I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 684 Encountered Hunting 08

Chapter 684 Encountered Hunting 08
Yan Xi put on his hat and raised his head to look at Wei Ke in the car mirror.

At the same time, Wei Ke also saw her through the interior mirror. Although the interior of the car was a bit dark, he still recognized her.

Wei Ke's eyes were full of disbelief and shock. He had asked the top killer in the killer world to kill her. How did she find him?
Yan Xi took out his phone and showed him the photos, his wife and four-year-old son, as well as Zhu Xiu and Du Jieyi.

Wei Ke's expression changed suddenly, completely unexpected that the other party knew his details and threatened him with his family.

"Aren't you going to tell me something?" Yan Xi kept holding up his phone, letting him look at the photos.

"What do you want to know?" Wei Ke's tone was full of helplessness and remorse.

"Everything!" Yan Xi's voice was cold.

"I just want to live in peace. I don't want to kill you at all. I'm just forced. If I tell you, can you let me go?" Wei Ke asked pleadingly.

"If I don't let you go, I'll let the police arrest you." Yan Xi said, she didn't let the police intervene, because it's easy to get Wei Ke convicted, but Wei Ke might not say anything If he is behind the scenes, then she can only use some unconventional methods, such as threatening him with family members.

Wei Ke lowered his head, and finally said, "It was Cheng Yuan who asked me to kill you."

Yan Xi froze for a moment, he couldn't believe what he heard, Cheng Yuan?She couldn't figure out why Cheng Yuan wanted to kill her!
When she was in Interpol before, when she was carrying out the task of Li Xiaotian's case, she only occasionally provided him with some information. She had no enmity with Cheng Yuan, and she didn't have anything against Cheng Yuan.

Yan Xi stared at Wei Ke sharply. She wasn't sure whether Wei Ke was Du Hui before, but now she was absolutely sure that Wei Ke was Du Hui!

Cheng Yuan even covered Du Hui and created signs of suspended animation for Du Hui.

"What else?" Yan Xi was full of doubts, why did Cheng Yuan kill her?
"Back when your parents found out the evidence of Cheng Yuan and Li Xiaotian's collusion, he sent someone to kill your parents. Now he is afraid that you will get revenge, so he ordered me to kill you. I don't want to participate in the incident at all, please let me go. "Wei Ke's face was full of sadness, Cheng Yuan had grasped his handle, so he could only obey Cheng Yuan.Cheng Yuan was over seventy years old, and he was looking forward to Cheng Yuan's death every day, or someone killed Cheng Yuan, so that he could feel at ease.

Yan Xi was cold and stiff all over, did Cheng Yuan send someone to kill her parents?The fire of hatred that had been extinguished now surged like a flood of beasts, drowning her mind and reason!
There was a hole in the windshield of the car.

Wei Ke's head drooped weakly, and there was a blood hole between his eyebrows, and blood flowed down.

bang bang bang!The sound of gunfire alarmed the entire parking lot, and the bullets kept hitting the car.

Yan Xi bent down instantly, and saw a car coming from the front, two men raised their guns, and shot from the windows on both sides.

Yan Xi's mind was buzzing, she felt that she had become a devil, let her have no fear of bullets, no fear of death.

After unlocking the doors on both sides, Yan Xi pushed open the door on the right with one hand.

bang bang bang!The bullets all hit the right side door.

Yan Xi instantly got out of the car from the left door and hid in the car parked beside him.

There were a lot of parked cars blocking the way, and the man's car couldn't drive in. In addition, the parking lot was a bit dark, so Yan Xi was nowhere to be seen.

At this time, the siren of a police car was heard, and the man driving cursed and immediately drove away from the parking lot.


(End of this chapter)

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