I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 725 A New Beginning 09

Chapter 725 A New Beginning 09
It took about 10 minutes to drive to the hotel where Yan Xi was temporarily staying.

Yan Xi walked into the hotel with him and went to the hotel service desk.

"Retired from room 302 and asked for a double room." Yan Xi took out his ID card and cash.

When the front desk lady saw the two, she understood and went through the formalities quickly.

Hua Cuo looked at her in surprise, did he share a room with her?It's inconvenient, and he occasionally... loses control.

Yan Xi said, "Now I am your guardian."

Hua Cuo pursed his lips, and he accepted her guardianship, but psychologically it was very difficult to pass.

After completing the formalities, Yan Xi took the room card, first went to room 302 to pack his luggage, and then went to the double room with him.

The weather was a bit stuffy, so Yan Xi turned on the air conditioner first.

There are two beds in the room, a TV, and a small round table by the window.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Yan Xi put his luggage aside.

"I don't want to eat, I'm not hungry." Hua Cuo has no appetite, and he will probably vomit after eating.

Yan Xi was a little worried. His condition might be very bad. Before that, he liked to eat very much, and he didn't seem to be hungry.

Yan Xi said, "It's late, take a bath first, then go to bed."

Hua mistakenly went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Yan Xi checked the doors and windows. She didn't know what state he was in when he had an attack. It differed from person to person. Some people would run away uncontrollably. If he was violent, she couldn't guarantee that she would hit him right. Bought a few things.

After a while, Hua mistakenly came out after washing, her hair hadn't been dried, and she was wearing a nightgown from the hotel.

Yan Xi turned on the TV, usually he likes to watch TV.

"Dry your hair first, I'll take a shower." Yan Xi went into the bathroom.

Hua wrongly watched her walk into the bathroom, until the bathroom door closed, he sat on the chair, while drying his hair with a hair dryer, while watching TV, to divert his attention.

Yan Xi came out after washing as soon as possible, wearing the black pajamas he brought with him, his hair was still wet and dripping with water.

"Come here and blow your hair." The wrongly flowered hair has been blown dry, not combed, and a little messy.

Yan Xi walked over and was about to take the hair dryer when Hua Cuo got up suddenly.

"Sit down, and I'll dry your hair for you." Hua Cuo held the hair dryer.

"No, I'll do it myself." Yan Xi wiped his hair with a towel.

"Let me help you, I want to divert my attention." Hua Cuo stood behind her.

"Alright then." Yan Xi was quite happy and sat down on the chair.

Huacuo first wiped the water droplets on the ends of her hair with a towel, and then dried her hair with a hair dryer.

"Yan Xi, your hair has grown again."

"I haven't trimmed it all the time." Yan Xi remembered that she hadn't been to the barber shop for a long time, and she usually tied her hair up.

"I'll trim it for you another day."

"Yeah." Yan Xi didn't refuse, she believed that he had the qualification certificate of barber.

Hua Cuo carefully dried her hair, but couldn't find a comb, so she simply combed it with five fingers.

Yan Xi said, "Thank you."

There was a trace of emotion in Hua Cuo's eyes: "You're welcome."

Yan Xi took out the things he bought at the pharmacy just now.

"How's your sleep quality lately?"

"Not very good." Hua Cuo said it truthfully, he often woke up with a start and his heart beat faster.

"Sleeping pills." Yan Xi took out a pill and handed it to him.

Hua took the medicine by mistake. He had taken sleeping pills before, but it had no effect, but he took it anyway.

Yan Xi took out another bottle of medicine, poured out two medicines and put them into a small box.

"Painkiller, one dose." Yan Xi handed him the small box, lest he overdose if he couldn't control it.

Hua took the small box by mistake and held it in the palm of his hand.

Yan Xi put a bottle of mineral water on the bedside table in case he had a fit in the middle of the night.

"You can wake me up at any time, and don't leave this room without my permission." Yan Xi especially urged, since he had already promised her to be his guardian, if he resisted, she would take coercive methods.

Hua Cuo nodded and kept looking at her, hesitating to speak.

"What's the problem?" Yan Xi looked at him.

"Will you hate or dislike my current appearance?" Hua Cuo's mind is extremely sensitive at this moment, and he hates his current appearance extremely.

"Of course not, it's just a process." Yan Xi explained seriously that he should have feelings of self-loathing.

Hua Cuo pursed his lips tightly, the process was terrible, he thought he could do it when he was awake, but when the devil came, all his willpower almost collapsed.

Yan Xi walked up to him, his tone as gentle as possible: "How often does it happen?"

Hua Cuo's face was pale, his eyelids drooped slightly, covering the look in his eyes, and whispered: "About a day."

"It's okay." Yan Xi acted very casual and relaxed.

"Not good, I'm not good." Hua Cuo hugged her suddenly again, leaning his head weakly on her shoulder, as if letting her feel his shock.

"I know." Yan Xi reached out and stroked his back lightly.

"You don't know, you don't know." Hua Cuo's heart is full of pain and fear, not only physical pain, but also extreme depression at that moment, unable to control this desperate emotion, feeling like the whole world is collapsing , Let him deeply realize that life is worse than death.

"I know, I too... have quit drugs." This is her unknown side.

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at her face, so close at hand, he could see his face clearly reflected in her dark pupils.

"When did it happen?" Hua Cuo was a little unbelievable.

"It's been a long time, about five years ago, methamphetamine, and now I have no reaction to it." Yan Xi emphasized, hoping to build his confidence.

Looking at her calm face and listening to her relaxed tone, Hua Cuo couldn't imagine what she had experienced.

Compared with heroin and methamphetamine, heroin is mainly a physical dependence, while methamphetamine is a psychological dependence, and the mental dependence is very strong.It acts directly on the central nervous system of the human brain, leading to mental symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, mental disorders, and possible violent behavior.It is very easy to have depression and anxiety when quitting, even after many years of quitting, there is still a relatively strong heart addiction.

"How did you quit?" Hua Cuo felt a little heavy. Maybe the process of forced quitting is not difficult, but after quitting, the chance of relapse is very high.

"You will know tomorrow." Yan Xi didn't say much.

Hua Cuo was puzzled, but he didn't ask any questions, he believed her.

Yan Xi chose a bed at random: "It's late, go to sleep."

Hua mistakenly put the small box on the bedside table, then lay down on the bed, covered with a quilt.

Yan Xi turned off the light, and the room became dark, only the faint light coming in from the window.

"Yan Xi, good night." Hua Cuo turned his head to look at her, even though the light was very weak, he could still vaguely see her figure.

"Good night." Yan Xi replied.

After the sound disappeared, the room was silent.


(End of this chapter)

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