I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 705 Hess Chapter 09

Chapter 705 Hess Comes Back 09
The special plane departs on time at 12:30.

The two ate an airplane meal on the plane.

"Are you going to take a break, or take a nap?" Hess asked. There was a small bedroom on the plane, but it was big enough for him and her to rest.

"I'm not sleepy." Yan Xi was in high spirits.

"Do you want to sit by my side?" Hess looked at her across the table, and the seat next to him was empty.

"Is there something wrong?" Yan Xi asked, it didn't matter where he sat.

Hess unbuckled his seat belt and walked over to the seat next to her.

Yan Xi was very speechless in his heart, sometimes unable to understand Hess' logical thinking and certain behaviors.

Hess took out a ring from his pocket, held her left hand, and put the ring on her ring finger.

Yan Xi frowned, he was not used to wearing rings.

"Don't take it off again, okay?" Hess stroked her left hand again and again, and he would be... sad.

"Why do you want to marry me?" Yan Xi has always been puzzled. After so many years, has his thought not subsided?
"I don't really care if I marry you or not, but I want to be with you. Marriage is a good way." Hess feels fortunate, because she is a very responsible person, so marriage and children are very good choose.

"Don't you think we're not suitable?" Yan Xi couldn't imagine being with him, it would be an absolute disaster.

"Where is it not suitable?" He felt that there was no so-called suitable or not, even if he was not suitable, he would become suitable. He felt that the root of the problem was that she didn't like him.

"There are big differences in our ideas, perceptions, backgrounds, etc., and we will gradually become intolerable to each other." Yan Xi analyzed seriously.

"I can accept everything about you." Hess said without hesitation, although sometimes he didn't like some of her behavior, but he could accept it, and as long as he was with her, he could completely ignore these little things.

"You can't." Yan Xi said, she never got serious with him because it was unnecessary, but if she got serious, at least she couldn't stand some of his thoughts and behaviors.

"It's not that I can't, but you can't." Hess was depressed, so he tried to change himself.

Yan Ximo was silent, she really couldn't, maybe she couldn't completely attribute the problem to him, maybe she also had a problem.

But no matter what, she can't change it, some things are deeply ingrained, and she admits that she is a stubborn and rigid person.

The voyage will take about thirteen hours, and it's only two o'clock in the afternoon, Chinese time.

Ended the topic just now.

Yan Xi suddenly thought of one thing: "Did you extract the sperm?"

Hess didn't react for a moment: "What?"

Yan Xi was serious: "To be a test-tube baby, you need to take sperm from the man. Have you taken it?"

Hess recalled the sperm extraction process four years ago, and he still had some shadows in his heart.

"You don't have to worry about this, just leave it to the doctor."

"You can't just leave it to the doctor. Do you know the process of sperm extraction?" Yan Xi asked in a strange tone.

"What's wrong?" Hess didn't show his expression. He had experienced it, but he couldn't tell her about it for the time being.

Yan Xi was silent for a moment, and then began to explain.

"First, in the morning, you wash yourself, especially a certain area and your hands, and then the doctor gives you a sterile plastic cup and puts you in a room full of 'romance', with things that are not suitable for children. Magazines and hanging paintings, restricted-rated videos will be played on the screen, if you don’t come out after half an hour, the doctor will knock on the door.”

Hess' face was unpredictable, he knew it.

Yan Xi went on to say: "If you have problems in this area, the doctor will take another method, puncture a certain part of you with a syringe, take them out, and take them under a microscope for observation. If the number is found to be insufficient, the doctor will puncture again. Or puncture on the other side until you get enough."

Hess' face turned dark, and he had no problem at all, but the room really couldn't excite him, so he chose to puncture, and he only punctured once.

The two bodyguards standing not far away had weird expressions, and their stiff faces held back their smiles.

Yan Xi had a bit of a bad taste, and couldn't imagine how Hess went through this process: "Do you still want to be a test-tube baby?"

Hess pursed his lips and said nothing. Was she laughing at him or threatening him?In any case, it was imperative for him that the eggs could not be frozen for too long, so he did not hesitate to choose to make embryos, which could be frozen for 20 years or even longer.

Yan Xi said: "Sperm extraction is just a one-time process, and it takes one or two hours at most, but the disaster doesn't start until the baby is born. The baby will cry from time to time, and it will wake you up in the middle of the night at any time. Hugh, this process will probably last a year or two."

Hess' expression remained unchanged.

Yan Xi continued: "Don't think it's over. By this time the child will probably be able to walk, and he or she may turn into a little devil, turning your home into a disaster scene anytime, anywhere."

Hess listened silently, but remained indifferent.

Yan Xi glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, could he endure all the central symmetry becoming irregular?
"These are small things, but until the child is three or four years old, he or she already has cognition and needs care, education, happiness, etc. Parents are the most terrible profession, and they are employed directly without training and research. If A child is born into a special family, or something is missing, and it can affect his character for the rest of his life."

Hess looked cold, although he didn't want to admit it, was she talking about him?

Yan Xi cut to the chase, she didn't know if Hess was a qualified father, but for now, she couldn't take on the responsibility of being a mother, because it was impossible for her to be with Hess.

She would never allow Hess to produce a child with her genes.


Thirteen hours later, the plane arrived in the south of Italy. Sicily in the south is relatively warm, not too cold even in winter.

It is now past six in the evening Italian time.

Go to the suburbs by car, an old castle of the Este family, the old castle has a long history.

The biggest feature of this castle is the centrally symmetrical design, even the entire gardening green plants are trimmed symmetrically, surrounded by woods and lakes, the environment is quiet and peaceful.

When the servants of the castle saw Yan Xi, they were inevitably a little surprised. Even though they hadn't seen him for four years, they still remembered Yan Xi deeply.

The young master and Sylvia were engaged here, and Sylvia disappeared shortly afterwards. They all thought that Sylvia had escaped from marriage. After all, the young master has a withdrawn personality, and not everyone can bear it.

"Miss Sylvia." The servants greeted each other respectfully.

Yan Xi nodded slightly.

Hess took her upstairs and opened the door of the room. Everything inside was as clean and bright as it was four years ago.

"You rest for a while, and have dinner at eight o'clock."

"Thank you." Yan Xi walked into the room.

"You don't need to thank me, you are the hostess here." Hess was very dissatisfied with her politeness.

Yan Xi didn't say anything, she won't be anyone's mistress, she can only be her own.


(End of this chapter)

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