696 Chapter 10
Yan Xi walked out of the old industrial area, stopped a taxi by the side of the road, and reported the address of the hotel.

The driver looked at Yan Xi strangely, and kindly suggested: "Miss, do you want to take you to the hospital?"

Yan Xi's face darkened: "No, drive."

The driver didn't ask any more questions. This woman had bruises on her face, messy hair, snowflakes on her body, and went to a place like a hotel. She seemed to have suffered domestic violence, and then ran away from home, homeless.

Yan Xi returned to the hotel, took a shower first, and then briefly treated the injury.

The next day, Yan Xi wanted to visit Nie Shen before returning to Jingyang City.

But looking at herself in the mirror, seeing the bruise on her forehead and the scratch on her jaw, Yan Xi frowned. What she hated most was being slapped in the face, although she also slapped him in the face.

Taking advantage of Sunday, at four o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Xi went to Nie Shen's house.

Nie Shen was very happy, but when he saw the injury on Yan Xi's face, he asked in surprise, "Why is it hurt?"

Yan Xi was a little helpless and didn't want to mention it, so he simply said, "It's nothing, it's just a skin injury."

Nie Shen said: "When fighting a woman, I usually don't hit her in the face."

Yan Xi showed a clear look, but Nie Shen didn't teach Yun Su this rule.

Nie Shen went on to say: "Because if you hit a woman in the face, she will usually get angry and beat me even worse."

Yan Xi: "..."

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't beat Yun Su.

"Why did you suddenly investigate Li Xiaotian's case? Is there any progress in Wei Ke's case?" Nie Shen asked. It has been nearly a month, but the murderer who shot Wei Ke has not been found.

"No progress has been made. I accidentally discovered some suspicious points before. I don't care about it. I'll hand it over to the Huaguo police for investigation," Yan Xi said.

It gets dark early in the winter capital.

Yan Xi stayed to have dinner with Nie Shen.

"Yun Su's grandfather passed away not long ago, and he was not very well before." Nie Shen said intentionally or unintentionally, he still felt very sorry and disappointed when Yan Xi and Yun Su broke up.

Yan Ximo was silent, maybe he was even worse now, she could only apologize.

Nie Shen looked at her and asked hesitantly, "Why did you and Yun Su break up?"

Yan Xi was a little embarrassed to say: "Yun Su is excellent, and I like him very much, but we are not suitable. There are big differences in each other's identities, cognitions, thoughts, etc."

Hearing this, Nie Shen sighed regretfully, the differences in thought were hard to get over, Yan Xi and Yun Su were both very independent people, and it was even more difficult to compromise for each other.

"Does Hua Cuo contact you often?" Nie Shen asked casually. It has been two years since he found out that Hua Cuo likes Yan Xi. Does Hua Cuo still like Yan Xi?

"Occasionally, what's the matter?" If there is no task, I will contact you occasionally.

Nie Shen didn't say much. Although Yan Xi and Yun Su broke up now, he still didn't like Hua Cuo. He was selfish about it, even very snobbish. He hoped that Yan Xi's future husband would be excellent, upright, strong, and gentle. , outstanding ability, extraordinary family background, can bring her a stable and happy life.

He admits his expectations were too high and too snobby, but that's what he really thinks.

Until nine o'clock in the evening, when parting, Nie Shen brought the gift to Yan Xi.

"Replenish the gift, happy birthday." Nie Shen sighed in his heart, Yan Xi was already 27 years old.

"Thank you, Uncle Nie. I'll go back to Jingyang City tomorrow. Take care." Yan Xi took the gift.

"Always take good care of yourself." Nie Shen's eyes were full of reluctance, and he never tired of telling these words every time we parted.

"I will." Yan Xi nodded.


It was nearly ten o'clock in the evening before Yan Xi returned to the hotel.

Suddenly received a wrong phone call.

"Are you free tomorrow? I'm so bored on vacation." Hua Cuo called her almost every day recently. She was in the capital, but she hadn't seen him.

"I'm going back to Jingyang City tomorrow." Yan Xi took out his room card and went into the room.

"When is tomorrow?" Hua Cuo was a little surprised, so suddenly?

"I don't know." She hasn't booked a ticket yet, and she will book tickets online in a while.

"You, are you going back alone?" Hua Cuo tentatively asked, is there anything wrong with her going back to Jingyang City?Aren't you with Yunsu?

"Yeah." Of course she went back alone, who else would go back with her.

Hua Cuo changed his mind, since Yun Su would not go back with her, then he was willing to accompany her back.

"Have you booked a plane ticket yet?"

"Not yet, I'm not free tomorrow." Yan Xi didn't want to meet him, and with her current appearance, she didn't want to see anyone.

"Oh, I also want to go to Jingyang City. You can book a plane ticket for me by the way. I'll send you my ID number. How much is it? I'll transfer the money to you."

"Are you going to Jingyang City?" Yan Xi's tone was gloomy, she didn't want to take the same flight with him.

"It's nothing, I want to go to your house to get clothes while I'm free now." Hua Cuo could only think of this excuse.

"I'll send it to you." Yan Xi said, he has taken all the clothes for so many years, but he still hasn't finished!And the shipping fee for sending clothes is definitely much cheaper than his air ticket!

Hua Cuo was depressed, and finally said frankly: "Actually, I want to play with you, and I haven't seen you for a long time."

Yan Ximo was silent, the last time we met was in August, at that time she was worried about Yun Su, so she dismissed him as soon as she saw him.

If the relationship with Hua Cuo was just an ordinary friend, she wouldn't mind him coming to play with her, but last year, she vaguely felt that the relationship with Hua Cuo had become a little subtle, and now it's been such a long time, she doesn't know.

"Yan Xi?" Hua Cuo didn't hear her voice for a long time.

"Hua Cuo, do you like me?" Yan Xi asked very directly, she didn't like ambiguous relationships.

"Of course! I already regard you as my best friend!" Hua Cuo said without hesitation.

Hearing this, Yan Xi thought, well, she is narcissistic.

"I also regard you as a very good friend."

"Isn't it the best?" Hua Cuo's tone was very sad.

"I don't have a best friend yet." Because of work, she has few close friends.

"Well, I forgive you." Hua Cuo said with a smile.

"I'll tell you the time when I book the plane ticket." Although she doesn't want to meet people now, her image can be lowered a little in front of Hua Cuo.

"Well, I'll come to you for breakfast tomorrow morning." Hua Cuo was in a complicated mood, because she was just a good friend, did she agree?
"No, go to the airport and wait. I will try my best to book a ticket for tomorrow morning." Yan Xi said.

"Well, good night." Hua Cuo said.

"Good night." Yan Xi hung up the line, opened his laptop, and booked tickets online.

Hua Cuo's mood has not calmed down for a long time, her words linger in his mind, she said, Hua Cuo, do you like me?
Why did she suddenly ask like this?

What did she notice, or was it just a liking among friends?


(End of this chapter)

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