I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 718 A New Beginning 02

Chapter 718 A New Beginning 02
After taking out all the specimens, Yan Xi was very depressed. She could just let the institution dispose of them directly, but Hua Mi insisted on stealing them. Now she doesn't know how to deal with them.

Hua Cuo said with some surprise: "There are ten of them."

Yan Xi said with a blank face, "Compared to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of you at one time, these ten are not many at all."

Hua Cuo: "..." Pretending he hadn't said it.

Yan Xi picked up a specimen and looked it over, but there seemed to be nothing in it.

Hua wrong eyes are weird: "Eggs are very tiny, you need to use a microscope to see them."

Yan Xi: "..."

Yan Xi really wanted to tell him that the sperm is more subtle and should be magnified to see it.

The liquid nitrogen tank has been opened for a few minutes, and the internal temperature environment may be unstable, and it is useless to keep it.

Yan Xi put the specimens in a suitcase and processed them when he went home, as a monthly routine.

"Where are you going?" Hua mistakenly saw her holding the suitcase.

"Look for a hotel to stay for one night first." Yan Xi said, it was already dark.

"There is a hotel here. I saw it just now. I want to stay in a hotel too." Hua Cuo took out a suitcase from the rear compartment.

Locked the car and went to the hotel with her by mistake.

Walking into the hotel gate, Yan Xi's phone in his pocket vibrated and he saw the caller ID.

"I'll answer the phone." After finishing speaking, Yan Xi went to a corner of the lobby to answer the phone.

Hua went to the service desk to make a reservation by mistake.

When the front desk lady saw the wrong face, she took the initiative to receive her in English.

"What type of room is there?" Hua Cuo couldn't understand a column of Italian.

"Double room, couple room, independent suite." The front desk lady saw Hua Cuo and Yan Xi together just now.

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yan Xi who was talking on the phone in the corner of the lobby.

A strange look flashed across Hua Cuo's eyes, and he said in a low voice, "She will come over later, can you tell me that there is only one independent suite left in the hotel... No, there is only one double room left."

The lady at the front desk was stunned for a moment, but soon she showed a clear smile: "There is only one private suite left in the hotel."

Double rooms have two beds but suites have only one bed.

Hua wrongly glanced, but did not refuse.

After a while, Yan Xi walked over.

Hua Cuo didn't speak, waiting for the front desk lady to play.

"Miss, there is only one independent suite left in the hotel." The front desk lady looked at Yan Xi with an apologetic expression.

"It's okay, I'm in a hurry, so leave it to this gentleman." Yan Xi had just received an emergency call.

The front desk lady was dumbfounded.

Hua Cuo was splashed with cold water, and asked anxiously, "What happened?"

"Mission, I'm going to the airport." Yan Xi glanced at his watch, if he can catch the flight, dinner will be eaten on the plane.

"I'll drive you there." Hua Cuo felt a little disappointed.

"No, I'll take a taxi. Goodbye. Also, thank you." Yan Xi said, he was not familiar with the road, and it was more convenient for her to take a taxi, which already troubled him all the way to Italy.

"You don't have to be polite to me." Hua Cuo smiled.

"Well, goodbye." Yan Xi looked at him, then left with the suitcase.

Hua Cuo looked at her back melancholy, and watched her get into a taxi and leave.

Seeing this, the front desk lady wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and asked, "Sir, do you want to book an independent suite?"

Hua Cuo's face was a little gloomy: "Give me a single room."

The lady at the front desk still smiled: "Okay, I'll book a single room for you."


(End of this chapter)

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