I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 704 Hess Chapter 08

Chapter 704 Hess Comes Back 08
The bruise on Yan Xi's forehead has completely faded away, and the scar on his jaw is also scarred.

Suddenly received a strange phone call.

Yan Xi answered the call, and a long-lost voice came out, which made her frown.

"Dear Sylvia, long time no see." Hess suppressed the anger in his heart. He searched for her for another two years, but she seemed to have forgotten him.

"Is there something wrong?" Yan Xi's tone was cold.

"I want to see you." Hess wasn't asking for her advice.

"I don't want to see you." Yan Xi refused very directly, there was no need to meet.

Hess was not angry, and his tone was still so gentle: "Do you want to see our child?"

Yan Xi seemed to have heard some joke: "I didn't know I had children, so I might as well tell you, the doctor said I don't have the right to have children."

Hess smiled and said, "I know, so I took your eggs."

Yan Xi's expression changed: "What did you say?"

Hess said: "I still remember that time when you were injured. The doctor said that it was almost impossible for you to get pregnant in the future, so I thought of a perfect method. I took your eggs and you didn't need to get pregnant."

Yan Xi froze, and it took him a long time to come to his senses, his voice was freezing cold: "You made a child?"

Hess seemed a little melancholy: "Not yet, I don't want him or her to have no mother."

Yan Xi heaved a sigh of relief in an instant, he was in a cold sweat just now, if he produced a child, she just provided an egg, she did not participate in all the gestation process, she would not admit that it was her child.

"Do you like boys or girls?" Hess asked with a smile. He complied with her wishes. In China, IVF babies are not allowed to choose gender, but in Italy there is no restriction.He has been preparing for this plan for many years, and it can be carried out at any time, only one wedding is missing.

"I don't even like it! I won't admit it! Don't do it!" Yan Xi warned word by word. Although she would never admit it, she couldn't deny the law of heredity!

Hess's face was cloudy and uncertain. Even though he guessed that she might object, he was still quite angry when he heard it with his own ears.

"Don't you want kids?"

"No!" At least for now, she absolutely doesn't want to, and even if she wants to, it's definitely not with Hess.

"I really want to." Hess had a strong will.

"You can have children if you want, but don't use my eggs!" Yan Xi was very angry. He could have one with a woman, or he could go to an assisted reproductive institution to choose high-quality eggs. He can have as many children as he wants. The Italian government I will also praise you!
"I just want to have children with you." Hess said, so she can only use her eggs.

"It's not my will, it's not my child, I'm not going to be involved in any upbringing, you can't do that!" She couldn't afford that responsibility.

"I don't want to go against your wishes, but you leave without saying goodbye again and again, I am angry, if you disappear again, I will let our child be born, you will definitely want to see him or her." Hess had great expectations, he Been waiting for so many years.

"Where are you?" Yan Xi asked coldly.

"I'm going back to Italy in a while, do you want to go back with me?" Hess is currently in Jingyang City.

"What time?" Yan Xi's face was gloomy, he was definitely not asking her!
"Twelve o'clock, Jingyang City Airport, I'll wait for you." Hess' voice was gentle. He didn't want to force her in this way, but he didn't want her to leave him even more.

Yan Xi hung up the phone, suppressed his anger, and packed his luggage. It was almost eleven o'clock.


Yan Xi dragged the suitcase out of the room, Hua Cuo hadn't come back yet, when she was about to call Hua Cuo to say goodbye, she heard the door open.

Hua Cuo came back with mixed feelings and saw her coming out with a suitcase: "Where are you going?"

Yan Xi looked at him and said, "Italy."

Hua Cuo paused, as if she had already guessed something: "Are you going to find Hess?"

Yan Xi was silent for a moment, but did not deny it: "Yeah."

"What do you need from Hess?" Hua Cuo was worried, maybe Yan Xi already knew that Hess used the child to threaten her.

Yan Xi was in a hurry to change his shoes, he paused and said, "He stole something from me."

The flower is wrong, so: "What?"

Yan Xi was a little embarrassed to speak, and didn't want to explain: "It's very important."

Hua Cuo's heart sank, what important thing did Hess steal from her?He only thought of one possibility, the child Hess mentioned just now.

"Huacuo, goodbye, you can do what you want." Yan Xi said, he could stay as long as he wanted, and she probably wouldn't be back in a short time.

"I'm on vacation recently. If you need any help from me, I can do what I can." Hua Cuo said that Hess is a difficult person to deal with, and he is also driven by jealousy. He is very glad that she doesn't like Hess, it should just be Hess who is sentimental That's all.

Yan Xi didn't want others to know, but if he thought about it seriously, maybe he really needed it.

"If I need anything, I'll contact you again. Goodbye." Yan Xi went out, she was in a hurry.

Hua Mi thought for a moment, and then booked a plane ticket to Italy. He wanted to figure everything out. If Hess really produced a child, he wanted to meet her child.


The traffic was a bit heavy after eleven o'clock at noon, Yan Xi hurried to Jingyang City Airport.

Before entering the airport, two bodyguards in suits and leather shoes walked up to Yan Xi.

"Miss Silvia, Boss invites you to come over." The bodyguard said in Italian.

Another bodyguard took her luggage.

Yan Xi followed the bodyguards to a black car.

The bodyguard opened the back seat door, carefully placed his hand on the upper edge of the door, and said, "Miss Sylvia, please."

Yan Xi sat in the car, no accidents, no see for two years, Hess is still like this.

"Dear Sylvia, long time no see."

Hess was in a good mood, looking at her face with reluctance, and when he saw the scar on her jaw, his face changed.

"What's wrong here?" Hess stretched out his palm, trying to brush her chin.

"Disfigured." Yan Xi tilted his head to avoid his palm.

"Hehe, it's not funny at all." Hess only thought she was joking, the scars were scabbing, and there should be no scars after the scabs fell off. The wounds didn't look deep, and even if there were scars, they wouldn't be obvious .

"Isn't it twelve o'clock to board the plane?" Yan Xi looked at his watch, it was almost twelve o'clock.

"12:30, are you hungry? Why don't we go to lunch first, it doesn't matter if there is a delay." Hess was not in a hurry.

"I'm not hungry, so don't delay. It's very troublesome to buy a new flight route." Yan Xi said that the flight route is not so easy to apply for, and it may take a long time, and she doesn't have the time.

"Okay, listen to you, let's board the plane." Hess got out of the car with her and walked into the airport to board the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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