I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 685 Encountered Hunting 09

Chapter 685 Encountered Hunting 09
According to political and legal news, Wei Ke, the owner of Jindian Nightclub in Qizhou City, was shot and killed. The murderer has not yet been found.After repeated investigations by the police, Wei Ke, whose real name is Du Hui, smuggled arms and drugs 13 years ago and was an accomplice of drug lord Li Xiaotian, escaped the police by feigning death and changing his name.At present, the police are investigating the assets of Jindian Nightclub and Wei Ke.

Nie Shen couldn't help but feel surprised, unexpectedly involved in the case of Li Xiaotian, who killed Wei Ke?
Nie Shen was a little worried and immediately called Yan Xi.

"Yan Xi, Wei Ke was shot and died."

"I know, I was at the scene. Uncle Nie, do me a favor, I need all the files about Li Xiaotian's case."

"I'll find you right away." Although Nie Shen didn't know what happened, he believed in Yan Xi.

"Keep it secret, don't let anyone know, even Yun Su. Uncle Nie, I only trust you."

"Okay." Nie Shen agreed without hesitation, and his heart was a little touched. Only then did her last sentence make him feel his presence.

However, Nie Shen was a little worried. It seemed that this matter was not easy.

"Why did Wei Ke die suddenly? Who killed him?" He just gave Yan Xi the information about Wei Ke, and Wei Ke was killed.

"I don't know." Yan Xi said, she didn't dare to conclude without sufficient evidence!
"Yan Xi, where are you?" Nie Shen guessed in his heart that Wei Ke was silenced, and if Yan Xi investigated this case, he might be in danger.

"I can't tell you for now." Yan Xi said apologetically.

"Then be careful and call me if you need anything." Nie Shen urged.

"Well, thank you, Uncle Nie." Yan Xi could only express gratitude.

After hanging up, not long after, I received an electronic file from Nie Shen.

Yan Xi calmed down, changed his identity again, and went to the place where Li Xiaotian committed crimes in China.

If Wei Ke hadn't been killed, she might not have believed Wei Ke's words.

But Wei Ke was killed on the spot, she had every reason to believe what Wei Ke said was true!


November tenth.

It hasn't snowed yet in the capital, but it's cold and dry.

The Cheng family mansion.

Last night, Cheng Yuan suddenly fell ill, and everyone in the Cheng family was shocked. This month, the old man had two sick attacks. The old man is already old, which inevitably makes people worry.

Mother Cheng called her son to the room.

"What's the matter recently?" Cheng's mother looked at her son worriedly. Although her son was usually a little silent, as a mother, she could tell at a glance that her son was in a bad mood.

"Mom, if I give up my post in the military region, will you blame me?" Yun Su's eyes were full of apology.

"Why did you give up?" Cheng's mother was surprised. After so many years of hard work, her son almost lost his left leg. Isn't it for this?
"I have my reasons." When he was young, he thought about becoming an architect, but he knew it was impossible. He had a family spirit in his bones and had a family mission. He had to join the army or go into politics.

However, now his thoughts have been shaken, he has someone he yearns for even more, and he can't let her go.

Cheng's mother had mixed feelings. She never wanted her son to join the army. She only had one son. If something happened to his son, she would die.

But being born in Cheng's family, she understands the decision of her husband and son. She must have the spirit of serving the country loyally and the responsibility of honoring her family. She must break out in the military and political circles.

Now her son suddenly said to give up, she supported his decision, but the Cheng family didn't allow it.

(End of this chapter)

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