I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 734 Withdrawal Reaction 08

Chapter 734 Withdrawal Reaction 08
The painful hours became especially long, the sun was rising and the sun was shining brightly outside.

It wasn't until 08:30 in the morning that Hua Cuo slowly calmed down. His whole body seemed to be in a state of collapse, and the thin quilt was soaked in his cold sweat.

"Wrong flower?" Yan Xi called out, he wanted to get up and change clothes, no, it should be clothes.

Hua Cuo's eyes were hazy, and he was in a daze, wrapped in a quilt and motionless.

Yan Xi was confused, why didn't he wear clothes?No, if he was dressed, she would have to help him take it off, which would be even more troublesome.

Yan Xi went to the bathroom to get a basin of hot water, and wiped his body with a hot towel.

Found that he had a nice figure, but she didn't want to peep.

"Wrong flower?" Yan Xi poked his face with his fingers, but there was no response.

So he pinched his nose to prevent him from breathing, and he unconsciously opened his mouth to breathe.

Yan Xi hesitated for a moment, lifted the quilt with some embarrassment, finished wiping quickly, and then quickly covered the quilt.

The sheets and quilt were sweaty, and he was not wearing any clothes. Although it was summer, he was prone to catch cold, so the sheets and quilt needed to be changed.

Yan Xi went back to his room, took out his sheets and quilt, and put them on his bed.

Throw his sheets and quilt in the washing machine.

Huacuo was lying on the bed and fell into a coma, her face was pale, her breathing was a little heavy, and her lips were a little chapped.

Yan Xi went downstairs to get a cup of warm water and wet his lips with it.

It's almost nine o'clock.

It is not known when he will wake up.

Yan Xi left a note on the bedside table and went out.

She went to eat breakfast first, bought a porridge, went to the market to buy vegetables, and went to a home textile store to buy a set of sheets and quilts, which were convenient for changing and washing.

It's ten o'clock when I got home.

I went upstairs and looked at Hua Cuo, but he was still awake.

Yan Xi called someone to install the network, and the person from the broadband company said it would be installed at 02:30 in the afternoon.

Yan Xi went to the kitchen to cook soup. According to the tutorials on the Internet, he prepared all kinds of ingredients and cooked the soup regularly with the induction cooker.

at noon.

Yan Xi used a rice cooker to cook rice, and according to the tutorial, he also steamed chicken with fresh mushrooms in the rice cooker.

Hearing footsteps, Yan Xi looked over and saw Hua Cuo coming down the stairs.

Hua wrongly wore a T-shirt and trousers, and walked down the stairs step by step while holding on to the handrail of the stairs. It could be seen that he was walking very hard.

Yan Xi put the porridge he bought this morning into the microwave to heat it up, and then walked out.

"Why did you get down? You can lie down and call me if you need anything."

"I'm fine." Hua paused and stood at the stairs, looking at her with flickering eyes.

"What's wrong?" Seeing him standing still, Yan Xi hurried over.

"You, you changed the sheets for me." After Hua Cuo asked, she felt a little regretful, it must have been changed by her!He is not talking nonsense!
"Well..., you fell asleep at that time, and there was sweat on the sheets and quilt. You can regard me as a guardian and a doctor." Yan Xi explained solemnly.

"..." Hua Cuo was in a very tangled mood at the moment. At that time, he was naked and naked.

"You go and sit down first, I bought porridge, I'll get it for you." Yan Xi hurried into the kitchen.

Hua Cuo secretly decided that she can no longer sleep naked tonight.

Hua Cuo went to the dining room to sit down, and after a while, Yan Xi brought a bowl of steaming shredded pork porridge.

Yan Xi said, "You drink the porridge first, and I've cooked the rice, so you can eat it in a while."

Hua Cuo ate the porridge silently while holding the spoon.

(End of this chapter)

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