I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 739 An Unexpected Kiss 03

Chapter 739 An Unexpected Kiss 03
"I'll recover soon, and next week we'll make dried longan together." Hua Cuo was in good spirits, he was much better today, and he was already strong and strong.

"We'll talk about it next week." Yan Xi said, since the longan is on the tree, it won't rot for a while.

It was about noon, and the sun was a little fierce.

Yan Xi said, "It's hot, go back inside."

When Huacuo got up, she called out in a long voice: "Yanxi."

Yan Xi looked at him.

Hua Cuo suddenly reached out to hug her, and he maintained this position for two seconds until he was sure she would not push him away, so he moved forward and kissed her lips, which were full of the fruity smell of longan.

"Yan Xi..." Hua Cuo's eyes were full of tenderness and affection.

"..." Yan Xi looked at him steadfastly, called her name, but didn't speak, what does that mean.

Hua Cuo was a little embarrassed by her, he closed his eyes, hugged her tightly, and continued to kiss her lips.

The two hug and kiss each other in summer.

Yan Xi neither responded nor refused. She didn't like the way of kissing very much, but she didn't dislike it either.

Hua kissed her for a long time before leaving her lips. Seeing her moist and shiny lips, her heart could not help but fluctuate.

"It's almost noon, I'm going to make lunch." Yan Xi was very calm, he teased her like this several times a day, and then there was nothing else.

"I'll make lunch with you." There was a spring-like smile in Hua Cuo's eyes.

The two went back to the house and made lunch in the kitchen.

Hua Cuo gave advice and help, and Yan Xi was in charge of cooking.

Cooking utensils without open flames are all steamed and boiled, or put directly into the microwave oven.

This is relatively simple.

Huacuo stood behind her, put his arms through her waist, hugged her gently, and rested his head on her shoulder.

"I'm cooking, go rest when you're tired." Yan Xi had a weird expression on his face, what was he doing.

"I'm not tired, add half a teaspoon of salt." Hua Cuo's whole body seemed to be smeared with honey, sweet and sticky.

Yan Xi suddenly felt tired and added salt to the pot.

The two spent a simple and ambiguous day together.


At night, when it's time to go to sleep.

Huacuo kissed her goodnight again.

After more than a week and several times of practice every day, Hua Cuo's kissing skills seem to have improved. Step by step, the deeper the kiss, the deeper the kiss.

"Yan Xi..." Hua Cuo's voice was deep and magnetic, with a hint of ambiguous panting.

"It's late, good night." Yan Xi was serious, he was just kissing her, he didn't mean that, so don't keep teasing her, teasing her, teasing her, there will be no more after teasing her!

"Good night." Hua Cuo reluctantly let her go.

Yan Xi left in a hurry, she didn't want to hurt his self-esteem.

That side can get extra excited and agitated during a puff.

But during the withdrawal process, there is almost nothing that can be done, and even for a period of time after withdrawal, there will be obstacles in that area, but fortunately, this situation can be reversed and treated.

As long as it is not very serious, when the body recovers, that aspect will return to normal.

During the withdrawal process, and for a long time after the withdrawal, she had no such thoughts at all, and even became sexually frigid.

Later, she also dated a man on an emotional website. This man was unemployed, short of money, and depressed, but he seemed to be good.

After chatting for about a month, we started dating.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jinluo messed it up.

Later that man blocked her, and now she probably understands why he blocked her.


(End of this chapter)

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