I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 713 Hess Chapter 17

Chapter 713 Hess Comes Back 17
Recently, Hess has been with her, sometimes going to the company, sometimes going out shopping together, and he even took her to participate in secret meetings of the Este family.

Life seems to be getting fuller.

However, Hess still felt vaguely uneasy, even if he slept with her at night, he felt that it was not real, he couldn't figure her out.

"Sylvia, why don't we go on a trip, or go to Jingyang City." Hess thought, maybe she likes her home in Jingyang City very much.

"Why do you suddenly want to travel?" Yan Xi looked at him puzzled.

"You said that you have no intention of getting married for the time being, so let's take our honeymoon early." Hess said.

"I don't think it's necessary." Yan Xi didn't have that time, and she didn't want to get entangled with him any longer.

Hess looked gloomy, being with her for so long, although she didn't show any displeasure, he couldn't feel her love at all.


Today, the sky started to rain again, and it has not stopped.

Yan Xi didn't like the current state very much, and felt a little irritable.

A few days later, I received a call from Hua Wrong.

"Yan Xi, just now I used Hess's identity to successfully make an appointment with an authoritative doctor of that institution. Hess is indeed a client of that institution." Hua Cuo said that there are several authoritative doctors in that institution. Hess's identity, try to make appointments one by one, so that you can know whether Hess is a customer or not.

Hearing this, Yan Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and finally found it.

"You made an appointment with the doctor, how do you meet with the doctor?"

"I found an Italian and prepared to pretend to be Hess. Hess was a client four years ago. After many years, the doctor's impression of Hess should not be deep. In addition, he has Hess' identity information and fingerprints, so it should be a problem. It's not big. But what do you want to do with... your eggs?" Hua Cuo's tone was solemn, Huaguo does not allow single women to freeze their eggs, and they cannot be shipped back to Huaguo, and liquid nitrogen tanks are difficult to leave the country, and may be damaged during transportation. Therefore, it can only be temporarily stored in Italy and found in a hospital or institution for storage.

"Imitate Hess's signature, as long as you sign the termination agreement, the institution will dispose of it. Even if Hess finds out that the agreement has been terminated and the eggs are gone, then this institution may be very unlucky." Yan Xi can only apologize. , Hess may find this institution to settle accounts.

"You don't want them?" Hua Cuo was shocked, didn't she want to get them back?
"What do I want them for?" Yan Xi asked inexplicably.

"In case one day you want a healthy child, maybe this is a good choice." Hua Cuo said that she had taken a lot of caffeine, which would affect the child's health, although this drug The effect will wear off over time, but eggs stored in liquid nitrogen tanks are currently the best option.

"If I want healthy kids, I can adopt one, no, it's not the problem, it's just that I can't afford the responsibility. Besides, they don't exist, Hess just took them out without my knowledge, I just put It's just a matter of returning to normal." Yan Xi said.

Huacuo was silent for a moment, he didn't dare to destroy them with his own hands.

"Yan Xi, the matter has already happened, there is no so-called restoration, you may just push the matter to another state."

"What do you want to express?" Yan Xi frowned.

"Keep them, I can steal them and store them in other hospitals or institutions, maybe this is... the only medicine for regret in the world." Hua Cuo persuaded.

"This regret medicine was made by Hess. It didn't exist in the first place, so I don't need to worry about it. If it is stored elsewhere, Hess may find it. It's not necessary at all." Yan Xi was a little annoyed, Hess This guy is a little... paranoid.

Hua Cuo couldn't find a rebuttal for a while, but he struggled with it. He really wanted to keep them. No matter who made them, he couldn't deny their existence.

"Yan Xi, why don't you want them?"

"It's useless for me to want them, I have more yearning things, I may not get married, I may not be a qualified mother, I can't give birth to them, etc. Maybe in the final analysis, I can't take this responsibility." Yan Xi said frankly.

"You don't have it now, but it doesn't mean you won't have it in the future. Maybe one day, you can conceive them. The doctor just said that it is almost impossible for you to conceive them, but this is not absolute." Hua Cuo said, and medicine is getting more and more advanced.

"It's not a physical responsibility, but a psychological responsibility. Besides, the international clinical practice is to freeze eggs for five years, and now it has been more than four years. Maybe they have lost their vitality." Yan Xi said.

"I think your vitality will be very tenacious." Hua Cuo was very convinced.

Yan Xi took it as a compliment, but now is not the time to joke.

"I don't need it, and I don't have to."

"Yan Xi, won't you regret it?" Hua Cuo said solemnly, he respected her choice, but things are not absolute, he was afraid that one day she would regret it.

"Why should I regret it?" Yan Xi didn't want to talk about this kind of thing, so there was no need to get entangled.

Hua Cuo was silent for a long time, he didn't know what to do.

Yan Xi said: "There are already enough people on the earth, and I don't need to reproduce."

Hua Cuo smiled, and could understand her thoughts, because of experience, nature of work, concepts, etc., he never had a sense of mission to reproduce, at least not now, but he didn't know what would happen in the future.

In the end, Hua wrongly agreed to her.


(End of this chapter)

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