I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 700 Hess Chapter 04

Chapter 700 Hess Comes Back 04
Hua took a wrong look at her. Not long ago, she learned that Yun Su had resigned from the National Security Bureau. The director only said that Yun Su went to work in the military region.

Yunsu once said that he would leave the National Security Bureau and work in a relatively stable job, and now Yunsu has done it.

But, yesterday and this morning, she didn't see her on the phone with Yun Su, nor did she send messages or answer calls, or did he just not know?

"Why don't you stay in the capital for the holidays?" Hua Cuo was puzzled, she had never seen Yun Su before, could it be that Yun Su was not in the capital?

"It's more convenient to go home." Yan Xi said, in fact, she has an old house in the capital, left by her parents, but she hasn't visited it.

Hua Cuo's heart moved slightly, this is her home, and it looks like his home.

Hua took a wrong look at her, and casually mentioned: "I haven't seen Yun Su for a long time, I don't know how he is."

Yan Xi was silent, she didn't want to respond to this topic.

Hua Cuo vaguely sensed something, and carefully probed: "What's the matter with you and Yun Su?"

"It's nothing, Yun Su and I haven't been together for a long time." Yan Xi's tone was a little serious, not even ordinary friends.

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, which surprised him a little. After all, he thought Yun Su was serious and liked her very much, why did he break up?

"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about this topic." Yan Xi frowned slightly, there was nothing to say about such things.

Hua Cuo didn't ask any more questions, her heart was shocked, she broke up with Yun Su, so does that mean he has a chance?

However, this idea only lasted for a second, and he woke up instantly. He didn't know if she liked him or not. Instead of becoming a lover who cannot be guaranteed, it is better to become a good friend who can talk about everything.

After breakfast, the two had nothing to do at home.

Huacuo opened the curtains to let the morning sun shine in: "Yanxi, there is sunshine today, why don't we go for a walk."

Yan Xi stood on the balcony basking in the sun: "No."

"I'll help you cut air bangs, and you can go out after wearing a mask." Hua Cuo seemed to guess her thoughts.

"No need." Yan Xi felt that keeping bangs was troublesome and needed frequent trimming.

Hua Cuo looks depressed, but even basking in the sun with her is so pleasant and comfortable.


During the vacation days, because the scars on his face hadn't completely faded, Yan Xi didn't go out all the time, so he had to be thankful that there was a mistake. He took care of going out to buy vegetables and various things.

At 05:30 this afternoon, Hua Cuo went out to buy vegetables again.

Not long after walking out of Tianhe Xiaoyuan, I saw two identical black cars parked on the side of the road, with a man in black who looked like a bodyguard beside him.

The bodyguard opened the car door, and a noble and extraordinary man got out of the car. His slightly curly brown hair, which was not long or short, was tied up in a mess. He was wearing an elegant long black coat. He was tall and slender. There seemed to be a chill in the dark eyes.

Hua Cuo narrowed his eyes, this person is... Hess Esther?Why is he here?

Hess walked up to Hua Cuo in a high-profile manner with a steady pace, with a strange smile on his lips: "Do you have time to talk?"

This is definitely not a friendly interrogative sentence.

Hua Cuo kept his face, he couldn't guess Hess' intention at all, he didn't think there was anything to talk about with Hess, but Hess appeared here, it was obvious that he was looking for him on purpose, or looking for... Yanxi.

"Talk about what?"

"Of course it's about Sylvia. Her current name is Yanxi." Hess has learned Chinese specially. Although the pronunciation is not quite standard, but for her name, the pronunciation is correct and very standard.

"I don't think there is any need to talk about her behind her back." Hua Cuo said coldly. Hess approached him instead of Yan Xi directly, so did he deliberately hide Yan Xi?

"It's a man thing," Hess said.

Hua Cuo's face changed slightly, and he instantly understood the reason for Hess's visit. Maybe Hess misunderstood, he and Yan Xi were just...friends, but he was very upset with Hess!
Hess rubbed the ring on his left ring finger habitually, and his voice was full of warmth: "Sylvia is my fiancee."

Hua Cuo frowned, noticed Hess's small movements, and said, "I don't think she thinks so."

He knew that Yan Xi used to pretend to be Sylvia because of a mission. This was just a false identity, and the so-called fiancée was of course also a fake. She never wore a ring and never mentioned Hess.

Hess didn't change his face, still confident: "I know she will deny it, but she can't deny me and her child."

Hua Cuo didn't react for a while, thinking that he heard it wrong: "What did you say?"

Hess smiled and said, "The crystallization product of me and her, our child."

Hua Cuo was stunned, and looked at Hess in disbelief. Did she and Hess have a child?
Hess's smile seemed triumphant: "No matter what relationship you have with her, but now you have to leave her, otherwise I don't know what I will do, my child cannot live without a mother."

Hua Cuo looked at Hess coldly, no matter what, Yan Xi left Hess, which meant that she might not like Hess, and Hess was just using the child to threaten her.

"She doesn't love you."

"Maybe she doesn't love me now, but it doesn't mean she won't fall in love with me in the future, no, she will love me one day." Hess is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time.

Hua Cuo had nothing to say for a moment, no one knew what would happen in the future, she once thought she would be with Yin Zimo, but nothing happened, and then she thought she would be with Yun Su, and finally broke up.

Hess asked with a half-smile, "What's your relationship with Sylvia?"

Hua Cuo said without hesitation: "We are very good friends."

"Do you love her?" There was a cold light in Hess' eyes, he didn't believe it was just a friendship.

Hua Cuo was silent, he didn't know what the definition of love was, he didn't even dare to imagine having a future with her, he couldn't even imagine what it would be like.

Hess's expression is unpredictable, is silence the default?But since he didn't admit it, it means he lacked confidence?Or Sylvia doesn't like this man at all.

In any case, he was quite satisfied with the result.

"Give you some time to leave, don't make me wait too long, my child misses mother very much." Hess walked away proudly.

The bodyguard opened the door and Hess got in.

Two black cars sped away.

Hua Cuo stood stiffly in place, his mind was in a mess.

Even though Yan Xi won't be with him, he still has a feeling of worrying about gains and losses. His heart is very contradictory. He likes her, but he can't stop her from being with others.

Will she end up with Will Hess?Will you even marry Hess?He was even imagining whether her and Hess' child would be a boy or a girl, and what he would look like.


(End of this chapter)

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