I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 724 A New Beginning 08

Chapter 724 A New Beginning 08
When Yan Xi returned to the capital of China, he first went to Huacuo's apartment, but no one answered the doorbell, so he took out the key and opened the door.

The doors and windows in the room were closed tightly, and there were no pillows or quilts on the bed in the room.

The fridge in the kitchen didn't have electricity.

Obviously haven't been back for a long time.

Yan Xi didn't stay, bought another plane ticket, and flew to the city where he investigated the case before.

I searched in various nightclubs, but I couldn't find the wrong flower. It was hard to find someone without any clues.

If he is in good condition now, she can pretend that she has not seen him before.

But now that he has no trace or news, she is a little worried.

Yan Xi dialed his number, and as long as he answered the call, she could track his location.

After more than ten rings, the phone was connected when he was about to hang up.

I didn't hear his voice, he used to talk a lot.

"Flower Wrong, are you free? What birthday present do you want? The birthday present I owed you earlier." Yan Xi still remembers this. It's been so long, almost half a year. His next birthday.

"I have something to do." Hua Cuo's voice was hoarse.

"Are you okay? Have you caught a cold?" Yan Xi tried his best to find a topic, but he hadn't tracked down the specific location yet.

"..." Huacuo pursed his lips, he was very bad, he didn't have a cold, but it was a thousand times worse than a cold.

"Wrong flower?" Yan Xi didn't hear him speak for a long time.

"I still have some things, goodbye." Hua Cuo said suddenly and hastily.

"Wait!" Yan Xi was delaying the call.

"..." Hua Cuo was about to hang up, but when he heard her voice, he stopped again.

"I'm on vacation recently, contact me when you're free." Yan Xi looked at the computer screen and tracked the approximate location.

"..." Hua Cuo was still silent, he didn't dare to contact her.

"What's wrong?" Yan Xi asked.

"Goodbye." After finishing speaking, Hua Mi quickly hung up the line.

Yan Xi put down his phone and glanced at the time, it was seven o'clock in the evening.

He was still in this city, and even though he had just cracked a major drug smuggling case, with his abilities, it shouldn't be difficult for him to find something.

Yan Xi changed into a suit of clothes, left the hotel, and went to the most chaotic town in the city.

There are a lot of untidy rental houses in this area, and there are a few bars and Internet cafes nearby.

Only a street light was on every once in a while, and the remote places were pitch black.

Yan Xi searched for two hours, and finally saw him near the Internet cafe.

In such hot weather, he was wearing a black long-sleeved sweater and a baseball cap, and his back seemed a little thin.

Yan Xi followed him secretly, and after following for a while, he seemed to realize that someone was following him.

He walked into a dark back alley.

Yan Xi walked to the back alley, stopped, and said, "If you don't want to see me, I'll leave."

Hua Cuo stopped abruptly, his posture was stiff, he didn't dare to turn around and look at her.

At this moment in the middle of the night, there is no sound.

The back alley was dark, and the houses on both sides blocked the moonlight and lights.

"I'll give you five seconds to think. If you don't speak, I'll leave. One, two, three, four, five, goodbye..." Yan Xi was about to leave.

"No!" Hua Cuo turned around in an instant, and saw her standing at the entrance of the alley, the moonlight scattered on her body, as if covered with a layer of silver halo, watching her step by step into the dark alley, walking towards him Come.

Yan Xi walked up to him. He was wearing a baseball cap with the brim pressed down so low that he couldn't see his face clearly, but he could feel the slumped breath on his body.

"Wrong flower, long time no see."

"Yan Xi..." Hua Cuo suddenly opened his arms and hugged her. He was so tired that the weight of his body seemed to be on her.

Yan Xi also stretched out her arms to hug him, smelling the smell of smoke on his body, one of her hands quietly touched his trouser pocket, and two fingers silently inserted into his trouser pocket, when she took out a packet of powder Yan Xi had already guessed what it was, it was heroin.

Yan Xi was very worried, his current situation was very bad.

The two embraced tightly in the dark.

"You know?" Hua Cuo's voice was low and hoarse, did she call him on purpose just now?
"Yeah." Yan Xi secretly threw away the things in his hand.

"..." Hua Cuo's body trembled a little, he was extremely panicked and terrified, and didn't know how to face her.

"Huacuo, do you trust me?" Yan Xi understood his feelings, he didn't go back to the capital, and he didn't report to Nie Shen, he didn't want anyone to know.

"I have always believed in you." Hua Cuo said without hesitation, believing in her very deeply.

"Then next, I'll be your guardian, okay?" Yan Xi asked for his opinion, if he didn't want to, of course she wouldn't force it.

"Do you want to accompany me?" Hua Cuo hesitated, he didn't want her to see him like this, he couldn't even look directly at himself.

"Well, is that okay? If you don't need it, I can leave." Yan Xi could understand that everyone has a side that is unknown to everyone.

"Don't leave." Hua Cuo's voice was weak, and his arms hugged her even harder.

For a long time, the two were still embracing each other.

Yan Xi saw that it was already late at night: "Let's go back first."

Only then did Hua Cuo let her go slowly, and left with her.

Hua Cuo lowered her head, didn't look at the road, just followed her footsteps: "Why did you come to me?"

Yan Xi said seriously, "You are my very good friend."

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, remembering that she had said this before.

Hua Cuo asked in a low voice: "Haven't you reached the level of best friend yet?"

Yan Xi laughed, "It depends on your performance."

Hua Cuo's heart was shocked. The moment the devil came, his willpower and belief almost collapsed, and he dared not let her down.

Walking out of the alley, the moonlight is clear outside.

Yan Xi asked, "Where do you live?"

Hua Cuo took her to his residence, it was just a dilapidated rental house, but the room was very tidy.

Yan Xi looked around, and found that this place is not suitable: "Pack up your luggage, and stay in a hotel with me tonight."

Hua Cuo didn't ask the reason, and silently packed his luggage. In fact, he felt that it was inconvenient to stay in a hotel. What would he do when his drug addiction broke out?

Leaving the rental house and walking to the side of the road, Yan Xi stopped a taxi and took the car back to the hotel.

When passing by a pharmacy, Yan Xi asked the driver to stop for a while.

"I'm going to do some shopping." Yan Xi got out of the car and walked into the pharmacy.

Hua Cuo sat in the car, looking at her figure through the car window, the lights on the side of the road were faint, but her figure was so clear and real.

After Yan Xi finished shopping, he got into the car and asked the driver to drive.

Noticed his gaze, why kept looking at her?
"what happened?"

"Yan Xi, long time no see." Hua Cuo looked at her with longing eyes. It has been more than half a year since last December.

"Yeah." Yan Xi is used to this rhythm, so she doesn't have any particularly close friends, and Hua Cuo is almost her closest friend.

(End of this chapter)

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