I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 711 Hess Chapter 15

Chapter 711 Hess Comes Back 15
After a while, Catherine brought a glass of warm water, but when she put it down, she found that the glass on the table was empty.

Catherine couldn't help sighing, the Boss was tired and crooked, like a lover.

"Where do you want to go for lunch later?" Hess took her hand naturally.

"You decide." Yan Xi didn't care.

"Are you ready?" Hess looked at her expectantly. He didn't like her undemanding state, which was a kind of cold violence.

Yan Xi thought about it, and casually mentioned a restaurant. She hadn't been to Italy for a long time, and she wouldn't go to a high-end restaurant to eat if it wasn't necessary.

After hearing this, Hess asked Catherine to make a reservation.

Catherine hurried to make a reservation, and suddenly felt that Boss had become very abnormal, no, it should have finally become a normal person.

Within a long time, almost all the employees in the company knew that Boss' fiancée had appeared!The rumors that have been circulating for four years are finally confirmed!

After Hess had dinner with her at the restaurant, he offered to go shopping with her, which is what women usually do.

Yan Xi was really not in the mood to go shopping, so he just went shopping with him.

Hess hardly knows how to shop. Usually, whatever he wants, he will be bought by others, or customized.

"Sylvia, what do you want to do?" Hess held her hand, and after being with her for so long, he still couldn't pry into her heart.

"I haven't thought of it yet." Yan Xi casually said something perfunctory, she knew exactly what she wanted to do.

The two walked in the mall for a long time, but they didn't buy anything.

Hess took her to a jewelry store and chose a silver diamond necklace for her. He thought the silver necklace was also very suitable for her dress today.

"Like it?"

"I like it." Yan Xi didn't know how to appreciate it, only seeing its price tag, he couldn't say he didn't like it.

"I'll help you put it on." Hess looked happy, took off the crystal necklace she was wearing, and put on this silver diamond necklace.

The saleswoman straightened the mirror to let Yan Xi see it.

"Miss, it's very beautiful, it suits you very well." The salesperson smiled and praised, of course, because the price is very beautiful.

Yan Xi smiled slightly, but didn't speak.

Hess looked at her in the mirror, she was really pretty, so he readily paid the bill.

After leaving the jewelry store, the two strolled around for a while, before going back to the castle when it was getting dark.


After dinner, Hess went back to his bedroom to take a shower, then took a set of clothes and went to her room.

Yan Xi was looking up something with his notebook until Hess came in.

"What are you doing?" Hess saw.

"It's nothing." Yan Xi closed the notebook, got up and walked over, opened the closet and took out a set of pajamas.

Hess walked up to her and put his arms around her, as close as a lover, without changing his pajamas, because he might take them off later.

Yan Xi had a calm demeanor and spoke in a casual tone: "Just now I checked on the Internet, the shelf life of frozen eggs, the longer they are kept, the less viable they will be. How many eggs did you take at that time?"

Hess paused slightly, and said, "Ten, don't worry, I found a very authoritative institution, and it will definitely be well preserved."

A look of doubt flashed across Yan Xi's eyes, and he asked quietly, "Which institution?"

Hess' expression darkened, and then he smiled and said, "You will know when the time comes, and I will give you a surprise."

Yan Xi took a deep breath in his heart, Hess didn't want to tell her yet, she didn't need any surprises.

Finally, Yan Xi changed into his pajamas.

That night, the two slept together with different thoughts.


(End of this chapter)

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