I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 727 Withdrawal Reaction 01

Chapter 727 Withdrawal Reaction 01
There were no TV programs in the morning, and the two watched boring TV shows.

Hua Cuo began to fidget, the TV series could no longer divert his attention, his face gradually turned pale, and his eyes kept looking at the time on the watch.

"You go out and wait for me, I'll go to the bathroom." Hua took the small box on the bedside table by mistake, walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

Yan Xi took his room card, mobile phone, and all the medicines, walked out of the room, and waited for him outside.

The bathroom is located near the door, and Yan Xi leaned on the door, vaguely hearing the sound of splashing water.

He usually has chills during the attack, is he still drenched in water?
Yan Xi had been listening carefully to the sounds in the room, only the sound of water covered up the other sounds.

The cleaning staff of the hotel pushed the cleaning cart and passed by several times. Seeing Yan Xi standing at the door of the room, he couldn't help asking: "Miss, do you need to clean up the room?"

"No, thank you." Yan Xi said politely.

"Is this your room?" The cleaning staff glanced at the closed door. If not, standing at the door of someone else's room would have a bad influence.

"Yes." Yan Xi showed the room card.

"Is there any problem in the room?" The cleaning staff wondered, why did this woman stand at the door all the time?This is a double room. Is there anyone in the room?
"No, I'm going out to breathe. I'm not used to blowing on the air conditioner all the time." Yan Xi made an excuse casually.

After hearing this, the cleaning staff stopped disturbing and continued to clean the room.

time passed by
Yan Xi glanced at his watch, it had been almost an hour, and there was still only the sound of water.

It's been a long time since he was infected for a short time, and the onset time should be about an hour.

So I knocked on the door, but got no answer.

Then he knocked hard on the door, the sound of knocking should be audible even if there was the sound of water.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed his number, but it kept ringing, but he didn't get through.

Yan Xi was a little worried, so he knocked hard on the door, and there was a bang bang.

Regardless of the surrounding environment, Yan Xi shouted as loudly as possible: "The flower is wrong!"

Still only the sound of water.

"Hua Wrong, if you don't speak, I'll come in, I'll give you five seconds to respond, one, two, three, four, five, I'm coming in."

Yan Xi took out his room card and opened the door.

There was no one in the room, the bathroom door was still closed, and there was the sound of dripping water.

"Wrong flower?" Yan Xi knocked on the bathroom door.

got no response.

Yan Xi held the doorknob: "Wrong flowers? What's wrong? If you don't speak again, I'm going to come in."

Still no response.

Yan Xi turned the doorknob without hesitation, the door opened, and the room was filled with cold steam.

The shower head was sprinkling cold water, Hua Cuo was lying on the ground curled up, he was soaked, his slightly longer hair covered his face, letting the cold water drench.

"Wrong flower!" Yan Xi immediately turned off the faucet and brushed away the hair on his face. His face was bloodless, his pupils were dilated, and his consciousness was scattered.

His body twitched and trembled, his fingers pinched his thigh fiercely, and he clenched his teeth tightly, his whole body was in shock.

Yan Xi didn't know what to do for a moment, after all, she was not a doctor, and the symptoms of seizures varied from person to person.

"Flowers are wrong, flowers are wrong..." Yan Xi helped him up, patted his back lightly, trying to wake him up.

Hua Cuo's face was pale, and his eyes were open without focus. He fell into an unconscious struggle. Physiologically, he was extremely eager for drugs, but psychologically, he was extremely afraid of the destruction that drugs would bring to him.

(End of this chapter)

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