I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 716 Hess Chapter 20

Chapter 716 Hess Comes Back 20
It was raining heavily, and there was not much traffic on the road.

Several cars were chasing a black commercial vehicle, speeding on the road.

"Boss, there are traffic lights ahead!" The driver was considering whether to run through the red light, and if he didn't, he might lose track of him.

"Stop it at all costs!" Hess drove a white sports car through the red light and chased after the commercial vehicle.

Immediately afterwards, several cars ran through the red light, and the intersection was in chaos for an instant. More than a dozen cars were blocked at the intersection, and their horns kept sounding.

Commercial vehicles drive into the expressway. In the weather like this, few vehicles dare to go on the expressway.

The road was unimpeded, and several cars seemed to be desperately chasing on the highway.

Until a corner was encountered, the white sports car drifted suddenly and stopped the commercial vehicle.

The sports car and the commercial vehicle collided.

The vehicles following behind instantly surrounded the commercial vehicle.

The bodyguard turned pale with fright, got out of the car immediately, and ran to the sports car in the heavy rain, not knowing if Boss was injured.

Hess, unhurt, opened the door and got out of the car, standing drenched in the rain.

The bodyguard hurriedly went to find the umbrella, but seeing that the boss was already wet, should he hold the umbrella?

Hess's face was pale, the rain slid down his face, his blue eyes were cold and cold, he took out his pistol and pointed it at the person in the driver's seat of the commercial vehicle.

Hua got out of the car by mistake, and the heavy rain soaked him all at once. He also held a gun in his hand, and the gun was not pointed at Hess, but at a liquid nitrogen tank on the passenger seat.

"Let me go, or I will shoot." Hua Cuo said, he lied to her, he didn't destroy them, but stole them.

"This is mine! Not only hers, but mine!" Hess said coldly, this is not her egg, but his and her embryo!

"I know, she doesn't love you, she wants to destroy them, so I will shoot." Hua Cuo warned.

"You won't, otherwise why would you steal them." A trace of suspicion flashed in Hess' eyes, maybe Sylvia didn't know that this man stole them.

"Then try it." Hua Cuo moved his fingers slightly, intending to pull the trigger.

"No!" Hess shouted angrily, he couldn't afford to bet!

Hua Cuo's expression was calm, he couldn't understand Hess' mentality, but it was undeniable that Hess cared about them, and he probably cared about her.

The whole sky was overcast with clouds, the wind and rain were getting more and more violent, there was no shelter on the highway, and the rain was falling on everyone mercilessly, like a flood.

Hess was cold all over, and the rainwater flowed into his eyes, which were covered with bloodshot eyes. At this moment, he was fighting like a trapped beast, and sorrow and pain entangled him tightly like vines.

"This is mine, give it back to me."

"I can't give it to you." Huacuo couldn't compromise, he should have destroyed them according to her decision, but he couldn't do it, but he definitely couldn't give it to Hess, he was afraid that Hess would create a child without her consent.

"Give it back to me, I'm willing to let you go..." Hess's voice was weak and trembling, coming out of his throat with difficulty.

"What do you mean?" Hua Cuo wondered, since he was willing to let go, why did he want them?
"Give it back to me, I will never let her know, I will never see her." Hess' eyes gradually became ashen and desperate, and he put down the gun powerlessly.

Hua Cuo couldn't believe it, and looked at Hess in shock, the rain seemed to blur his vision, the rain was loud, but he could hear it clearly.

"These are her children, you can't kill them, she can't kill them. Give them back to me, she will never know, I will never see her." Hess was heartbroken, she had left him, he couldn't To lose his and her children again.

Huacuo fell silent for a moment, and Hess' words made him hesitate. Between her and the child, Hess chose the child, no, maybe this was a forced choice.

It never occurred to him to kill the birth, but she would.

Maybe she didn't have the desire to procreate, and couldn't take on the responsibility, but Hess could.

He was even afraid that she would die during the mission, leaving nothing behind.


(End of this chapter)

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