I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 686 Encountered Hunting 10

Chapter 686 Encountered Hunting 10
"Of course I won't blame you, but will the old man, uncle, uncle, and even the entire Cheng family allow it?" Cheng's mother was worried. If there was a quarrel because of this, how would her son gain a foothold in the capital in the future?
"I don't know, but I will choose according to my own way." Yun Su's tone was firm, and no one could stop him if something happened.

"Well, Mom supports you." Cheng's mother smiled knowingly, she didn't want her son to choose life passively, she hoped that his son could decide his own life.

"Mom, thank you." Yun Su became more determined in his mind. In Cheng's family, only his mother and grandfather could influence his decision, and his mother always supported him so selflessly.

"Thank you, mother and son. By the way, why don't you go out recently? Isn't Yan Xi in the capital?" Cheng's mother asked, she had never seen Yan Xi, and she really wanted to.

"Not here." Yun Su looked a little sad.

"You are free now, you can go to Jingyang City to find her." Cheng Mu said, the transportation is convenient now, and it is not troublesome to fly.

"Besides." Yun Su said, she was no longer in Huachao Hotel, he didn't know where she had gone.

"Are you worried about your grandpa's objection? I haven't told the old man about it yet. He seems to be in a bad mood recently, and he has been ill twice." Cheng's mother frowned. She didn't dare to say it at this time, in case the old man got sick again If she did, she would become a sinner through the ages.

"Mom, you don't need to say it, I will say it myself." Yun Su said, if grandpa firmly opposes it, it is useless for anyone to say, besides, if he wants to resign from the military region, it means disobedience to grandpa, and even everyone will oppose him .


Not long ago, in mid-November, the capital ushered in the first snow of this winter.

Yun Su prepared a birthday present, and he didn't work up the courage to call her until it was approaching her birthday.

A harsh ringtone came from the phone.

It seemed that after waiting for a long time, the phone was connected, but both of them were silent.

Finally, Yun Su spoke first: "Yan Xi, I want to see you."

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi's voice was unusually calm, without any emotion.

"I just want to see you. If you are inconvenient, I can find you. Where are you?" Yun Su felt a little nervous, afraid that she would refuse.

"I'm in the capital." Yan Xi just got off the plane and arrived in the capital, and hasn't gone to the hotel yet.

"Can I go to see you?" Yun Su's tone couldn't hide his expectation. Before she left Huachao Hotel, he thought she had left the capital, but she was still there.

Yan Xi was silent for a long time, she didn't know how to face him, did he know nothing?


"Where are you? I can find you." Yun Su finally relaxed, she was willing to see him.

"No, just make an appointment, near the skating rink, you can wait for me there, okay?"

"Yes." Yun Su was a little surprised. They used to go there for a walk.

After hanging up the line, Yan Xi was not in a hurry to go to the skating rink, but went to the hotel to settle down first. Instead of choosing Huachao Hotel, he chose another hotel and checked in with a different identity.

It was still early, Yan Xi changed into a suit of clothes and put on a black overcoat before going out.

First I went to a place to get a gun, hid the gun on my body, and then went to the skating rink by car.

There was a snowfall in the capital a few days ago, and there is sunshine today.

The water on the skating rink began to freeze, and there were many people walking in the nearby open space.

(End of this chapter)

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