I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 735 Withdrawal Reaction 09

Chapter 735 Withdrawal Reaction 09
Soup is ready.

Yan Xi put a teaspoon of salt first, then a little bit more, and tasted the taste every time he added a little bit, until the soup was almost salty, before serving the soup.

The rice and chicken nuggets with fresh mushrooms in the rice cooker are also cooked.

Yan Xi took out the food.

Hua mistakenly looked at the food on the table, she was a little surprised, it seemed to be very good.

"You can eat it." Yan Xi took a sip of the soup, feeling good about himself.

"It's delicious!" Hua Cuo drank with relish. She doesn't usually cook, so she must have spent a lot of thought to make this pot of soup.

"It's okay." Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, but he could still drink it to this extent, which was far from delicious.

After finishing the soup, Yan Xi served rice. She deliberately cooked the rice according to the ratio of rice and water according to the instructions on the Internet, so the rice was not too hard or soft.

As for this plate of steamed chicken with fresh mushrooms, she also tried to put in the right amount of seasoning.

Hua Cuo picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of chicken and put it in his mouth. He paused, then ate it with relish, and continued to eat the second piece.

Yan Xi ate a piece of fresh mushroom first, and when the fresh mushroom landed on her tongue, her brows slowly frowned, it was too salty, she obviously only put a teaspoon of salt and a little soy sauce.

Yan Xi looked at Hua Cuo, only to see that he was eating as if nothing had happened.

Seemingly seeing her doubts, Hua Cuo said sincerely, "It's delicious."

The corners of Yan Xi's lips twitched, he didn't seem to have a taste disorder during the withdrawal symptoms.

Yan Xi ate a piece of chicken. It was not only very salty, but also had a fishy smell.

"Drink more soup to supplement your nutrition." Yan Xi said, don't just eat chicken, it's really not good.

"Yeah." Hua Cuo suddenly became very appetizing, and he didn't eat breakfast.

After lunch, Yan Xi asked him to rest, and she cleaned up the tableware.

Hua Cuo dragged his tired feet to the courtyard to pick longan and asked her to come over and eat together.

The sun was fierce at noon.

The two sat in the shade under the longan tree and ate longan.

"According to the fruiting period of the longan, it can be eaten for about one or two months." Hua Cuo said, the longan tree has lush branches and leaves, and they can't finish eating so many longan.

Yan Xi nodded. If the withdrawal process goes well, the most painful process can be basically eliminated in about a month, and the subsequent process will be relatively easy.

It's already 02:30 in the afternoon, and it's a bit hot outside.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Yan Xi went to the door and saw that the people from the broadband company came to install the network, and there would be many TV programs to watch tonight.

After eating the longan, Huacuo went back to her room to rest.

Yan Xi gave him two detoxification capsules.

"I told you at eleven o'clock this morning, when you were still sleeping."

"No, I'm much better now." Hua Cuo lying on the bed, this capsule can curb addiction and improve mood, after taking it, you will become... feel better.

But once the effect of the medicine wears off, he immediately becomes extremely depressed, and he will become addicted if he takes it for a long time.

He doesn't want to rely on drugs to maintain his mood, and with her company, his mood and concentration are relatively stable.

Hearing what he said, Yan Xi put away the capsules, and he didn't mind taking them.

"Then you sleep, good afternoon."

"Yan Xi, thank you." Huacuo looked at her, thank you for being by my side.

"You're welcome." Yan Xi smiled, and suddenly felt that Hua Cuo had become a little sensitive and emotional.

Hua Cuo's eyes moved slightly, and she was intoxicated by her smile. Normally, she rarely smiles, and she has no facial expressions, commonly known as facial paralysis.


(End of this chapter)

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