds in this account.

His income and expenses in several private accounts are also normal. One of the accounts is transferred to a person whose account name is Zhu Xiu almost every month. Compared with him, the amount of money transferred is not much. Three to forty thousand yuan.

What is the relationship between Zhu Xiu and Wei Ke?Why does Wei Ke give her money every month?
(End of this chapter)

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