I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 740 An Unexpected Kiss 04

Chapter 740 An Unexpected Kiss 04
Hua Cuo's physical fitness is very good, and he recovered quickly. It has only been a week. There are basically no problems in daily life, and there is no bad psychology such as depression, anxiety, or panic.

Yan Xi felt a little unbelievable, before she was worried that Hua Cuo would suffer from some mental and psychological diseases.

For a long period of time after she quit, she had severe depression and confusion, and even had negative emotions such as being boring and unloving.

Thinking about it now, I am horrified.

Yan Xi couldn't help sighing, Hua Cuo was very cheerful and cheerful.

This morning, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi went out for breakfast together.

The morning sun was very warm.

It took nearly two months for Hua Cuo to go out for the first time.

Tongjing Road is lined with trees, with houses on one side and a river on the other.

There is no traffic on this road, but there are many cyclists.

There are also many people jogging along the river bank in the morning.

Hua Mi looked at all this, as if a new world had opened up, such a wonderful time.

"Yan Xi, let's come here for a morning jog tomorrow."

"Okay." Yan Xi thought, there is no treadmill at home, she hasn't run for a long time, and he also needs to exercise.

After they had breakfast, they went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

I bought a lot of flowers by mistake. Starting today, he will cook.

Back home, Hua found the scissors by mistake and planned to help her cut her hair.

Hua took a chair by mistake and put it in the courtyard.

"Yan Xi, sit down and I'll cut your hair for you."

"After such a long time, will the gold content of your barber certificate drop?" Yan Xi sat on the chair and expressed doubts.

"Of course not! I will definitely help you cut a beautiful hairstyle." Hua Cuo picked up the scissors and started to work.

Bunches of hair fell to the ground, and the scissors became extremely flexible in his hands.

Yan Xi held the mirror in one hand and watched his hair gradually shorten.

After half an hour, Hua Cuo finally put down the scissors and combed her hair carefully.

The hair is divided into three or seven parts, the length is just up to the shoulder, and the tail of the hair is trimmed into a small arc, which looks softer.

Yan Xi's face shape is not the melon-seed face or oval face of the aesthetic standard, but her jaw is a bit wide. In addition, her nose is straight, her forehead is full, her face is more three-dimensional, her eyes are dark and silent, she doesn't have a smile, and she looks cold and hard. Well groomed.

"Very beautiful." Hua wrongly looked at her in the mirror, although she also looked good with long hair.

"It's not bad." Yan Xi was quite satisfied, the gold content of his barber qualification certificate did not drop.

"I'm not talking about the hairstyle, I'm talking about you." Hua Cuo has always thought so, she is so beautiful and full of incredible charm.

The corner of Yan Xi's lips twitched, is this his sweet talk?
Hua Cuo suddenly leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Yan Xi remained motionless, looking at him in the mirror, was he flirting with her again?

When it was about noon, Hua Cuo went to the kitchen to make lunch, and Yan Xi was there to help.

Seeing Huacuo cook a delicious lunch, Yan Xi couldn't help but sigh, some things really need talent, such as cooking and cutting hair.

Yan Xi looked at his hands, the palms were slightly wider, and the fingers were slender and strong. Whether it was scissors, kitchen knives, or spoons, they were all obedient in his hands.

When she ate it into her mouth, Yan Xi was hit again. Before that, she felt that her culinary skills had improved a lot, maybe it wasn't an improvement, but she just lowered her requirements as she ate.

(End of this chapter)

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