I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 720 A New Beginning 04

Chapter 720 A New Beginning 04
After the New Year, there was still no news of her, Hua mistakenly received the mission and went back to the capital.

Assist the military district in a secret mission.

Huacuo went to the military region, and saw Cheng Yunsu, an imposing colonel.

Hua Cuo was inevitably a little surprised. He had already guessed that Yun Su's identity was not simple, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult. His surname is Cheng, and he has a close relationship with the director. He should be a member of the Cheng family, a wealthy red family in the capital.

When Hua Cuo was about to salute, Yun Su spoke, dispelling the serious atmosphere.

"Hua Cuo, long time no see." Yun Su became more mature and steady, with a lingering chill and awe in his body.

"Long time no see, Colonel Cheng." Hua Cuo smiled, he never liked seriousness and solemnity.

A glint of darkness flashed across Yun Su's eyes. He shouldered the family mission, and the blood in his bones never cooled down. Maybe the Cheng family members all have the blood of soldiers.

After saying hello, the two began to talk about business. Now they do not have a rival relationship, nor will they talk about private matters.

After talking about the business, Hua Cuo said goodbye and left.


For the next two months, Hua Cuo and Yun Su will perform missions together.

Hua Cuo is not considered a soldier. He can obey all kinds of rules and regulations, but he is very uncomfortable.

For two months, the two of them only talked about business matters, and they seemed to tacitly keep silent about Yan Xi.

Until the end of the task, Hua Cuo said goodbye to Yun Su, and he received a new task.

When parting, Yun Su said: "The flowers are wrong, take care."

Hua Cuo nodded and said with a smile: "You also take care."

The two once carried out missions together in country M, and lived together in Jingyang City for more than half a year, which can be regarded as a deep friendship.

From then on, Yun Su had his mission, and Hua Cuo also had his responsibility.


Yun Su no longer often lives in the Cheng family's mansion, but in the military area.

Today is my mother's birthday, so Yun Suu went back to Cheng's mansion.

"Brother!" Cheng Yunhui shouted.

"Yeah." Yun Su was still so serious.

"Brother, when are you going on vacation?" Cheng Yunhui was elated. She hadn't seen her eldest brother for two months. She thought that her eldest brother would have more time when he went to the military region, but unexpectedly he was still so busy.

"Next week, what's the matter?" Yun Su glanced at her.

"You're so boring. Go out with me next week and introduce some friends to you." Cheng Yunhui's eyes flashed brightly. Everyone in the family knew that her eldest brother lost his love last year, so no one mentioned his daughter again. friend.

"No need." Yun Su was not interested.

"Go, go! Am I still your sister?" Cheng Yunhui insisted. The eldest brother is 30 years old, and the second aunt is worried about the eldest brother's marriage every day.

"Where are you going?" Yun Su rubbed his forehead, since he had nothing to do during the holiday anyway.

"It's my friend's birthday. You should know her. It's An Yu, the second young lady of the An family." Cheng Yunhui said, although she doesn't like An Yu very much, An Yu is too delicate. As the daughter of the Cheng family, she likes straightforward people.

"No." Yun Su didn't have much memory, but what was he going to do for the girl's birthday party.

"Even if you don't go, the An family will invite us." Cheng Yunhui said, the An family is also a military and political family, but compared to the Cheng family, the An family is nothing.

The An family has two daughters. The eldest daughter, An Qing, was born to her original spouse, who died shortly after An Qing was born.The second daughter, An Yu, was born to his current wife.

As we all know, the second daughter An Yu is beautiful and knowledgeable.

But the eldest daughter, An Qing, was so ugly and ignorant that she was ashamed of the An family.


(End of this chapter)

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