I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 707 Hess Chapter 11

Chapter 707 Hess Comes Back 11
In recent days, Hess has been at home with her, simple and relaxed days.

Yan Xi was bored to the core, she didn't have time to talk to Hess.

"What do you want to do in the future? If you like, you can work with me." Hess knew in her heart that she would not like to settle for the status quo. She is his fiancee and future wife, and she can intervene in the affairs of the Este family. affairs.

"Let's talk about it later." Yan Xi said vaguely, unable to imagine the days when he was with him every moment.

"Sylvia, I will wait for you to fall in love with me." Hess's expression was a little sad, but full of expectation and affection.

Yan Xi didn't respond to this topic, he will understand sooner or later that she is not Sylvia.

"are you available today?"

"Of course." Hess looked at her with bright eyes, and he could do anything with her.

"With the current assisted reproductive technology, frozen eggs can generally be stored for five years, and it has been more than four years so far. But if they are made into embryos, frozen embryos can be stored for 20 years or even longer. Have you considered getting sperm as soon as possible? "Yan Xi made a suggestion.

"I want to do it after we get married. Do you want to marry me now?" The light in Hess' eyes gradually dimmed. Of course he knew, so the embryo had already been made at that time.

Yan Xi took a deep breath.

"I don't care too much about the ceremony and the marriage certificate. I have no intention of getting married at the moment."

"Well, I can understand. Then... you come to my room tonight, or I go to your room." Hess suddenly approached her and whispered in her ear.

Yan Xi's heart skipped a beat. She had such a need, but she never thought it would be him.

Hess watched her expression, unable to guess what she was thinking.


Until dinner tonight, Hearst deliberately opened a bottle of red wine.

Yan Xi usually doesn't drink alcohol, but he has a good capacity for alcohol.It doesn't matter how much you drink, it doesn't matter whether you drink or not, it's determined by your genes.

Besides, the alcohol content of red wine is very low, Yan Xi has absolutely no possibility of getting drunk.

After dinner, the two went for a walk outside.

Tonight, the moonlight is clear, the stars are dotted, and the castle seems to be plated with silver fragments.

The running water in the pool made a fine sound of water, and the surface of the water was sparkling.

Hess may be due to drinking or his mood. He is very enthusiastic tonight and always gets close to her intentionally or unintentionally.

"Sylvia, I want to kiss you." Hess's blue eyes were full of strange colors, especially bright at night.

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, she didn't mind Hess' intentions, because she also had intentions.

Seeing that she didn't refuse, Hess's heart moved slightly, and he already regarded her as acquiescing, so he leaned forward and touched her lips lightly like a dragonfly, which smelled of red wine.

Yan Xi stood motionless, looking at him steadfastly.

Hess' eyes were burning, and they collided with hers. His full of affection almost poured out, and he couldn't help reaching out to hug her, probing from shallow to deep, and kissing her slowly.

During the whole process, Yan Xi was very passive, neither responding nor refusing, only feeling his strong heartbeat.

Hess kissed for a long time, and he didn't stop until he was short of breath. The winter night was very cold, but at this moment he only felt that his whole body was hot.

Yan Xi felt that the atmosphere was a bit ambiguous, so he said solemnly, "It's getting late, go back."

Only then did Hess let go of her, took her hand, and went back to the house with her.

It was nearly ten o'clock at this time, and they said good night to each other, and went back to their rooms to rest.

Yan Xi went back to his room to take a shower, and when he was about to go to sleep, there was a knock on the door.

When Yan Xi opened the door and saw Hess outside the door, she couldn't help feeling a little strange in her heart.

Hess was wearing a black nightgown, the collar was slightly open, and his hair was not tied up, hanging down in a mess, staring at her without blinking.

"Is something wrong?" Yan Xi broke the weird atmosphere.

"Sylvia, I want to sleep with you." Hess' voice was a little hoarse. His mind was full of her just now, and he couldn't fall asleep at all.

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, did he express it wrongly, or did she get the wrong meaning?

There was light in Hess' eyes, and her silence was almost the best response. He could understand it as her acquiescence and reserve.

Hess walked into the room step by step, and closed the door smoothly.

The sound of closing the door struck Yan Xi's heart like a bell, she couldn't tell what she was feeling at the moment, longing?expect?Dispensable?Or with some kind of intention?

"It's cold, let's go to bed." Hess held her hand. She was wearing a thin nightgown, and she should have been going to sleep.

"En." Yan Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he followed his footsteps to the bedside.

Hess lay down on the bed first, lying on one side, leaving a place for her.

Yan Xi was a little nervous, lay down on the bed, pulled off the quilt cover, and then reached out to turn off the light.

The room was dark in an instant, only the moonlight pouring in through the cracks in the curtains.

Yan Xi lay on his back with his eyes open, the room was silent, but he couldn't ignore the people around her, but time was passing by, and he didn't respond at all.

Yan Xi kept guessing his intentions in his mind, could it be that she was acting affectionate, but in fact he was just sleeping?

The longing in Hess's mind not only did not calm down, but became more violent. He originally just wanted to sleep with her, but now she was beside him, full of some kind of temptation, and he couldn't help but approach her.

"Sylvia..." Hess turned sideways, put his arms around her body, and looked at her profile.

"What's wrong?" Yan Xi's voice was low, was he teasing her?

"I can't sleep, I'm very excited..." Hess was agitated all over his body and mind. It was the first time he had such a strong reaction, and he couldn't help but slowly leaned over and touched her cheek.

Yan Xi's heart was beating up and down, and she was also a little excited. Does she love Hess?Not at all.Does she like Hess?There is no such thing as liking it or not, just not hating it.This kind of excitement has nothing to do with whether it is love or not. Maybe it has been too long since he has had this kind of behavior. In addition, he is full of masculine charm at this moment, and she has a physical need.

Yan Xi turned his body sideways, faced him head-on, and gave him a positive response.

Hess's heart trembled violently, and he couldn't restrain his full of affection. He hugged her even harder and kissed her excitedly.

Yan Xi put his hand through his waist and hugged him.


(End of this chapter)

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