I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 722 A New Beginning 06

Chapter 722 A New Beginning 06
Midsummer in June.

At night, the sky is covered with dark clouds, without stars and moon, as if it will rain at any time.

The air was oppressive and stuffy.

For two months, Hua Cuo was still on duty and was investigating a drug smuggling case.

But something happened, and he didn't even dare to report it to the chief.

Huacuo came out of the noisy nightclub and walked into a dark alley.

Hua Cuo was dressed casually, wearing a long-sleeved sweater and trousers, his face was a little pale, his hair hadn't been trimmed for a long time, it was messy, and he looked a little decadent.

At two o'clock in the morning, the alley in the middle of the night was extremely quiet.

He took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his trouser pocket.

Lighting the lighter, a faint flame rose, lit a cigarette, and a lingering smoke wafted out.

Smelling the strong smell of smoke, Hua Cuo couldn't help frowning, holding the burning cigarette between his fingers, he didn't smoke it, just watched it burn out, and then lit another one.

After a while, several cigarette butts were scattered on the ground.

Hua Cuo kept recalling in her mind.

He hadn't seen her for more than half a year, he didn't dare to contact her, and the birthday gift he was waiting for seemed to be in the foreseeable future.

He was extremely irritable. He never thought that this kind of thing would happen to him. He thought he had enough willpower to resist drugs.

However, the reality is too cruel.

He has never been so afraid and painful as he is now, as if he has been corroded by poison, gradually destroying everything about him.

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the dark night sky, followed by a bang of thunder.

Hua Cuo's whole body was tense, the smoke had burned to the end, and his fingers were burned, but he didn't feel the pain at all, because something more painful was eroding his whole body.

Gradually, he began to fidget, every nerve became extremely sensitive, his bones ached, his muscles ached, and his stomach convulsed.

Anxiety, irritability, despair, all kinds of terrible emotions haunted him like a devil.

The veins in his hands were exposed, every finger was shaking, and the index and middle fingers were scalded with bleeding blisters.

The cigarette butt fell to the ground and immediately lit another cigarette.

He began to break out in cold sweat all over his body, which was a thousand times worse than a cold. He couldn't help running his nose, and even shed tears.

Hua Cuo was trembling all over, and slowly squatted down on the ground, burying his head and hugging his legs.

Occasionally, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by rumbling thunder, indicating that a violent storm was about to come.

A strong wind blew into the dark alley, and the foam and waste paper on the ground were blown up.

Countless raindrops swept over and fell to the ground crackling, the sound of rain broke the silence of the night.

Hua Cuo was drenched all over, letting the heavy rain fall on him, he couldn't tell whether it was tears or rain on his face.

His body began to twitch, and he fell to the ground and curled up into a ball.

The cold rain couldn't dispel his severe pain and fear. Every part of his body ached, from the top of his head to his toes, from his skin to his bones, every cell ached. The pain was so painful that he couldn't think at all.

Almost defeated all his willpower, he hated himself at the moment, afraid of losing his rationality and dignity, afraid of being seen by her at the moment.

The rain is like a collapsed dam, pouring down like a flood.

I don't know how long it took before the heavy rain stopped.

There has just been a heavy rain, everything is quiet, and the ground is full of water.

Hua Cuo felt chills all over his body, his hair was wet, and water droplets slid down the ends of his hair.

After a long time, Hua Cuo stood up slowly while leaning on the wall exhaustedly, and left the alley step by step, disappearing into the night.


(End of this chapter)

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