I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 729 Withdrawal Reaction 03

Chapter 729 Withdrawal Reaction 03
"Hua Cuo, can you go out in a while? Or go later, or tomorrow." Yan Xi said, just entering the withdrawal process, he will be very tired and can't even move.

"Okay now, what time?" Hua Cuo's voice came from the bathroom, with a hint of nasal.

"Twelve o'clock air ticket, leave at about eleven o'clock." Yan Xi said, time was a little tight.

"Well, yes." Hua wrongly answered.

Yan Xi immediately bought two air tickets, and he could arrive at his destination around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Hua Cuo finished washing as soon as possible, wearing a bathrobe, her hair was still dry, her skin was slightly reddish from the hot water, she looked very tired, her mental state was not very good, and she even struggled to walk.

Yan Xi looked at him, he was even better than expected.

Yan Xi took the hair dryer: "This time I'll dry your hair for you, sit down."

Hua Cuo's heart moved slightly, and she sat on the chair: "Thank you."

Yan Xi stood behind him and began to dry his hair, saying, "You're welcome, it was very wise for you to dry my hair last night."

Hua Cuo lowered her head, because of her words, her restless mood seemed to ease.

His hair is soft, not too long, and dries quickly.

"Okay, just lie down for a while, and I'll help you pack your luggage and leave the house at eleven o'clock." Yan Xi turned off the hair dryer.

"I can tidy it up myself." Hua Cuo's face was weird. Does she also want to tidy up his private clothes?
"You don't have to be polite to me, we help each other." Yan Xi said seriously, Huacuo often helped her before.

Hua Cuo hesitated for a moment, then lay down on the bed, he was really tired, and he didn't want any accidents on the way.

Yan Xi packed his clothes, packed the wet clothes in the bathroom with bags, and put them neatly in the suitcase.

Hua Cuo looked at her busy figure, and asked with some hesitation: "Did I be bad just now?"

Yan Xi looked back at him and said, "It's a bit bad, but the result is good."

Heroin is also very difficult to quit, because the withdrawal process is extremely painful, and most people can't bear it, lose their rationality, dignity, humanity, etc., and even commit suicide because they can't bear it.

Hua mistakenly heard this, and was not happy. Thinking of the process just now, it still made him tremble with fear and extreme fear.

It was eleven o'clock.

Hua Cuo got up and changed her clothes, stood in front of the mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, and had a feeling of extreme self-loathing.

Seeing him looking in the mirror all the time, Yan Xi suddenly said, "Hua Cuo, there is actually one thing that I haven't told you all this time."

"What's the matter?" Hua Cuo looked back at her suspiciously.

"Actually, I've always thought you look... pretty." Yan Xi teased, she had known Hua Cuo for almost four years, maybe she was used to seeing him, but this was her sincere words.

"..." Hua Cuo was stunned, was she joking?
"Really." Yan Xi expressed sincerity.

Hua Cuo felt a touch of emotion in her heart, she thought he was good-looking.

Hua Cuo stared at her for a moment, then said slowly: "Actually, I have always thought you are very good-looking."

Yan Xi had a weird expression, but he accepted the compliment: "Thank you."

Hua Cuo seriously added: "Really."

Yan Xi nodded, "I believe what you said."

Hua Cuo looked at her blankly, she was not only good-looking, but also very attractive, not only he felt that many people liked her.

(End of this chapter)

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