I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 699 Hess Chapter 03

Chapter 699 Hess Comes Back 03
Yan Xi went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, it seemed that he really wasn't that black and blue.

Hua went back to the room by mistake and took a gift and handed it to her.

"Although it's a long time late, I still want to say, happy birthday."

"Thank you." Yan Xi accepted the gift, but unexpectedly he always remembered it.

"Are you on vacation?" Hua Cuo asked, otherwise, how could she come back to Jingyang City, and she seems to plan to stay for a long time.

"Yes." Yan Xi nodded, and she applied for a month's leave.

Hua made the mistake of thinking about whether to apply for a vacation. He may have a task at any time. He didn't tell the director that he came to Jingyang City, but as long as the director checks, he will know.


The next morning, Hua cooked breakfast by mistake, and then went to the newsstand downstairs to buy a newspaper.

Put the current affairs section of the newspaper in her place as usual.

Today's breakfast is tomato spaghetti and hot milk.

Yan Xi read the newspaper while drinking hot milk.

Hua Cuo was stirring the spaghetti with a fork, looking at the boring content in the newspaper, and suddenly saw a report.

Hua Cuo was shocked for two seconds, and read the report twice to make sure he read it correctly.

Hua Cuo looked up at Yan Xi.

"What's wrong?" Yan Xi noticed his gaze.

"Do you still remember when we were working in Shengshi Group, our boss's boss's boss...President Gu?" Hua Cuo had a weird expression.

"I remember." She still remembered that Hua Cuo seemed very upset with Mr. Gu.

"He's married!" Hua Cuo's expression was beyond shock.

"Yeah." Yan Xi already knew.

"Aren't you surprised? Gu Jinluo is married!" Hua Cuo looked at her in disbelief. Gu Jinluo seemed to be interested in her once.

"What's there to be surprised about?" Yan Xi was puzzled, it's normal to be married, so what's the fuss about getting married.

"..." Hua Cuo was splashed with cold water.

However, Hua Cuo's shock hadn't subsided, and he continued, "Not only is Gu Jinluo married, he also has a son!"

"Yeah." Yan Xi already knew that Mr. Gu's son was born last month.

Hua Cuo was suspicious, why wasn't she surprised at all?Even though she and Gu Jinluo had a mediocre relationship, but she had worked together for so long, she should have some reactions.

"Did you already know?" Hua Cuo looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah." Yan Xi put down the milk and picked up a fork to eat the spaghetti.

"When did you know?" Huacuo felt strange, she was often in all over the world, how did she know?
Yan Xi shrugged and said nothing.

"Did he invite you to a wedding banquet?" Hua Cuo suddenly thought, otherwise how would she know that Gu Jinluo was married.

"No." She almost caused an accident to his wife and son. Even if he invited her, she would not dare to go. His wife probably recognized her.

"Yesterday, he and his wife held a wedding of the century in a church in country Y. It seemed to be a sensation. Even Gu Jinluo's former rumored girlfriends, Song Yixue and Han Mengli, attended the wedding banquet. Congratulations, countless fans give praise to Goddess Song." Hua Cuo said, Song Yixue and Han Mengli have invited her, why didn't she invite her?
Yan Xi listened silently, what exactly did he want to express?He also wants to praise Goddess Song?
Hua glanced at her by mistake, seeing that she lacked interest, isn't she curious?

"Exchange newspapers." Hua mistakenly handed her the newspaper.

Yan Xi exchanged newspapers with him, but she was not interested in entertainment news, so she glanced at it casually and put it down.

Hua Cuo suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart. Marriage was too far away for him, and there might not even be such a day.

(End of this chapter)

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