I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 723 A New Beginning 07

Chapter 723 A New Beginning 07
At the end of summer in July, Yan Xi received a mission to go to a city in Huaguo to track down a criminal gang that smuggled drugs from Huaguo to country D.

As a native of China, it is more convenient for her to do things in China.

She didn't want to take this task at first, she avoided drugs, but she thought that she had been away from drugs for many years, and now she could face it without pressure. In addition, she knew that the Huaguo National Security Bureau was involved in investigating this case, so she took the task up.

In the process of tracking down the criminal gang, Yan Xi was a little surprised and worried when he saw a familiar person in the nightclub.

Yan Xi thought for a moment, but finally did not contact him.

She had contacted Hua Cuo before, but he never replied. She thought it was inconvenient for him to reply because he was on mission.

Seeing him now, he is indeed on mission.

One month later, the Huaguo police cracked a major drug smuggling case.

The criminal gang in country D fled back to country D, and was arrested by the police of country D at the airport when they entered the country.

Yan Xi's mission is over, she is currently in country D, and is considering whether to go to country F or Hua country.

Yan Xi thought for a while, and sent a message to Hua Cuo.

But after waiting for two days, I did not receive a reply from Hua Wrong.

His mission should have ended, and with his current state, he should not receive a new mission.

Yan Xi looked at the time, it was about ten o'clock in the evening in Huaguo.

Yan Xi dialed a number.

"Yan Xi!" Nie Shen was about to go to bed, but when he received a call from her, he immediately regained his energy.

"Uncle Nie, good evening, sorry to bother you." Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, and every time he contacted Nie Shen, he asked him for help.

"Don't disturb." Nie Shen was very happy and hadn't seen her for a long time.

"I want to ask you something, about Hua Cuo." Yan Xi explained his intention directly.

"What?" Nie Shen was puzzled.

Yan Xi was silent for a moment, didn't Nie Shen know?Since Nie Shen didn't know, of course she wouldn't say more.

"Is the flower wrong to perform the task now?"

"No, he applied for a three-month vacation a few days ago, what's wrong?" Nie Shen asked, did Yan Xi find the wrong flowers?Because of their working relationship, the two of them should rarely meet. As for whether they have frequent contact, he really doesn't know.

"It's okay, I thought he was on mission, so I won't bother him." Yan Xi made an excuse.

"You can disturb him, and I can give him a longer vacation." Nie Shen thought that Hua went to Italy by mistake last year, so he specially applied for a limited authority to help Yan Xi.

"No, I have nothing to do." Yan Xi said.

"You don't have to be polite to Hua Cuo, I can give him a paid vacation." Nie Shen just packed Hua Cuo to Yan Xi.

"Well, don't tell Hua Cuo, I will take the initiative to find him, otherwise he might think you arranged it on purpose." Yan Xi turned a corner, since Hua Cuo didn't want Nie Shen to know, and she didn't want her to know, of course she won't 'know'.

And thinking that the house spent in the capital is a bit small, and now that the house price in the capital has risen again, I don't know if his annual salary has increased. If he can give him paid vacation, she is very happy.

"That's fine." Nie Shen agreed, even if he arranged it on purpose, Hua Cuo would not refuse.

"Excuse me, Uncle Nie, good night." Yan Xi saw that it was already late at night.

"Don't disturb, good night." Nie Shen smiled.

Yan Xi responded, she is in country D now, it's only four o'clock in the afternoon.

After hanging up, Yan Xi applied to his boss for a vacation, which was uncertain, and then booked a plane ticket back to China.


(End of this chapter)

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