I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 717 A New Beginning 01

Chapter 717 A New Beginning 01
Yan Xi took off the ring and put it on the table, as well as the silver diamond necklace.

Yan Xi carried the suitcase and walked out of the room.

"Miss Sylvia, where are you going?" The servant asked hesitantly, just now the young master left in the rain, where did Miss Sylvia go with the suitcase?

"I'm leaving, take my leave." Yan Xi went downstairs.

"Where are you going? Does the young master know?" The servant was very anxious and hurriedly followed Yan Xi.

"He knows." Yan Xi said, he always knew that she would not stay.

The servant had nothing to say for a moment, but he still followed Yan Xi.

When he reached the door, the servant opened the umbrella: "Miss Sylvia, where are you going? I'll ask the driver to take you there."

Yan Xi took the umbrella: "Thank you, no need."

After finishing speaking, Yan Xi walked out of the gate and walked into the heavy rain.

The servant immediately went to tell the butler, and asked the butler to call and tell the young master that the young master was already engaged to Sylvia. The young master liked Sylvia so much, why would he let Sylvia leave?


Yan Xi left the castle, walked for a long time before reaching the road, and called a taxi.

"Miss, where are you going?" The driver glanced at the guest.

"Go to the city first." Yan Xi didn't know where to go, seeing that it was getting dark, he went to the hotel to stay for one night, and returned to Huaguo tomorrow.

When I went to the city and was about to find a hotel, I received a call from Hua Wrong.

"Yan Xi, where are you?" Hua Cuo asked.

"I'm in the urban area." Yan Xi gave the general location, but he couldn't understand the place names in Italian.

"I'm also in the city, are you free now?" Hua Cuo vaguely guessed that she should have left Hess.

"Yes." Yan Xi said.

"I'm here to find you." Hua Cuo said.

"Why don't I come to you, where are you?" Yan Xi asked, he didn't understand the language, and she was more familiar with the road here.

"That's good." Hua mispronounced the exact address.

After hanging up, Yan Xi told the driver to change the route.

Going to an underground parking lot, Yan Xi paid to get out of the car, and was about to call Hua Cuo.

"Yan Xi!" Hua Cuo opened the car door and shouted.

Yan Xi saw Huacuo, walked over, and saw that the front of this commercial vehicle was dented in one corner, and the headlights were cracked. Was there an accident?

"I didn't cause it." Hua glanced at it by mistake, it was Hess who hit him.

Yan Xi was not interested in knowing, as long as he didn't have a car accident, but his hair was wet and his clothes were dry.

"Why is your hair wet? Did it rain just now?"

"Don't ask, come here." Hua Cuo opened the door of the passenger seat.

There is a liquid nitrogen tank on the passenger seat.

Yan Xi looked at the liquid nitrogen tank puzzled: "Did you steal it?"

Hua Cuo nodded: "By the way."

Yan Xi was very speechless, why did he steal it?Fortunately, Hess was not caught.

"This is your... egg, I think it's better for you to handle it yourself." Hua Zuo smiled narrowly.

The corner of Yan Xi's lips twitched, she would get rid of one every month.

"How to open it?" Yan Xi had seen liquid nitrogen tanks before, but had never operated them.

"I don't know, but you need to wear protective gloves and protective glasses." Hua Cuo said that the liquid nitrogen tank is an insulated storage container that uses a vacuum barrier to isolate the -196°C liquid nitrogen from the environment.

Therefore, the temperature inside is as low as minus 196°C, which may frostbite the skin.

Yan Xi put on gloves, and according to his memory, he opened the jar first, and he could see the white mist inside, then picked up the lifting hook, and lifted the handle vertically, and there were ten egg specimens in the handle.

(End of this chapter)

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