I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 683 Encountered Hunting 07

Chapter 683 Encountered Hunting 07
The time period of committing the crime was from five years ago to 30 years ago, and he has not been arrested yet. He is currently about 40 years old, male, and his surname is Du.

Because Wei Ke and Du Jieyi look somewhat similar, it is basically possible to rule out Wei Ke's plastic surgery.

Then all the criminals with photos were excluded, and now there were only about [-] suspicious characters left, including murderers, drug dealers, thieves, terrorists and so on.

Yan Xi looked at and checked them one by one.

Yan Xi paused when he saw a person named Du Hui. She had been involved in this case.

The information shows that Du Hui is dead. As early as 13 years ago, Du Hui followed Li Xiaotian to smuggle arms and drugs in the country.

But ten years ago, she was still in middle school, had no contact with this case, and did not participate in domestic investigations.

Yan Xi sorted out his thoughts.

13 years ago, Li Xiaotian smuggled arms and drugs in the country. The person who took over the case 11 years ago was Cheng Yuan. Ten years ago, Li Xiaotian moved to the Middle East. In addition to Cheng Yuan’s retirement, the National Security Bureau sent her parents to the Middle East to investigate. Later, her parents’ identities were exposed. shot dead.

Nine years ago, she went to the capital to attend her parents' funeral full of hatred, and only then did she formally meet Nie Shen.

Also met a person who gave her a chance to revenge, Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan took the initiative to find her and asked her if she wanted revenge. At that time, she completely lost her mind because of hatred, and only revenge was in her heart.

So, Cheng Yuan let her join the Interpol, and a year later she used Sylvia's identity to go to the Middle East, trying to get close to Li Xiaotian.

At that time, she knew that she was just Cheng Yuan's informant, but she didn't care, she only wanted Li Xiaotian to pay the price.

If Du Hui hadn't died, but Li Xiaotian's case had been closed, and it had been ten years, who would kill her?
If Du Hui is Wei Ke, then only Wei Ke knows all this.

In fact, he could force Zhu Xiu to find out Wei Ke's real identity, but Yan Xi didn't want to startle the snake, as there was someone behind Wei Ke.

Time was running out, so Yan Xi immediately went to Qizhou City to investigate Wei Ke.

Going to Qizhou City, Yan Xi didn't go directly to Wei Ke, but rented a car.

It is said that Wei Ke doesn't come to the nightclub often, but only occasionally to check it out.

After finding Wei Ke's address, Yan Xi put on a black windbreaker and a hat.

Driving to the vicinity of Wei Ke's house, Yan Xi parked the car by the side of the road and took pictures of Wei Ke and his family with his mobile phone.

Finally, I saw Wei Ke himself. He was tall and ordinary-looking, but at first glance he knew he was a Lianjiazi.

His wife is very young and beautiful, and his son is only four years old.


It has been almost seven days since Yi Shuihan received the order, and Yan Xi has no time to investigate further. If she is not dead, the other party should attack again.

Yan Xi investigated Wei Ke's daily itinerary.

Wei Ke's lifestyle is very regular. He spends most of his time at home and rarely participates in social activities. Except for work in nightclubs, he usually goes to massage rooms and fitness rooms.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Wei Ke came out of the massage room and went to the parking lot to pick up his car.

Wei Ke took out the car key and pressed it, unlocked the car with a beep, opened the door and sat in the driver's seat.

When he closed the car door and was about to start the car, something cold hit the back of his head.

Wei Ke didn't dare to move for a moment, because he knew exactly what was on the back of his head.

"Raise your hands." Yan Xi sat in the back seat. According to Wei Ke's reaction, Wei Ke should be very familiar with guns and extremely calm.

Wei Ke slowly raised his hands and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

Yan Xi didn't answer, but just picked up the rope and tied his hands to the pillow on the back of the chair. He had no chance to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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