687 Chapter 01
Yan Xi watched the hidden place outside for a while, saw him standing there from a distance, and knew that he had been waiting for a long time.

It was getting late, Yan Xi just walked over.

Yun Su waited for more than three hours, the wait was always extremely long, he was even afraid that she would not come, until her figure came into his sight, the anxiety in his heart was swept away.

Can't wait for her to come over, he has already hurried forward and walked up to her.

The two looked at each other silently.

Yun Su has been looking at her. It's only been half a month since she left, but he feels that it's been longer than any previous separation. He misses her every moment.

Yan Xi had no expression on his face, and suppressed the raging hatred in his heart. She came to him with precaution and vigilance. She would not test anyone's humanity, because human nature often cannot stand the test, including herself.

"Why don't we take a walk around here." Yun Su spoke first, he had never felt that he was so inarticulate.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Yan Xi couldn't be gentle, his tone was extremely cold.

A trace of sadness flashed in Yun Su's eyes. No matter what, at least she was willing to come to see him today, and he still had hope in his heart. He didn't admit that he had broken up with her, and he didn't agree.

"Yan Xi, let's not break up, give me a chance."

"Sorry, I can never be with you, and you can never be with me." Yan Xi looked at him with complicated eyes. She never understood why Cheng Yuan waited until now to kill her. Seeing Yun Su now , she may understand.

"If it's because of the problems you mentioned before, I can solve all the problems, I won't serve in the military region, I can continue to be an architect..." Yun Su explained eagerly, he was planning his and her life.

"No need!" Yan Xi interrupted him violently.

Yun Su looked at her in bewilderment, she refused too firmly, which made him feel icy cold.

"Yan Xi, we obviously like each other, everything is fine, I don't think these problems are problems at all..."

"It has nothing to do with these issues." Yan Xi said coldly, this is not a problem between her and him, but a hatred between her and Cheng Yuan!
"...What do you mean?" Yun Su didn't know why, looking at her cold eyes, he couldn't read the emotion in her eyes, he had never seen her make him...shocked so much.

"It's absolutely impossible for me and you, don't talk about this topic anymore, it's meaningless." But she didn't dare to say that she regretted being with him back then, maybe because of him, she learned the truth!

Yun Su felt icy all over, and she in front of him made him feel strange and heartless, how could she think it was meaningless?Has she forgotten everything about them?
"Sorry, goodbye." Yan Xi didn't say goodbye, because it was very likely that we would never see each other again.

Yun Su immediately stopped her: "Yan Xi, wait a minute!"

Yan Xi paused.

"Tomorrow is your birthday, can we meet?" Yun Su stared at her, he had already prepared a gift.

"It's impossible for us." Yan Xi's voice was hoarse, his ignorance and sincerity made her a little suffocated.

"Then let's just be ordinary friends, okay?" Yun Su made a last resort, he could use time to impress her.

"Yun Su, I'm sorry." Yan Xi passed him resolutely, walking away step by step, he soon knew it was impossible.

There was nothing in Yun Su's eyes, and the footsteps behind him became farther and farther away, and finally disappeared completely.

(End of this chapter)

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