I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 708 Hess Chapter 12

Chapter 708 Hess Comes Back 12
This morning, the sky began to drizzle.

Yan Xi has already got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Hess reluctantly got up from the bed, suddenly feeling that everything was so beautiful.

Hess went back to his room to wash and change clothes, then took a red rose and waited for her at the door of her room.

Yan Xi took the red rose.

Hess was full of tenderness, reached out to hug her, kissed her lips, and said with a smile, "Sylvia, good morning."

"Good morning." Yan Xi smiled slightly.

Hess let her go and went downstairs to have breakfast with her.

"Is there any contraceptive pill?" Yan Xi asked him in a low voice. The doctor said that she would not be able to conceive, but it was not absolute. Even if it was a one in ten million chance, she couldn't afford to bet on it.

It was only then that Hess realized that he had been negligent. Even if she was pregnant, the child might not be available. Besides, they already had a child, but they hadn't been born yet.

Hess ordered the servants to buy contraceptives, and bought another thing along the way.

By evening.

Hess made a cheery suggestion: "Come with me in a bedroom, in my bedroom."

"I'm not used to living with other people." Yan Xi's expression was weird, she was indeed not used to it, and his bedroom was the master's bedroom, only Mrs. Este could live with him.

"I'll get used to it later." Hess took her hand.

Yan Xi still didn't agree, the future doesn't exist.

Hess was a little disappointed, but soon rejoiced that he could live in her bedroom.

So Hess would bring some items to her bedroom every night, and gradually, there were his toiletries in the bathroom and his clothes in the closet.


It has been raining for the last few days.

Hess spent ordinary days with her, but she was still calm and indifferent, making it impossible for him to guess her heart.

Although he was like a couple with her, he always felt that something was missing.

When having breakfast this morning, Hess said, "Can you go out with me later?"

Yan Xi glanced at him: "Where are you going?"

"The company has some things to deal with, so let's go out for lunch at noon, okay?" Hess looked at her tenderly. He has been at home recently. Although she didn't show anything, she must be bored.

"Yes." Yan Xi agreed.

Hess smiled.

After breakfast, the two went back to their room to change clothes.

Yan Xi looked in the mirror, the scab on his jaw had fallen off, and there were still faint marks.

Yan Xi combed his hair, put on exquisite makeup, and put on a solid-color turtleneck sweater. He felt a little monotonous, so he chose a royal blue crystal necklace to wear, then put on a black retro coat, and put on a pair of black gloves , put on high-heeled boots.

Hess was waiting for her at the door of the room. When he saw her come out, his eyes lit up: "Very beautiful."

"Thank you." Yan Xi accepted the compliment.

"If you let your hair down, it should be softer," suggested Hess, who liked her long hair.

"I want to be more solemn." Yan Xi said.

"I also like when you are solemn." Hess smiled, and he could understand that she valued going out with him.

The two went downstairs together, and it was drizzling outside.

The servant opened the umbrella and was about to hold the umbrella for Hess and Yan Xi.

Hess took the umbrella and walked into the rain with her.

The servant stood at the door watching the two of them. Since Sylvia came back, the young master seemed to be in a good mood.

"Come closer." Hess took the umbrella in one hand and put his other arm around her shoulder.

Yan Xi was quite tall, and wearing high heels, his cheek could almost touch his face.

Winter in Italy is rainy, and Hess has always disliked rainy days, but at the moment he is not disgusted, walking in the rain with the people he likes.

"Sylvia, you are my sunshine."

"..." Yan Xi had no expression on his face. Although it was difficult to feel any emotion, he had to admit that Hess had a kind of childish romance, such as handing over a red rose every day without getting tired.

"I suddenly want to kiss you, what should I do?" Hess involuntarily approached her face again, so close that he could almost touch her face.

"I have foundation on my face and lipstick on my lips." Yan Xi said solemnly.

"Hehe." Hess laughed heartily, which was rare. He didn't feel disappointed, he thought she was joking.

Go to the garage, the driver is already waiting.

Hess put away the umbrella and sat in the back seat with her.

(End of this chapter)

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