I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 712 Hess Chapter 16

Chapter 712 Hess Comes Back 16
Recently, Hess has been with her and seems to be watching her, and she can't escape for a while.

How can I find out whether Hess deposited the frozen eggs with the assisted reproduction institution?
Yan Xi pondered for a moment, picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Yan Xi!" Hua Cuo's voice was a little anxious.

"Are you free recently? Are you still in Italy?"

"Yes, I'm free!" Hua Cuo said without hesitation.

"Can you help me investigate something?" Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, it was an embarrassing personal matter.

"What's the matter?" Hua Cuo asked suspiciously.

"I suspect that the eggs are stored in an assisted reproductive agency company. The client information of this agency is extremely confidential. I want you to help me find out if there is any client information about Hess or Sylvia." Yan Xi said.

"So? If the confidentiality of customer information is extremely high, or all information is sealed, then you can only sneak into this institution." Hua made a mistake and analyzed it.

"I have a plan. The clients of this agency are divided into several grades. The senior clients are generally rich businessmen, politicians, celebrities, etc., who need a high degree of privacy protection. You pretend to be such people and come to Italy from China to freeze Sperm, and then find out where the high-level customer information is stored by contacting doctors, how to keep the information confidential, storage locations, etc.,” Yan Xi said.

"So? Do I really need to freeze sperm?" Hua Cuo hesitated.

"It depends on your ability." Yan Xi said relatedly, if he has a high ability to handle affairs, he doesn't need to freeze the sperm, but if he has no other plans, it depends on the ability of his sperm.

Hua Cuo's face darkened.

"There is another problem. I don't understand Italian!" Hua Cuo was very depressed. He had never been to Italy before, and the Italians spoke English very badly, and even had problems communicating.

"Don't worry, this organization is a branch of country M, and all information records are translated in Italian and English."

"Okay, I'll try my best." Hua Cuo responded.


Hua Cuo thought about it and needed to improve the plan, so he dialed a number.

"Director, I'm in Italy, and I want to apply for a permission from you."

"What authority?" Nie Shen asked, Hua mistakenly applied for leave before, and is currently not in the mission period, why did he suddenly go to Italy?
"Yanxi asked me to come to Italy to help her with a personal matter. I need to call the agents of the National Security Bureau in Italy, or personnel from other Chinese agencies, is that okay?" It is not allowed, but the director can make it official.

"What's the matter?" Nie Shen immediately became concerned. Why did Yan Xi find the wrong flower instead of him?

"Private matters, she probably doesn't want people to know." Hua Cuo said, even if it is the director, he certainly wouldn't say it.

Nie Shen was a little worried, but he didn't ask too much, and immediately approved Hua Cuo's application for permission, and ordered Hua Cuo to do his best to help Yan Xi.


The next morning, Hua mistakenly found Zhang Fei, a special agent of the National Security Bureau of Huaguo in Italy, and forged the identity of a wealthy businessman in Huaguo.

Zhang Fei pretended to be Hua Cuo's assistant.

Huacuo meets Zhang Feiyi.

Hua Cuo teased: "Zhang Fei, you have traveled through time and space."

Zhang Fei's face turned dark. He had been teased about this name since he was a child, and it didn't stop until he came to Italy. But every time he met his compatriots, he would be teased again after telling his real name.

"Let's get down to business. Why investigate the list of clients of assisted reproductive institutions?" Zhang Fei asked. Could it be that a high-ranking female official from Huaguo froze her eggs in Italy?

Single women are not allowed to freeze their eggs in China.

In China, there is a law that severely discriminates against sex.

It is legal for unmarried men to freeze their sperm in China, but it is illegal for unmarried women to freeze their eggs.

In short, if a woman wants to give birth legally in China, she must find a man as soon as possible while your eggs are still valid, and tie up the marriage.

Even if a married woman wants to freeze her eggs, she must first have an ID card, marriage certificate, and birth certificate, and then there are requirements, such as infertility, genetic diseases, and so on.

Therefore, many women in Huaguo choose to freeze their eggs abroad.


Hua Cuo didn't explain, and went to the assisted reproductive institution with Zhang Fei.

A low-profile black sedan parked in front of the institution.

Zhang Fei, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, got out of the car first, then opened the rear door, acting as an assistant.

Hua Cuo was dressed in noble and elegant attire, her hair was combed into a handsome shape, and she was wearing a pair of large sunglasses.

Walk through the door of the establishment and go to the information desk.

"My surname is Zhang. I made an appointment with Dr. Fei Di yesterday. Please let me know." Zhang Fei spoke standard Italian.

The customer service lady dialed the internal number, described the identity of the visitor, and after getting permission from Mr. Fei Di, she took Zhang Fei and Hua Cuo to Dr. Fei Di's office.

Dr. Feidi looks like he is in his 40s, and he is one of the most authoritative doctors in the institution.

The customer service lady walked out of the office and closed the door.

It was a mistake to take off the sunglasses.

"Doctor Fei Di, this is the Mr. Li I told you about yesterday." Zhang Fei said in English.

"Mr. Li, hello." Dr. Fei Di had studied in country M and spoke English very standard.

"Hello." Hua Cuo pretended to be very cold.

"Sit down, please," said Dr. Ferdy.

The three of them sat down on the sofa.

Zhang Fei began to explain the purpose of his visit: "Mr. Feidi, Mr. Li came to Italy this time mainly to find an absolutely confidential reproductive assistance institution, because Mr. Li's identity is in China..."

The rest speaks for itself.

Dr. Fei Di showed a clear look, and said: "Mr. Li can definitely rest assured at this level. Our company's security system adopts the most advanced system in the world. No one can break through it at present. And sign a confidentiality agreement. Every time you access information, you need to Three-party fingerprint confirmation by the client himself, the attending doctor and the security supervisor. There is basically no possibility of information leakage.”

Dr. Ferdy also talked about many forms of secrecy.

Hua Cuo had a calm demeanor, and after listening to it, he just nodded slightly, expressing a little satisfaction.

"Does Mr. Li just need to freeze sperm? How many years is the specific period? Does Mr. Li have certain diseases, even genetic diseases?" Dr. Fei Di asked very directly. Doctors usually come to freeze sperm to help customers solve these problems. Sperm, for the most part, has some sort of problem.

"Mr. Li had undergone a physical examination and a genetic test when he was in Huaguo. All the tests were normal, but for some special reasons, he needed to freeze his sperm." Zhang Fei said it very cryptically on purpose.

Dr. Fei Di expressed his understanding that these special reasons belong to the privacy of the client, and of course he will not pursue them.

Zhang Fei said: "Now we only need to freeze the sperm, and the period is ten years."

Dr. Fei Di nodded, he likes such a straightforward client the most.

"Okay, now let's do a simple physical examination first, and then take blood samples and sperm for testing. If the test results are correct, then you can sign an agreement and pay." Dr. Fei Di looked at the wrong flower, this Mr. Li has been Neither spoke.

"Hmm." Hua Cuo hummed in a neutral manner.

"Mr. Li, please follow me." Doctor Fei Di got up.

Hua Cuo and Zhang Fei looked at each other secretly, and followed Dr. Fei Di out of the office.

Next, Hua Cuo conducts various physical examinations, mainly to check whether the physical condition is good.

Dr. Fei Di looked at the current examination report. This Mr. Li is in good health. He does not know the result of the genetic test. Although the client said that he had already done the genetic test in China, he still needs to do it here to ensure that there will be no accidents. .

After the blood draw, there is the last step, the sperm retrieval.

Dr. Fei Di led the two of them to the door of a room, and handed Hua Cuo a cup sealed in a medical plastic bag.

Hua took the cup inexplicably by mistake, what is he going to use for a cup?He couldn't read the Italian on the sealed package.

"Mr. Li, please follow me." Dr. Fei Di opened the door and walked into the room.

When Hua Cuo and Zhang Fei walked into the room, they both froze for a moment.

This is a bedroom full of mood, the heating is turned on, and the temperature is suitable. There is a picture of a female nude on the wall, several pornography albums on the desktop, and a large LCD screen.

"Mr. Li, the bathroom is here. You should clean certain parts and hands first, and then unpack and take out the cup. During the process, try not to touch the edge and inside of the cup to prevent foreign objects from falling into the cup." Dr. Fei Di instructed some.

Hua Cuo was stunned, as if he had guessed something, and asked uncertainly: "How to get sperm..."

Doctor Fei Di showed a knowing smile, raised his palm and shook it.

Flower error: "..."

Hua Cuo's expression is unpredictable, holding this cup is very heavy.

Zhang Fei coughed lightly, looking like he wanted to laugh but held back.

Dr. Fei Di picked up the remote control and turned on the LCD screen: "Here are [-] videos. Mr. Li can choose one he likes. The room is completely soundproof. Come out as soon as possible after the completion to ensure the freshness of the sperm. We will be outside , if you have any questions during this period, you can press this button and we will knock on the door."

Flower error: "..."

Zhang Fei coughed again, his face turned red from holding back, this mission gave him a lot of experience.

Hua Cuo's face was abnormal, and his tone was gloomy: "Is this the only way to extract sperm? Is there no other medical method?"

Dr. Fei Di looked at Hua Cuo in puzzlement. This Mr. Li should have no physical problems. Could there be any psychological barriers in this regard?
Dr. Fei Di pointed to the instrument next to the bed, and explained very professionally: "There is also an electric sperm retrieval device, which is equivalent to some kind of male product. If you don't need it, you can also wear a condom for actual combat, but this requires your woman Friends are present. If the client has a physical or psychological disability, it can also be punctured with a syringe, and the sperm can be biopsied."


Zhang Fei couldn't laugh anymore, and suddenly felt a little...a little pain.

Hua Cuo's face turned completely dark.

"Mr. Li, which method do you want to use?" Dr. Ferdy thought this was normal, but also understood that some clients would be... shy.

"Cough, I'll go out and make a phone call first." Hua Cuo hurried out of the room.

Doctor Fei Di looked puzzled, so should I take it?
Zhang Fei didn't know what was going on with Hua Cuo, and the most important step was still missing. Why did Hua Cuo back down?Either masturbate it, or if it doesn't work, just stab it!
"Doctor Fei Di, Mr. Li may be a little psychologically...or we will come back tomorrow." Zhang Fei said bravely.

"Yes, our company provides psychological counseling services for customers, or try to ask Mr. Li to provide psychological counseling tomorrow." Dr. Fei Di is very considerate. This kind of psychological barrier is private, and most people are unwilling to reveal it.

"Okay, I will try to persuade Mr. Li, thank you very much today." Zhang Fei looked very grateful.

"You're welcome," said Dr. Ferdy.

After leaving, Zhang Fei hurried to find Hua Cuo.


Huacuo walked out of the gate of the institution, took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Yan Xi, your plan is a little unrealistic."

"Where is it impractical?"

"Do you know what needs to be done to freeze sperm?" Hua Cuo was extremely depressed, he didn't know that this step was needed.

"What to do?" Yan Xi knew about this before, but she is not a doctor. As for the specific medical technology, she is not very clear.

"You know what? Let me go into a room that is not suitable for children and do something that is not suitable for children!" He really couldn't do it.

"I know, you are not a child, you can do things that are not suitable for children." Yan Xi was a little speechless, how could this kind of thing be unrealistic?
"But I don't want to do it!" That's the point, okay?

"Why don't you want to do it?"

"If you don't want to, you just don't want to, there is absolutely no need for it!" He didn't really want to freeze sperm, it was just a task!

"Haven't you done it before?"

"..." Hua Cuo was speechless for a moment. When she was young, she did this kind of behavior out of curiosity and impulsiveness, but later she realized that it was unhealthy, so she never did it again.

"It's fine as usual, you don't need to have a psychological burden."

"..." Hua Cuo took a deep breath, he was not like usual!

"If it really doesn't work, there should be another way to puncture with a syringe." Yan Xi doesn't recommend this method, it may be very painful.

"Puncture? I'm afraid I will have a psychological shadow in the future!" Hua Cuo's face turned dark, what do you mean it's impossible?He can do it!Just don't want to!

"Then do you have a better plan?" Yan Xi asked.

Hua Cuo was about to say no for the time being, when he suddenly saw a commercial vehicle parked by the side of the road, a man and a woman got out of the car, they looked about 40 years old, both wore black clothes and sunglasses, but they could be seen as rich is expensive.

Huacuo suddenly thought of something, instead of pretending to be a high-level new customer, it is better to pretend to be an old customer who has frozen eggs. Frozen eggs or sperm usually last for several years, or even more than ten years. After such a long time, it is difficult for the attending doctor to recognize Find the client himself, or even directly pretend to be Hess himself, and find an Italian who looks similar to Hess.

"I have a plan, but I need Hess's identity information, as well as fingerprints."

"Leave it to me." Yan Xi said, it's not difficult to get this information.


Zhang Fei found Huacuo, and asked teasingly with a smile, "Why did you run away?"

Hua Cuo's face darkened.

Zhang Fei looked at Hua Cuo with a strange look, and said in a teasing tone, "You don't really have a problem with that, do you?"

"You have the problem! I just don't think it's necessary! Can you be excited about a strange woman's naked body?" Hua Cuo was pissed off, he just didn't want that kind of thing to happen in that situation.

"This is a man's occasional physical need. You can imagine the subject of the picture as a woman you like." Zhang Fei tacitly said that as a special agent of the National Security Bureau, due to the nature of his work, he usually does not have a girlfriend.

Hua Cuo's eyes dimmed, and a figure of a woman appeared in her mind, but she soon came to her senses.

"Then what should we do now? Come back tomorrow?" Zhang Fei asked.

"No, I have other plans." Hua mistakenly put on her sunglasses.

"What plan? What mission is he actually performing?" Zhang Fei still doesn't know what Hua Cuo is doing. The director personally ordered him to cooperate with Hua Cuo, which should be a very important task.

Hua Cuo didn't explain, opened the door to get in the car, and went back first.


(End of this chapter)

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