I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 698 Hess Chapter 02

Chapter 698 Hess Comes Back 02
After lunch, the two cleaned the room and washed the sheets.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Hua Cuo said, "We'll go shopping in the supermarket later, but we don't have anything at home."

Yan Xi didn't want to go out: "I won't go, you go."

Huacuo showed an understanding expression: "Then I'll go, do you want to buy something for you? For example... women's products."

"Then buy it for me." Yan Xi didn't mind at all, if he was willing to oblige.

Hua Cuo's expression froze: "..."

He was just joking. Although he understood that it was normal for men to buy women's products, he was still very embarrassed because he had never bought them before.

Huacuo didn't refuse, but didn't agree either, so he went out.

Two hours later, Hua came back by mistake, carrying two big bags of things, all kinds of food and daily necessities.

Hua took out a box of things by mistake and handed it to her.

When Yan Xi saw the box of things, she was taken aback for a moment, did he really buy it back?
"I remember you bought this brand before, so I bought it by the way." Hua Cuo was very impressed, and saw her buy it once before.

"You remember it really clearly." Yan Xi took the box of tampons with a calm expression, as if a long time ago, when she lived in his apartment, she went to the supermarket with him to buy them.

The corner of Hua Cuo's lips tugged, is her words commendatory or derogatory?He just happened to remember it.

After sorting the things, Hua Mi went to the kitchen to boil a few eggs.

While the eggs were boiling hot, they quickly peeled the shells.

"Yan Xi, come here quickly!" Hua Cuo called out.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi quickly walked into the kitchen.

"The bruise on your forehead can be reduced with eggs." Hua Cuo picked up the smooth egg.

"No, I've already applied the medicine."

"Eggs can also be used to reduce swelling after applying the medicine. I have boiled eggs, so don't waste them."

"You ate it yourself."

"I don't want to eat it, why don't you eat it." Hua wrongly handed her the egg.

"I will not eat."

"Then use it to reduce swelling, it's very effective." Hua Cuo said.

"Bring it." Yan Xi looked helpless, he also cared about her.

"I'll help you, it's inconvenient for you." Hua Cuo had already raised her hand, and gently rubbed the egg on her forehead.

Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, the hot and soft touch moved back and forth on his forehead, which seemed to be quite comfortable.

Yan Xi said, "Thank you."

Hua Cuo smiled and said, "You're welcome, but how thick did you apply the powder?"

Yan Xi's face turned dark, and in order to cover up the bruises, he did put on a thick foundation.

Hua mistakenly turned on the faucet, wet her fingers, and gently wiped off the foundation on her forehead, and saw a bluish black on her forehead.

"Yan Xi, your seal is black." Hua Cuo suppressed a smile and continued to massage with eggs.

Yan Xi: "..."

After kneading and pressing for about 2 minutes, the egg was no longer hot. Hua Cuo took out a hot egg from the pot and peeled it skillfully.

Yan Xi didn't see the pot: "How many eggs did you cook?"

Hua Cuo said: "Five."

Yan Xi said, "I feel much better already. Two eggs are enough, and you can eat the other three."

Hua Cuo said resolutely: "After using up five, you will feel better."

Yan Xi: "..."

Huacuo was very close, his face was almost close to hers, his eyes were focused on her forehead, and his round fingertips occasionally touched her forehead.

After kneading for 10 minutes, I finally finished kneading.

Yan Xi's forehead was hot, and although he didn't see if the swelling had subsided yet, he felt very comfortable, so he said again: "Thank you."

Hua Cuo was satisfied, and said with a smile: "You don't have to be polite to me."


(End of this chapter)

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