I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 738 An Unexpected Kiss 02

Chapter 738 An Unexpected Kiss 02
Yan Xi became very free, he only needed to prepare lunch and dinner, and occasionally went to see Huacuo, and he didn't have a seizure all day today.

It has been a month, and the detoxification stage should be passed soon.

In the evening, Hua Cuo could still get out of bed and come down to have dinner with her.

Yan Xi's cooking skills have improved, although the cooking is not very tasty, but he can barely eat it.

After dinner, the two sat in the living room watching TV.

The TV series of Goddess Song is playing, and Hua Cuo occasionally complains about the male lead.

Perhaps because of the accident last night, the relationship between the two has become a little delicate, and the atmosphere at this moment is also a little delicate.

At 09:30, the TV series ended.

"It's getting late, go to bed early." Yan Xi picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

"Yeah." Huacuo went upstairs with her, and he walked extremely slowly.

When he reached the door of the room, Hua Cuo hesitated a bit.

"I'll get you a sleeping pill later, you go take a shower first." Yan Xi went back to his room.

Hua Cuo's heart was filled with both joy and distress. He had been thinking hard all day, did she really like him at all?
Why didn't she refuse last night?
Or is it because he is depressed and she just doesn't refuse out of comfort?

With a tangled mood, Hua Cuo put on her pajamas after taking a bath, although she is not used to sleeping in clothes yet.

After waiting for a while, she came.

"Sleeping pills, painkillers." Yan Xi prepared medicines for him every night.

Hua mistakenly picked up the water glass, took the sleeping pills, and put the painkillers on the bedside table.

"Good night." Yan Xi was about to leave.

"Yan Xi." Hua Cuo suddenly stopped her.

Yan Xi looked at him.

Hua Cuo looked at her flickeringly, hesitating to speak.

"What's wrong?" Yan Xi saw that he seemed a little hesitant.

"You, can you give me a goodnight kiss?" Hua Cuo almost exhausted all her courage.

Yan Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he stared fixedly at him. What kind of state of mind is he at this moment?
"I brushed my teeth, and I don't mind if you didn't brush your teeth." Hua Cuo suddenly remembered that a long time ago, she refused a good night kiss because she didn't brush her teeth, but after saying this, she regretted a little, what exactly was he talking about.

Yan Xi had a weird expression, she also brushed her teeth, no, that's not the reason.

After a while, Yan Xi said, "Come here."

What?Hua Cuo was stunned for a moment, then realized, she told him to come over?She agreed?
Hua Cuo's heart was shocked, a little impatient, but also a little hesitant, and walked up to her step by step, afraid that she would not be able to kiss her if the distance was too far away, and felt awkward if the distance was too close.

In the end, Hua made a mistake and chose a slightly intimate distance, his eyes were full of anticipation, as long as she leaned slightly, she could kiss him.

Yan Xi was thinking, if kissing her cheek seemed too cold to her, if it was his lips, if he didn't have that kind of meaning, she would feel a little ashamed, and she and Hua had known each other for too long, too familiar, and always It's a great friendship, it's hard to imagine turning into that.

Finally, Yan Xi said: "You can give me a goodnight kiss." No matter what he meant, she accepted it.

When Hua wrongly heard this, she felt a little confused. Could it be that she was being shy?But she quickly denied this guess, it wasn't her being shy, it was he who was shy!

Hua Cuo was very excited, but she didn't refuse him no matter what, he leaned forward slowly, raised his head slightly, and touched her forehead reverently.

Yan Xi was very grateful for the decision just now, he only meant to kiss his forehead, if she got the wrong meaning, it would be so embarrassing.

"Good night."

"Yan Xi..." Hua Cuo's voice was soft and long.

"Huh?" Yan Xi looked at him.

"I want to kiss you again." Hua Cuo looked at her expectantly. Last night he was hazy, but tonight he is sober.

"Yes." Yan Xi agreed.

Hua Cuo's eyes are bright, her response is only a single syllable, but it is enough to fill his heart, maybe she also likes him a little bit.

This time, Hua Cuo did not raise his head, but lowered his head slightly, a little jerky, again and again, gentle, gentle again.

Hua Cuo closed her eyes slowly, a voice of surprise kept coming out of her heart, and she didn't refuse...

So, Hua Cuo's arm quietly moved to her body, hugging her gently.

Time seemed to overlap with last night.

After a long time, Hua Cuo used up all the oxygen in his lungs before reluctantly leaving her lips, but still hugged her with his arms, and stared at her face with burning eyes.

Yan Xi was a little embarrassed by his look, and said solemnly: "It's almost ten o'clock, go to bed early, good night."

"Good night." Hua Cuo's eyes flashed, and then he let go of his arms.

Yan Xi turned around and walked away quickly, his back seemed to be running away, and now he can be sure that he really has that kind of meaning for her.

The corners of Hua Cuo's lips were slightly raised, as if her remaining warmth still remained on her lips.

This night, Huacuo slept extremely comfortably.

Every night since then, Hua Cuo will say good night to her with a good night kiss.


After more than a month, Hua Cuo finally passed the detoxification stage, but this is only the first stage, only the physical withdrawal symptoms have been eliminated, and the physical condition has not yet recovered.

There are also psychological conditions, neurological functions, behaviors, etc. that need to be corrected. These are all factors that lead to relapse. Therefore, a rehabilitation stage is required to deal with protracted withdrawal symptoms, psychological and behavioral problems after detoxification.

Hua Cuo seemed to have experienced a serious illness and was very weak.

This morning, Huacuo could go downstairs for activities. After breakfast, he and Yanxi picked longan in the courtyard.

I picked a lot, then sat in the shade under the tree and ate longan.

The longan is already ripe, and the flesh is a bit sweet and greasy, completely separated from the core.

But there were still a lot of longans on the tree, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi couldn't finish them all.

"If you can't finish it, you can also dry it into dried longan. The summer sun is so fierce." Hua Cuo looked up and squinted at the sun.

"Just dry it like this?" Yan Xi had eaten dried longan, but he didn't know how to make it.

"I don't know, it seems that I need to boil it in water." Hua Cuo took out his mobile phone and searched how to make dried longan.

It needs to be boiled in water for more than ten minutes before it can be dried in the sun. If the sun is strong, it can be dried for about a week.

Hua Cuo said enthusiastically: "It's better to pick all the longan and make it into dried longan. There are so many places in the yard to dry."

Yan Xi looked at the longan tree. It was three or four meters high. Huacuo was struggling to walk now. Don't expect him to climb it. Does she want to climb the tree?

(End of this chapter)

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