I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 732 Withdrawal Reaction 06

Chapter 732 Withdrawal Reaction 06
About an hour later, Yan Xi came back in a door-to-door delivery van. He bought not only a washing machine, but also a refrigerator, a TV, a microwave oven, a rice cooker, and an induction cooker, as well as a lot of food.

Hua mistakenly saw all the electrical appliances moving in, bought so many expensive things, does she plan to live here for a long time?

This withdrawal process can be as short as two or three months. Doesn't she have a task?

"Yan Xi, have we lived here for a long time?" Or has he lived alone for a long time?

"It's up to you." Yan Xi glanced at him.

Hua Cuo instantly understood in his heart that it depends on when he quits.

"Don't you have a mission?" Hua Cuo asked tentatively, did she accompany him to quit?

"At present, my task is to be your guardian." Yan Xi said, she didn't know what would happen to him alone, but since he promised to let her be the guardian, then she would try her best to do it.

Hua Cuo's eyes moved slightly. Although the withdrawal process was painful, having her by his side gave him the strongest willpower and confidence.

It was not until six o'clock in the evening that the cleaning was completed and the workers dispersed.

As the sun sets, the golden afterglow is scattered in the courtyard.

The ground of the courtyard has been washed, and it is clean and clean. The flower beds on both sides are free of weeds, and only dry soil remains.

"When was that longan tree planted? When you were a child?" Hua wrongly walked under the tree. The longan tree seemed to be difficult to grow. This tree is three to four meters high, and the diameter of the trunk is about [-] centimeters. Should be high.

"I don't know, I don't seem to have been here when I was a child." Yan Xi didn't have any impression. She grew up in Jingyang City as long as she could remember. She only found this place after her parents were gone.

"Have you ever eaten it?" Hua Cuo asked, although the longan is a little smaller than the ones sold in the market, he believes it should be delicious.

"It's the first time I've seen it bear fruit." When Yan Xi came here before, he wasn't in the mood to pay attention to it at all.

Hua Cuo reached out and picked a few longans and handed them to her: "Then let's try."

Yan Xi took the longan and peeled off the peel. The flesh was tender and white, and he could smell the fruity aroma of the longan.

"It's delicious!" Hua ate one by mistake. It tasted very sweet, the flesh was thick and crisp, and the core was small.

"Not bad." Yan Xi nodded, it was indeed delicious, maybe it was a tree planted by her parents.

I picked another handful of flowers by mistake and ate them after dinner.

Back in the house, the first floor is the daily living room, the rooms are all on the second floor, and there is a basement.

A lot of furniture was thrown away, and the electric lights were replaced with new bulbs, making the house look spacious and bright.

There is no sofa in the living room, but some Chinese-style solid wood furniture.

The layout is very simple, the kitchen, living room and dining room are clear at a glance, very much like the style of a country house, full of a sense of age.

"You were here before, did you spend that time?" Hua Cuo looked at the layout of the room, it didn't look like a suitable place for drug rehabilitation.

"Yeah." Yan Xi shrugged.

"At that time, who was with you?" Hua Cuo asked hesitantly, he didn't know her at that time.

"I didn't have any good friends back then." Yan Xi said, she was in a mess back then, let alone making friends.

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, is she alone?If he had known her earlier..., but no if.

"How did you go through this withdrawal process?"

"I thought you needed it, but now it seems that you don't need to know." Yan Xi didn't want to say it, because his symptoms were quite mild during the attack, and he didn't need this kind of coercive and inhumane way.

"Tell me, I want to know." He really wanted to know about her past.

"I'll tell you when you finish this process." Yan Xi said.

Hearing this, Hua Cuo's heart was shocked. He would definitely end this process. He was extremely afraid of losing his mind and seeing her disappointed eyes.

"Come up with me." Yan Xi led him upstairs.

Upstairs there are three bedrooms and a terrace for drying clothes.

"This is your bedroom." Yan Xi took him to a bedroom and gave him the master bedroom with bathroom, which would be more convenient.

This bedroom is very big and has a small balcony. There is only a bed, a wardrobe, and a desk in the room. Yan Xi threw away the rest of the useless things.

"I like it very much, Yan Xi, thank you." Hua Cuo seemed to have something overflowing in his heart, and suddenly felt that he had been very emotional recently.

"You're welcome, just rest for a while, I'll go down and make dinner." Yan Xi saw that it was almost dark.

"You cook dinner..." Hua Cuo was a little worried. Although she wouldn't make any weird and dark dishes, she really didn't do it very well.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it well." Yan Xi bought all instant food, and he only needed to set the time to cook it.

Hua Cuo nodded, he believed her, even if she didn't cook well, he would finish it.

Yan Xi went downstairs to make dinner.

There is no open flame cooking utensils in the kitchen, only the induction cooker, rice cooker and microwave oven I just bought.

The dumplings are directly boiled in water, the buns are steamed in water, and then the eggs are fried. Although the fried eggs cannot be fried beautifully, they are still edible.

After finishing dinner, Yan Xi asked Hua to come down to eat dinner by mistake.

"It's delicious." Hua Cuo ate a lot, even though he had no appetite.

Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, these were instant food, and now he is considered sick, his body resistance will be weakened, and he needs to supplement nutrition, so she will try to cook soup tomorrow.

After dinner, the two sat in the living room, watching TV and eating longan.

Yan Xi deliberately bought a smart network TV, but since there is no set-top box and no internet, there are only six channels.

I will find someone to install the network tomorrow. I remember that Hua Cuo seems to like watching Song Yixue's TV series.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that I went upstairs to my room to take a shower and sleep.

"My room is next door. Don't close the door when you sleep. Call me if you need something." Yan Xi said, if he didn't close the door, she should be able to hear him.

"Yeah." Hua wrongly nodded, at the moment he trusted her with all his heart.

"Sleeping pills." Yan Xi regularly gave him one every night, but couldn't give him a bottle, for fear that he would overdose if he lost control.

Huacuo took it without hesitation.

Yan Xi gave him two more painkillers in a small box, the effect might not be obvious, and the severe pain of heroin withdrawal could probably make all the painkillers ineffective.

He took the detoxification capsule at noon today, and the effects of the drug should wear off soon. He may become addicted and his mood will drop suddenly.

"Good night, go to bed early." Yan Xi could see that he was very tired, he was already considered strong, and he could still move for so long.

"Good night." Hua looked at her by mistake before walking into the bedroom.

After nightfall, everything in this area is quiet, without the hustle and bustle and neon lights of the city.

Looking out from the balcony, there are only dots of households.


(End of this chapter)

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