I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 721 A New Beginning 05

Chapter 721 A New Beginning 05
The An family is quite famous in the capital. Today is the birthday of An Yu, the second daughter of the An family, and they held a banquet at the Hyatt Hotel.

Almost half of the young men and women in the aristocratic circle of the capital came, and the venue was very lively.

An Yu was dressed in a white evening dress, her figure and appearance were impeccable, and she obtained a master's degree at the age of 24. She was one of the most famous ladies in the capital.

"Yun Hui, you're here." An Yu greeted her with a smile. The Cheng family is a wealthy red family in the capital, and the An family has always been friends with the Cheng family.

"An Yu, happy birthday." Cheng Yunhui didn't like An Yu very much, but he didn't hate her either, after all, An Yu didn't treat her well.

"Before you said that your brother was also here, why didn't you see him?" A suspicious look flashed in An Yu's beautiful eyes. She was impressed when she saw Cheng Yunsu a few years ago. Cheng Yunsu was handsome and extraordinary. heartbeat.

"Come here, I don't know where he went." Cheng Yunhui was a little depressed. The elder brother came with her, but when he turned around, he disappeared.

"Introduce me later." An Yu pretended to be casual.

Cheng Yunsu became a colonel last year, and it has become something that the younger generation in the capital's aristocratic circle talk about. He is considered the most outstanding son among the grandchildren of the Cheng family, and his future is boundless. Even his father admires Cheng Yunsu.

But no one saw Cheng Yunsu, he seemed very mysterious, but it was said that he was a bit cold.

"Hehe, that's fine." Cheng Yunhui laughed dryly twice. Could it be that An Yu is interested in big brother?She felt that her elder brother didn't like the type of An Yu, and An Yu was a bit oblique in his words and deeds.

Therefore, An Yu stayed with Cheng Yunhui every step of the way, waiting to see Cheng Yunsu. After three or four years, I don't know if Cheng Yunsu still remembers her.

Cheng Yunhui was a little impatient, An Yu was the protagonist tonight, why did she keep following her?
"An Yu, you don't have to entertain me, I can do it myself."

"It's okay, you are my best friend, of course I want to be with you." An Yu smiled.

Cheng Yunhui just chuckled, An Yu always got close to her, she and An Yu were far from being best friends.

"Why don't you see your sister?" Cheng Yunhui remembered that An Yu had a half-sister who seemed to be called An Qing.

An Yu's face changed slightly, and then returned to normal. Why did Cheng Yunhui suddenly ask An Qing? The person she hates the most is An Qing. It is rumored that An Qing is ugly, but in fact An Qing is beautiful and beautiful. Brother Huo Xuan!

So, tonight, she secretly drugged An Qing, and asked someone to drug Chen Feng, a playboy in the capital, so that Chen Feng and An Qing could spend the night together.

When An Qing lost her virginity, Brother Huo Xuan would definitely abandon An Qing!An Qing can only marry Chen Feng, a bad guy!
"My sister doesn't like me very much. Just now, my sister came here for a while and then left..." An Yu pretended to be disappointed. It is estimated that An Qing and Chen Feng are in trouble now.

Until the end of the banquet, Cheng Yunsu was not seen.

"Yun Hui, where's your brother?"

"I don't know, maybe I have already left." Cheng Yunhui felt strange, the elder brother never liked to attend these banquets, did he sneak away?

An Yu couldn't help being a little disappointed, brother Huo Xuan didn't like her, she had to find a man who was better than brother Huo Xuan.


The next morning, the morning light was faint.

An Qing woke up slowly, and when she saw the sleeping man beside her, she was startled, and instantly sobered up.

Last night, I realized that I had fallen into An Yu's trick, and everything after that was hazy, and I couldn't remember what happened at all.

An Qing was extremely angry, but when she saw the man's face, she had to admit that this man was really handsome, and even though he was covered with a quilt, it could be seen that he had a good figure.

Unexpectedly, An Yu found such an excellent man for her.

Although lost, but not too bad.

Before the man woke up, An Qing quietly left.

Suddenly thought of something, An Qing left the 200 yuan on her body, and wrote a note: Handsome guy, your technology is only worth 200 yuan!

Leaving the note and 200 yuan behind, An Qing left gracefully.


(End of this chapter)

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