I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 728 Withdrawal Reaction 02

Chapter 728 Withdrawal Reaction 02
"Huacuo, look at me, look at me." Yan Xi raised his voice and looked into his eyes.

When Xu Shi heard her voice, Hua Cuo's eyes gradually became focused, and he saw her face vaguely.

"Yan Xi, don't look at me, don't look at me..." Hua Cuo let go of her teeth, repeating this sentence in a trembling voice.

"It's okay, I'm looking at my former self." Yan Xi slowed down his tone, supported his shoulders, and felt that his whole body was tense, and his hands almost scratched his clothes.

There was a choking sound in Hua Cuo's throat, and there was water in his eyes. He didn't know whether it was the water flowing from his hair or his tears. He couldn't control the cold sweat and tears.

"Hua Cuo, what do you want now?" Yan Xi could understand that he was in great pain at the moment.

Hua Cuo's eyes were full of pain, looking at her face, he didn't dare to say it, he was afraid of seeing her disappointed eyes.

Yan Xi seemed to see through his thoughts, and said in a deep voice, "Don't think about it, besides it, which way do you want to vent the most?"

Hua Cuo came back to his senses in an instant, and shook his head quickly: "I don't want it, I'm in pain, my whole body hurts, can you hit me? Hit me hard!"

Yan Xi really couldn't do it, and he didn't have a tool to hit him, so he hugged him gently, feeling him trembling, the physical pain of heroin withdrawal reaction, the severe physical pain, was worse than ice. The poison is even stronger, she doesn't know what kind of pain he is enduring.

Huacuo's head was leaning stiffly on her shoulder, and his whole body was trembling, as if countless ants were biting his body, burrowing into the skin, flesh, and bones, constantly gnawing at his body, causing him so much pain. I don't know how to get rid of it, and even think of death.

Yan Xi hugged him, stretched his hands into the clothes on his back, tried to massage his back, no matter if it worked or not, try to relieve his pain as much as possible.

I don't know how long it took, Hua Cuo slowly let go of his hand, the tremors gradually calmed down, his muscles gradually relaxed, and he leaned against her wearily, his inner panic had not subsided, and he didn't dare to look up at her.

There was silence in the narrow bathroom, and the two sat hugging each other on the cold ground.

The bathroom door was open, letting in the cold air from the air conditioner.

The drenched Hua Cuo shuddered, he was very cold, her body was very warm, and he hugged her involuntarily.

"Hua Cuo, do you want to soak in hot water?" Yan Xi felt his skin was cold.

Hua Cuo didn't speak, just hugged her.

Yan Xi stretched out a hand, turned on the hot water switch, and poured water into the bathtub.

The hot water was steaming, and after a while, the entire bathroom was filled with fog.

until the bathtub is almost full of water.

"Huacuo, do you want to soak in hot water?" Yan Xi asked, now his body's resistance has been weakened, and he is prone to getting sick and catching a cold.

Hua Cuo let her go, but still didn't dare to look up at her.

"I'll go out first, you soak for a while." Yan Xi walked out of the bathroom and closed the bathroom door smoothly.


Yan Xi's clothes were wet, so he changed into a new set of clothes first.

I looked at the time, it was ten o'clock in the morning.

Depending on when he's having seizures, if he's having seizures about once a day, maybe there's time to fly.

Living in a hotel is inconvenient, and life is inconvenient. There may be unexpected situations during the withdrawal process, and it is easy to be discovered by the hotel staff.

Yan Xi checked the flight online, and there was a flight at [-]:[-] noon.

(End of this chapter)

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