I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 706 Hess Chapter 10

Chapter 706 Hess Comes Back 10
There are many offshoots of the Este family, but they all live elsewhere.

Hess's father had retired a few years ago and lived with his current wife in a town house.

Hess' mother was in northern Italy and rarely came back.

This ancient castle has a long history, and Hess has always lived here.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Yan Xi came down for dinner on time.

Hess was in a happy mood, and it had been a long time since he had dinner with her here, and all this seemed to go back to four years ago.

"what about the taste?"

"Very good." Yan Xi expressed his satisfaction.

"If you like Chinese food, you can also ask the kitchen to prepare Chinese food." He didn't mind accepting it slowly, after all, he will live with her in the future, and he will gradually adapt to her habits.

"No, I've never been picky about food." Yan Xi elegantly held the knife and fork, and cut open the food on the plate.

"Actually, you can be picky." Hess said, he didn't like the way she didn't care.

Yan Xi didn't speak, she didn't have the right to be picky.

After dinner and fruit, it was already nine o'clock.

Hess went upstairs with her to her room, which was next to hers.

"Go to bed early, good night." Hess sent her to the door of the room. Although it was only nine o'clock, Huaguo was seven hours ahead of Italy, and the time difference had not yet been adjusted.

"Good night." Yan Xi opened the door.

"Wait..." Hess stopped her.

Yan Xi looked at him.

Hess looked at her affectionately, and asked with a smile, "Won't you kiss me goodnight?"

Yan Xi's expression was weird, she didn't like kissing very much, and it was even more difficult for her to do it with Hess.

"In my country, there is no custom of kissing goodnight."

"Then, you need to get used to it in the future. I'll give you a good night kiss first." Hess took a step forward and kissed her forehead lightly.

Yan Xi stood motionless until he finished the ceremony of kissing good night.

"Good night." Hess smiled brightly, waiting for her to go in first.

"Good night." Yan Xi walked into the room and closed the door.


It was cloudy yesterday, and today there is little sunshine, and it rains a lot in winter in Italy.

In the morning, Hess waited for her at the door of her room, and when she opened the door, he handed him a fresh red rose.

"Good morning, dear Sylvia."

"Good morning, thank you." Yan Xi took the rose.

The two went downstairs to have breakfast.

There was a vase on the dining table, Yan Xi put the roses into the vase.

After the two had breakfast, they went for a walk outside.

There is a huge pool in the center of the gardening in front of the castle, and a sculpture stands in the pool, and the water flows into the pool along the sculpture.

The open space around the pool is paved with simple stone bricks, rough and full of a sense of history.

The open space is flanked by symmetrical ornamental gardens, with neatly trimmed shrubs and flowers.

"Remember when we got engaged here?" Hess recalled how excited he was to get engaged to her that day.

"I remember." Yan Xi didn't deny it, even though it was a fake engagement.

"Although we are engaged, I haven't proposed to you yet." Hess was considering whether to complete the process of proposing.

"I don't think it's important, I don't care much about the ceremony." Don't propose to her, because she will never agree, and she doesn't want to hurt his self-esteem.

The two walked on the nearby lawn and walked to the small pier by the lake.

There are two reflections on the water.

"I think you look better and more feminine with long hair." Hess sincerely felt that she used to have short hair, of course she also looked good, but it was a bit cold.

"Thank you." Yan Xi accepted the compliment.

"How did you hurt your jaw?" Hess didn't bother to ask, it seemed to be an abrasion.

"Accidentally fell down." Yan Xi dismissed it lightly.

"It's hard to imagine yourself falling down." Hess didn't believe it at all, could he fall like this?
Yan Xi didn't want to explain, but to be more precise, he accidentally fell down.

It was about nine o'clock in the morning.

"Do you have anything else to do? Don't you have to go to work?" Yan Xi asked, today is not the weekend.

"I don't want to go to work." It's been a long time since I felt such a good mood.

"How did you think of taking my eggs before?" Yan Xi asked about this. At that time, she was stabbed in the abdomen and lay in the hospital for a period of time. Maybe because of the anesthesia, she didn't know when the eggs were taken.

"The doctor said that you are infertile, but the doctor said that eggs can be used for test-tube babies, and healthy babies can also be born in assisted reproductive institutions, so I thought of it." Hess is very grateful for the doctor's reminder at that time.

Yan Xi was very depressed, and now she wanted to settle the score with that doctor.

"Is the egg still in that hospital? Or in which assisted reproductive institution?" This requires liquid nitrogen tanks to be frozen and stored in a stable environment.

Hess' eyes darkened, she was calm on the surface, and he couldn't peek into her heart.

"You don't need to worry, they are well preserved."

"When are you going to do test-tube babies?" Yan Xi asked again. The international clinical practice is to store frozen eggs for five years, and now it has been more than four years. Of course, it is also possible to store them for ten years, but the activity may be reduced and the success rate will be reduced. will decrease.

"After we get married." Hess was full of expectations. He didn't want the child to have no mother.

Yan Xi's heart sank, she wouldn't marry Hess, but she didn't have that time to spend with him, and she didn't know when the egg would lose its viability, if it was frozen for ten years, it would still be alive.

After walking for more than half an hour, the two sat on a bench by the lake.

The winter here is not too cold, and today there is sunshine, which is very comfortable.

At noon, after Yan Xi had lunch with him, she went back to her room to rest.


Yan Xi opened his notebook and searched which hospitals in Italy could freeze eggs and which authoritative assisted reproductive institutions there were.

The hospital she stayed in that year did not provide egg freezing services, so she must have been transferred to other hospitals or institutions.

It is also possible to transfer to a foreign country, and country M has the most advanced assisted reproductive technology.

But neither she nor Hess should have genetic diseases, so there is no need to transfer to country M.

Yan Xi searched for the most authoritative assisted reproductive institutions in Italy.

Clicking on the webpage, there are not only services for freezing sperm, eggs and embryos, but also services for donating and purchasing sperm and eggs.

This is a very confidential institution and client information is kept strictly confidential.

Yan Xi tried to hack into its system, but it was difficult to break through the firewall, customers were divided into several levels, the higher the level, the stronger the confidentiality.

Customer information of donated sperm and eggs can be found, and most donors choose to remain anonymous.

The information of those senior customers cannot be found.

If Hess hadn't transferred the eggs abroad, it's highly likely that they were in the assisted reproductive facility.


(End of this chapter)

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