I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 741 An Unexpected Kiss 05

Chapter 741 An Unexpected Kiss 05
In recent days, every morning and evening, Yan Xi and Hua Cuo would jog along the river bank.

Hua Cuo ran a little slowly at first, but after running for about a week, he was already walking like flying.

I also met some people who jogged nearby in the morning. Hua Cuo was more enthusiastic, chatting with others while running.

"Why didn't I see you before?" asked the uncle who was jogging in the morning.

"We just moved here and lived here for a while." Hua Cuo felt a sense of loss in her heart, it had been more than two months, his vacation was coming to an end, and she would be very busy.

"You run very steadily." The uncle knew at a glance that the two of them had the habit of exercising. He had the habit of running all year round, and most people couldn't keep up with his rhythm. This couple ran faster than him.

Hua Cuo and Yan Xi ran back and forth, now there is no need to eat breakfast outside, Hua Cuo will cook breakfast.

The longan on the longan tree is completely ripe.

It would be such a waste to let them rot.

Hua bought a basket by mistake.

"Yan Xi, I'll climb up to pick the longan, and you will continue below."

"This tree is three or four meters high. Will you fall? I'll climb up." Although Yan Xi didn't want to climb the tree, he had just recovered and was not suitable for doing dangerous things.

"I will never fall! If you want to climb up, then climb up." Hua Cuo didn't mind, and he continued below.

Yan Xi's face turned dark, she is a lady, if she is not forced, she will not do things that affect her image.

In the end, Hua made a mistake and climbed up.

After picking for a long time, I finished picking all the longan.

According to the production process mentioned on the Internet, first cut off all the branches and leaves, leaving only the longan.

Taking scissors, after the two cut off the longan branches and leaves, there were as many as half a basket.

Wash the longan, then boil with hot water, cook for about 1 minute, then remove and drain the water.

Rinse the ground of the courtyard and the terrace on the second floor so that they can be placed directly on the ground to dry.

After a busy day, the courtyard and terrace are covered with longan.

In the evening, put away the longan, and take it out again tomorrow morning to continue drying.


At noon that day, Huacuo picked up a longan from the ground. The peel had become crisp and cracked when pinched, and the flesh was slightly crystal-clear yellow.

Hua peeled off the peel and core by mistake, and put the pulp in her mouth: "Eat one."

Yan Xi took it with his hand and put it in his mouth.

Hua Cuo was still so happy: "Is it delicious?"

Yan Xi nodded, "It's very sweet."

Hua Cuo suddenly reached out to hug her, kissed her lips, and said with a smile in his tone, "I think it's very sweet too."

Yan Xi almost choked and swallowed the pulp with difficulty.

Huacuo kissed her again and let her go after a long time.

Yan Xi hesitated for a moment, seeing his lively appearance, she decided to ask: "Have you felt any discomfort lately?"

"No." Hua Cuo felt good about herself, although she hadn't recovered to her best condition yet.

"And mentally, psychologically, do you have bad emotions?" Yan Xi asked. This is a very important stage. After many people quit, they still have strong heart addictions and may suffer from depression. , anxiety, mental illness, etc., the crime rate increases, depersonalization, and it is very likely to relapse.

The relapse rate of heroin is as high as 90%, and many people cannot quit until they die.

"No, I'm fine." Hua Cuo was in a happy mood. He had only been smoking for a few months. He knew the dangers of heroin, and he could even change a person completely easily.

"How about you go to the hospital for a physical examination and then a psychological test." Of course Yan Xi believed him, but neither he nor she was a doctor.

"I don't think it is necessary. I am healthy and mentally normal." Hua Cuo's confidence doubled. He was very fortunate that he did not have any negative emotions, only a deep disgust for it.

"Really?" Yan Xi's expression was a bit reluctant. I don't know if he has any problems in that area. This is a difficult topic to talk about. Many people have obstacles in that area after withdrawal. If there are indeed obstacles, it is better to treat them as soon as possible. it is good.

"Of course, now I can kill a cow!" Hua Cuo laughed, this is not a joke.

Yan Xi was very depressed in his heart, he didn't ask you to beat a cow to death now!

The whole day today, Yan Xi was a little depressed, she didn't know what Hua Cuo's attitude towards her was, he never said he would become a lover with her, if he only regarded her as a good friend, why did he keep flirting with her?
And, why didn't he go to the hospital?
"Yan Xi, what's the matter?" Hua Cuo asked cautiously, feeling that she seemed a little unhappy today.

"It's nothing." Yan Xi thought to himself, she was fine, but something might be wrong with him.

Until ten o'clock at night, ready to sleep.

Before going to sleep, Yan Xi still gave him sleeping pills.

"I don't think I need it anymore." Hua Cuo just put the sleeping pills aside. He has been sleeping very comfortably recently, although there may be reasons for the sleeping pills.

"Okay, good night." Yan Xi nodded, he really couldn't rely on sleeping pills all the time.

"Yan Xi..." Hua Cuo called out to her in a long and drawn out tone, and he still hasn't kissed him goodnight tonight.

Yan Xi seemed to know what he was going to do, she stood still, but looked at him with complicated eyes.

Huacuo has already hugged her and gave her a deep goodnight kiss as always.

After the goodnight kiss, the two looked at each other.

Hua Cuo couldn't read her eyes, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Yan Xi took a deep breath: "Hua Cuo, what exactly do you want?"

The flower is wrong, so: "What?"

Yan Xi asked seriously, "Can you do it?"

Hua Cuo was even more confused: "What?"

Yan Xi's face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "Generally, after withdrawal, men have physical obstacles in that area. Don't worry, it can be recovered."

Hua Cuo understood in an instant, her face became a little ugly, and finally understood what she meant when she said whether it would work or not?
Hua Cuo was extremely annoyed, he had absolutely no physical barriers, he had dreamed of her...

Hua Cuo said firmly: "No, I have absolutely no problem!"

Yan Xi was dubious and asked, "Then why do you keep kissing me?"

Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, because I like you, I want to kiss you, because I thought you liked me a little bit.

With a calm expression, Yan Xi said slowly, "If you don't like me, if you only consider me a good friend, don't kiss me casually."

Hua Cuo suddenly panicked and blurted out: "I like you, I not only regard you as my best friend, you are also my favorite woman, I have liked you for a long time."

Hearing this, Yan Xi couldn't help feeling a little surprised, how long has it been?
Hua Cuo stared at her fiercely. He was always afraid that she would refuse. He always felt that it is better to be a good friend who can talk about everything than a lover who cannot be guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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