I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 731 Withdrawal Reaction 05

Chapter 731 Withdrawal Reaction 05
Move the luggage to the courtyard.

Open the door with the key, the room is full of dusty smell, the ground is covered with dust, open the window to let the sun shine in.

Put on the brake switch, no problem with power on.

The cleaners from the housekeeping company hadn't arrived yet, so Yan Xi called to urge them.

After a while, seven or eight cleaners arrived.

"You sit here and bask in the sun, I'll arrange it." Yan Xi dragged a chair from the house and put it in the courtyard.

Hua wrongly sat on the chair, watching her busy figure.

A worker wearing a hat was weeding in the garden and saw flowers sitting in the sun by mistake.

"Brother, aren't you hot?" The worker wiped off his sweat. The sun at three o'clock in the afternoon was hot and fierce.

"It's hot, but I want to get a little tan." Hua mistakenly wore a baseball cap to block the harsh sunlight.

The worker took a wrong look at the flower. This person is indeed quite white.

The workers chatted while weeding: "Did you just move in?"

Hua Cuo squinted her eyes and hummed.

"Brother, what's your relationship with that woman?" The worker asked curiously. The woman was directing the workers in the house, but this man was sitting here like an uncle.

Hua Cuo didn't say a word, a man and a woman live together, if it is said that they are ordinary friends, no one will believe it, but he and her are really just friends, it has nothing to do with men and women.

Seeing that the flowers are wrong, the workers are puzzled. Could it be that the two have an improper relationship?

After weeding here, the workers came to the top of the longan tree.

"Brother, is this longan tree in your house sweet?" the worker asked, it seemed that it was almost ripe, and the longan was a bit small.

"It's sour, don't pick it." Hua Cuo reminded, and you can pick it with your hand.

The worker looked not surprised: "My family has a lot of longan. The size of my longan is almost twice the size of yours. There is only a little pit, and the flesh is sweet and crisp."

Hua Cuo's face darkened.

The workers are not sloppy in their work, moving all furniture, electrical appliances, beds, wardrobes, etc. to the courtyard to clean the house more thoroughly.

Yan Xi ordered the workers to throw away some useless and worn-out items.

Hua mistakenly gave her a bottle of mineral water: "Drink some water."

Yan Xi took the mineral water and took a few sips casually.

Huacuo handed her another tissue to wipe her sweat.

Yan Xi took the tissue and saw that his condition seemed to have improved. The detoxification capsules are effective in the short term, but they are easy to become addicted and should not be taken in excess.

"how do you feel?"

"It's okay." Hua Cuo was just tired all over, but he was in a good mood.

"The washing machine is broken. I'm going out to buy a washing machine. I'll be back soon. If you have anything to do, call me." Yan Xi was still worried that he might have an emergency.

"Thank you for your hard work." Hua Cuo's eyes were full of emotion, and she told him with such concern before leaving the house.

"It's just a small matter." Yan Xi left.

After Yan Xi left, Hua Cuo sat on the chair to bask in the sun again, the sun was not so strong now.

The weeds in the courtyard have been cleared, and the workers are scrubbing the furniture. He took a wrong look at Hua, and he heard the conversation between the man and the woman just now.

"Brother, was that your wife just now?"

"No." Hua Cuo's eyes darkened, why is this man so talkative.

"Is that your girlfriend?" The worker worked diligently, but couldn't stop talking.

"..." Hua Cuo didn't speak, the female character should be removed, although he really wanted to bring the female character.

(End of this chapter)

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