I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 715 Hess Chapter 19

Chapter 715 Hess Comes Back 19
For a long time, Hess held her left hand and stroked the ring on her ring finger. In fact, he knew that marriage could not kidnap her.

"Sylvia, Don't leave me alone, I love you ."

"I'm not Sylvia." Yan Xi pulled out his hand, Sylvia was just a fake identity in the mission.

"Yanxi, don't leave me, I love you." Hess's Chinese is average, but when it comes to her name, the words are correct.

Yan Xi was taken aback for a moment, wondering when he learned Chinese.

Hess stared at her face, with a pleading voice: "If you want to leave, please take me away."

Yan Xi lowered his eyes, she couldn't take him away, his life trajectory was completely different from hers, she didn't love him, maybe she didn't love him enough, she had the faith and freedom to love and yearn for more.

"Hess, we are not suitable for..."

"I will get used to everything about you, I will change, and we will become very suitable, just like the Chinese saying "Made in heaven and earth." Hess interrupted her, he felt that everything was very suitable.

"I don't need you to change. You don't need to change for me. You can completely follow your own ideas." Yan Xi said, she felt that nothing could change him. He has a kind of paranoia, but this is not a shortcoming. He has the ability to implement it. His paranoia, he doesn't need to change for others.

"Everything I do now is according to my own ideas, and I want to be with you." Hess's blue eyes were full of warmth.

"Why do you want to be with me? I don't treat you well, I don't love you, I'm not even pretty, I'm not talented, I'm boring, and I'm selfish.” In Yan Xi's impression, she had always been indifferent to Hess, but he Never tire of... teasing her.

"I think you are beautiful, talented, funny, you are not selfish, you just follow your own wishes, but I don't want your wishes to be to leave me, I will be overwhelmed and lonely, I will be irritable and low, I don't like rainy days, but with you by my side, I feel that it will be sunny." Hess reveals sadness and weakness, and he will suffer.

Yan Xi was a little surprised. She knew Hess' character, but she had never probed into his inner thoughts. It turned out that he felt lonely, he had almost no friends, and no special hobbies. Difficult to integrate into various circles.

"I'm not a cure for your loneliness, irritability, and depression. I can't be with you all the time. Maybe you need to try to accept other people..."

"I want you to be with me all the time, I don't want to accept other people, I don't like them, I don't even like this world." Hess's heart is extremely depressed, he has never liked it!
Yan Xi was at a loss for words for a while, she never knew that Hess was so negative and pessimistic, and she didn't know how to persuade him. She used to think that Hess was unreasonable and paranoid, but now she realized that she actually didn't understand him.

"Sylvia, why don't you like me?" Hess was lonely and depressed, all his pride and self-confidence collapsed.

"I don't dislike you, it's just that I can't be with you and I won't marry you." Yan Xi said seriously, she never disliked him.

"Why not? If you think there is something wrong with me, I will work hard to correct it. Do you hate my obsessive-compulsive disorder? I can go to the doctor." Hess finally admitted that he has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"No, no, I don't think there is anything wrong with you, you don't need to change. I don't hate your OCD, I just don't want to force myself, and I don't want to force you. If OCD seriously affects your life, it makes you feel huge. Anxiety and pain, you may need to see a doctor. But if it doesn't matter, it's not OCD, it's just your personality, it's not a disease, you don't need to force yourself to change, you need someone who accepts everything about you, no, It should be someone who appreciates you." Yan Xi tried his best to explain that she was not a psychiatrist, so she didn't know how to enlighten him.

"What should I do so that you will accept me?" Hess felt confused, he didn't need other people to accept him, he only wanted her to accept him.

"I don't reject everything about you, I accept everything about you, I even appreciate you, you are not bad, but I can't do anything for you like your lover, I'm sorry." Yan Xi was full of apology.

"Enough is enough, you have paid a lot for me, you saved me once, because of me, you were stabbed, the doctor said you can't have children, I want to pay you a baby..." Hess has always felt guilty and angry about this. sad.

"You don't need to do this, it has nothing to do with you, it's just my task." Yan Xi was very helpless, unexpectedly he took her eggs for this.

"It's about me because I want to have a baby with you," said Hess, his last bargaining chip.

Yan Xi's eyes darkened, he could no longer realize his idea.

"Hess, I won't be with you, let alone marry you."

"Sylvia, are you going to leave me?" Hess felt extremely panicked, she left him again and again, and he was afraid that he would lose her completely in the end.

"Yes." Yan Xi couldn't lie to him because she was leaving.

"Don't leave me, I will be lonely and miserable." Hess was full of sadness, and he couldn't accept losing her.

Yan Xi has nothing to say, if she cheats on him, if she is with him, she may also feel lonely and painful, she doesn't want to be Mrs. Este, doesn't want to do things she doesn't like, she wants to be herself, wants to things you like.

Maybe he won't force her, he can even accept everything about her and wait for her silently.

But she can't promise him, can't bear his love, she may even die at any time, she can't give him hope.

Time passed by, the room was silent, only the sound of rain outside the window.

Hess looked at her reluctantly, he didn't know how to keep her, he felt powerless, helplessness and sadness eroded his whole body.

Yan Xi's heart was a little heavy, facing his sad eyes, she could only apologize.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of the phone vibrating.

Hess took out his cell phone and answered the call. His expression became pale and angry, and his blue eyes looked at her deeply.

Yan Xi frowned slightly, perhaps Hess already knew.

"Why?" Hess's cold voice was trembling, and he stared at her with love and hatred intertwined. There was too much sadness and pain in his eyes.

Yan Xi was silent, facing his questioning, she didn't apologize, but it was very... uncomfortable, she hurt him.

Hess rushed out.

Yan Xi stood still, looking out the window, and saw Hess running out in the heavy rain. He was soaked and hurried into the car. The car seemed to be out of control and sped away, disappearing in the heavy rain.


(End of this chapter)

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