695 Chapter 09
This morning, Yan Xi received a message, which she had expected and been waiting for.

But at this moment, she is still a little... difficult to face.

Yan Xi put on a black overcoat and went out.

The sky was a bit gloomy, Yan Xi took a taxi to the old industrial area on the outskirts, this area has been deserted, only a few abandoned factories.

A dilapidated factory, one side of the wall has been broken, the ground is covered with dust and waste, a warning sign is erected outside, this abandoned factory is in danger of collapsing, and entry is prohibited.

Yan Xi gathered his overcoat, walked into the factory building, and walked up the dilapidated stairs to the third floor.

It was snowing outside, and the factory was empty and silent, as if the only sound was her footsteps.

When Yan Xi walked around the corner, he suddenly pointed a gun at her. She subconsciously turned her head to avoid it, and at the same time grabbed the opponent's wrist, bending his wrist in the opposite direction.

With a snap, the gun fell to the ground.

Each other has seen each other, but did not stop.

Yun Su shot again, intending to restrain her.

Yan Xi immediately struck back, and the two immediately started fighting, with every punch and kick full of emotions such as anger, sadness, and hatred.

"What happened that day?" Yun Su had too much grief and doubts in his eyes. He was looking forward to spending her birthday with her that day, but he never expected that it would be the anniversary of his grandfather's death.

Yan Xi couldn't explain, the only answer he had was fists.

Yun Su held her fist. She was not his opponent, but he didn't want to hurt her. He still believed in her. That day was just an accident!
"Why? Why did my grandfather fall to the ground and die, but you have a gun?"

"Because he wants to kill me!" Yan Xi said coldly.

"Impossible!" Yun Su said subconsciously, and pushed her away violently.

Yan Xi was caught off guard, fell a few meters away, and fell to the ground. She stood up indifferently, took off her coat and threw it aside.

Yan Xi raised her head slowly, as if a flame of anger rose from her black eyes, she walked over step by step, staring into his eyes.

"Nothing is impossible!" Yan Xi punched back mercilessly.

In an instant, the two fought with bare hands again.

The two are facing each other with fists and kicks, you come and go, as if they are venting each other's emotions.

"My grandpa suffers from coronary heart disease, why did he drop his medicine on the stone steps?" Every time Yun Su recalled this scene, he felt extremely condemned in his heart. Why didn't she save his grandpa at that time?

"Because I kicked his medicine away." Yan Xi admitted frankly.

"Why?! Even though my grandpa intends to kill you, he has already fallen to the ground. He has no power to fight back. Why don't you save him?!" Yun Su's eyes seemed to be blinded by sadness and hatred, and he grabbed her arm, and threw her out of the way.

Yan Xi knocked down on the corner of the wall with a bang, the pain in her body had already made her numb, she picked up the wooden stick next to her, got up and rushed over.

"Then who will save my parents?!" Every word Yan Xi said was resounding, and he swung his stick to strike.

"What did you say?" Yun Su raised his hand to resist the wooden stick, and the wooden stick hit him hard on the arm, causing the whole hand bone to vibrate, and the severe pain spread all over his body, but it was not as good as what she said brought him impact.

"Back then Cheng Yuan sent people to kill my parents!" Yan Xi had no choice but to speak out. She didn't want Yun Su to know about the grievances between her and Cheng Yuan, so that all hatred would end in Haimi Mountain, but unexpectedly Yun Su appeared .

"No! Impossible!" Yun Su couldn't believe it, he held the stick with his backhand, grabbed the stick and threw it out.

Yan Xi lost his weapon, so he threw his legs and swept him down.

When Yun Su fell, he grabbed her arm and fell to the ground with her.

The two wrestled on the ground.

"You must have made a mistake, this must be a misunderstanding!" Yun Su overwhelmed Yan Xi with the advantage of strength, his face was full of panic and persistence, and his eyes fixed on her angry face.

"There is no misunderstanding!" Yan Xi punched him in the face.

Yun Su froze, he was punched hard on the face, his mind was buzzing, no!This must be a misunderstanding!

Yan Xi took the opportunity to turn over and overwhelm him, looked at him condescendingly, and said, "Yun Su, don't ask again, there is no misunderstanding. I admit that I deliberately murdered Cheng Yuan, but he also admitted that he deliberately murdered my parents. He is willing to accept the punishment of death." .”

"No! No! I don't believe it! You must be lying!" Yun Su suddenly raised his fist and punched her on the forehead.

Yan Xi fell backwards, straight on the cold ground, her forehead was instantly red and swollen, which made her dizzy.

Yun Su stood upright, his stiff body trembling slightly, his red eyes full of fear and helplessness, his grandfather devoted his whole life to serving the country with integrity, how could he intentionally murder her parents?
Enduring the severe pain, Yan Xi stood up and moved the muscles of his arms. If it was a single fight, she was not Yun Su's opponent. He had already shown mercy. If he really wanted to fight, she would not be able to stand up now.

"Impossible, my grandfather has no reason to murder your parents!" Yun Su's tone was extremely firm.

"You shouldn't know that Cheng Yuan exchanged his death for the secret of the burial, and he didn't want you to know! You shouldn't have come that day!" Yan Xi said, this matter had nothing to do with Yun Su.

"But I'm here! Tell me everything! Otherwise, I will arrest you for murder!" Yun Su walked up to her and said word by word.

"You won't do that." Yan Xi said firmly.

"I will!" Yun Su shot out instantly, intending to catch her.

Yan Xi fought back, and now the two fought again.

This time Yun Su didn't show mercy, and after only two or three minutes of fighting, Yan Xi was already a little overwhelmed, and received a few hard punches on his body.

"Yan Xi! Tell me!" Yun Su looked at her pleadingly, he didn't believe it.

"You don't want to know, you will regret it." Yan Xi was in a struggle, she didn't want him to know, but if he didn't give him the result, he might not give up.

"I don't want to be kept in the dark, maybe all this is just a misunderstanding!" Yun Su's eyes were filled with love and hate, otherwise he would not be able to forgive her for killing Grandpa, and he would not be able to forgive himself for letting her go!
"There is no misunderstanding! Don't ask any more!" Yan Xi punched him hard and dragged him down with all his strength.

The two fell to the ground and wrestled again. Their bodies were already covered with large and small bruises, but they seemed to have lost the sense of physical pain, only the anger and pain in their hearts.

Yan Xi was out of breath and temporarily suppressed him.

Yun Su was full of unrelieved emotions, his chest heaved and fell, and sweat fell from his forehead. He was so powerful that he broke free from her grasp in an instant when he erupted, and threw her out violently.

Yan Xi slid across the rough ground, drawing a bloodstain on her chin, and finally hit the stone pillar, causing her to be unable to stand up for a while due to the pain.

"Hey man, is this how you treat ladies?" At this moment, an arrogant female voice came.

A woman stands at the foot of the stairs, she is wearing a long black trench coat, a wide hat, and a butterfly mask that covers most of her face, only her lips and chin are exposed, she holds a gun in her hand, the gun Pointing at Yunsu.

Yun Su stood still, took a sharp look at the woman, then stared at Yan Xi all the time, seeing her jaw was bleeding, his eyes were full of remorse and worry.

"Don't shoot!" Yan Xi looked at Yi Shuihan warningly.

"You lost, I can only use other methods to solve it." Yi Shuihan narrowed his eyes, it was this man who took Cheng Yuan away that day!

"He is from the Cheng family, the grandson of Cheng Yuan." Yan Xi helped the stone pillar to get up, picked up the coat on the ground and put it on.

Yi Shuihan's face changed slightly, her principle is to try not to deal with political figures, because it's troublesome!
Yan Xi looked at Yun Su and said, "It's a foregone conclusion, so what if you know the reason."

"I don't believe it, it must be a misunderstanding. I have to know the truth, at all costs!" Yun Su couldn't accept everything she said. Maybe grandpa hated words and words and didn't like Yan Xi, but how could grandpa murder words and words? Will you kill her?
Only when the misunderstanding is resolved, can he forgive himself and her, and then he can be with her again. He doesn't want to lose her. They are clearly lovers, how can they become enemies and enemies.

Yan Xi was silent, she knew Yun Su's character well, he was so resolute, strong, persistent, and at the same time so upright and unyielding.

"No matter what you know, please don't blame yourself, regret, or be stubborn. You don't need to be entangled, worried, or struggling about it, because I didn't want to tell anyone. I don't need to tell you, and Cheng Yuan doesn't want you to know."

Yun Su's heart is full of unsolvable questions, and at the same time, full of fear of the truth. Every day, he struggles between the death of his grandfather and the intertwined love and hatred for her. Does the truth make him more painful than this?
Yan Xi kept looking at him, and asked, "Are you still looking for the reason?"

"At all costs." Yun Su was still so resolute. In fact, he had already decided deep down in his heart that he would rather know the cruel truth than live in ignorance and confusion for the rest of his life.

Yan Xi took out a recording pen from his pocket and threw it to him.

Yun Su reached out to catch it, holding the small recording pen in his hand, but it weighed a thousand catties.

"There is no copy, this recorder is the only one." Yan Xi lied, she never tested human nature, so she kept a copy, hoping that she would never use it.

Yun Su's heart tightened, as if some scourge was about to break free. Is all the truth in this recorder?

Yan Xi turned around and left decisively. In the end, he became a passer-by in her life, and she also became a passer-by in his life.

Yun Su stared at her back in disappointment, he wanted to keep her, but he didn't know how to keep her.

Until her figure completely disappeared from his sight, a panic suddenly appeared in his heart, as if he had completely lost her.

It was still snowing heavily outside, and the surrounding was quiet and terrifying.

Yun Su stood like a stiff sculpture. After a long time, he exhausted all his courage and pressed the button of the recording pen.

The faint but audible sound of footsteps was her footsteps, and then she should have stopped, very quiet.

After a while, his familiar voice played.

"Aren't you afraid to see me?"

Yun Su fell into an ice cave, it was Grandpa's voice, and every sentence in the following conversation broke his faith and firmness.

The sound of gunshots was broadcast, and he had heard countless gunshots that he had personally experienced, but it was not as frightening as the gunshots played at this moment.

I don't know how long it has passed, but this conversation seems to be as long as a century.

Until the last sentence, it was his voice, he was calling grandpa.

Yun Su seemed to have been drained of all his strength, this was the truth, what happened in the pine forest pavilion.

The truth he demanded at all costs just now seemed so ridiculous and ashamed.

She said, I just want to vent my hatred in a way.

She took revenge in the most gentle way.

This recording pen is enough to put grandpa in jail and ruin his reputation, and it is enough to ruin the century-old Cheng family's reputation.

She said, no matter what you know, please don't blame yourself, regret, and be stubborn, and don't need to be entangled, worried, or struggling about it.

Yun Su's thoughts were all hopeless, he thought that the truth could resolve everything, but unexpectedly, it made him fall into even heavier shackles.

He shoulders the Cheng family's reputation, future, inheritance, and everyone in the Cheng family.

Between her and the Cheng family, he could only choose the Cheng family and destroy the recording pen.

However, in this way, he is so selfish, hypocritical, and perverting the law, how should he face her?What right does he have to be with her?

Yan Xi and Yi Shuihan walked out of the factory, this is a remote suburb, the snow is thick on the ground, it is difficult to walk, and there are only a few dilapidated houses along the way.

"How did you find this place? Didn't you go back to Jingyang City?" Yan Xi was suspicious.

Yi Shuihan didn't speak, and suddenly pointed his gun at Yan Xi's head, cornering Yan Xi.

Yan Xi was beaten enough just now, and now he has no strength to resist, and calmly meets Yi Shuihan's questioning gaze.

"Are you an Interpol?" Yi Shuihan asked angrily, she had already found out, and now she just had to confirm that she always thought that Yan Xi was a thief, but unexpectedly he was a soldier!
Yan Xi frowned slightly. She was not an Interpol, but an ordinary employee. In order to hide this identity, she would change her identity every time she performed a mission. It even made people think that her identity as Yan Xi was also forged.

"No, but I am temporarily an employee of Interpol. If I want to report you, can you still stand here?"

"You work for Interpol, you won't report on me today, but there's no guarantee you will in the future!" Yi Shuihan's eyes flashed a hint of sternness.
"I only do things for myself, and I am only loyal to myself. I believe you are too. We all have principles, beliefs and spirits." Yan Xi said that although Yi Shuihan was young and rebellious, he had a morality of sticking to principles.

"I don't have your lofty beliefs and spirit!" Yi Shuihan laughed, she was never a good person!

"I never think that I am noble, we are all just being ourselves, I never think your way is wrong." Although I don't think it is correct, it's just that the way of choosing is different, there is no absolute right or wrong.


(End of this chapter)

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