I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 719 A New Beginning 03

Chapter 719 A New Beginning 03
Yan Xi came to Australia again, and instantly changed from a rainy winter to a sunny summer.

December is the beginning of summer in Australia.

After nearly two years, Yan Xi came to the Australian National Central Bureau of Interpol again, met with Ms. Colson, and received a new mission to investigate a transnational organized crime.

In January, Yan Xi went to the Art Gallery of New South Wales due to mission needs.

Saw an exhibition of paintings in a showroom.

Yan Xi has never formally studied art, but he once pretended to be a painter and an art connoisseur, so he has a little appreciation ability.

Some familiar style.

I saw the price tag of the painting, [-] Australian dollars.And the signature of the painting, Andrew Matthews.

Yan Xi couldn't help thinking of Yun Su, who once bought a painting at a high price, and now it might really be worth the money.

When Yan Xi turned to leave, he saw an energetic man in a suit and leather shoes, and he almost didn't recognize him.

In my impression, he was dressed casually, his clothes were stained with various colors of paint, his hair was a bit messy, and he was wearing slippers under his feet.

Andrew looked at Yan Xi in shock, he was very excited and was about to go to say hello.

Yan Xi made a booing gesture.

Andrew couldn't help but stop, and instantly understood that he had promised to help her paint, but he had to keep it secret, and he would pretend not to know her whenever he saw her in the future.

Yan Xi walked out of the exhibition hall.

Andrew felt extremely emotional, and watched her back.

She disappeared without a trace two years ago, and then saw news reports that Ruilong Finance Company was accused of transnational money laundering, one of which was using auction houses to auction paintings to launder money.

Only then did he know that she was using his paintings to launder money.

When he was furious, the director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales called him personally, saying that he would be given a chance to exhibit, which would be valid forever.

At that time, he was completely stunned, and he couldn't believe it was true.

It took him a year and a half to hold an art exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales in September this year, and with the presence of the curator, he became famous in one fell swoop.

His paintings became permanent works in the Art Gallery of New South Wales.

He didn't know who she was, but he believed that she was definitely not a criminal, otherwise she would have already been in prison, how could she appear here openly.


Until February, which is the height of summer in Australia in February.

In February, Huaguo is in the midst of winter, and the New Year is about to come.

Thinking of Hua's wrong birthday, Yan Xi sent him a message: Happy birthday, if you want a gift now, I can send it to you.

Soon I received Hua Cuo's reply: Give it to me when we meet.

Hua Cuo was full of anticipation, she remembered his birthday, he was not in a hurry to receive presents, he wanted to see her more.

Yan Xi replied: Yes.

Hua Cuo's heart moved slightly, he didn't know what she was doing and whether she was in danger.

She promised to give it to him when they met, and she indirectly gave him a small promise.

In a few days, it will be New Years.

Huacuo has been waiting to meet, but on New Year's Eve, there is no news of her.

Hua sent her a message by mistake: Happy New Year's Eve.

Then I waited for her reply until the next day, when Hua Cuo waited anxiously, and then received her message, only four words: Happy New Year.

Huacuo replied instantly: Happy New Year.

Huacuo didn't ask where she was, she should still be on mission.

This year's New Year may not be able to spend with her.

Hua Cuo still went back to Jingyang City, and used the excuse of taking clothes to live in her house.


(End of this chapter)

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