I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 737 An Unexpected Kiss 01

Chapter 737 An Unexpected Kiss 01
At the beginning of August, the longan is basically ripe.

This small town is rich in longan, and almost every household has several longan trees, which are usually sold in batches at low prices or made into dried longan.

Yan Xi picks some longan every day and puts it on the bedside table in his room. He seems to like eating longan very much.

Recently, Huacuo is still in the detoxification stage, and she will have seizures from time to time, restless sleep, frequent nightmares, or sudden awakening, but the pain in her body has gradually eased.

Yan Xi checked on him from time to time, and heard movement several times in the middle of the night.

There was no one on the bed, the bathroom door was closed, and there was always the sound of gurgling water.

Is he taking a shower?Still have an attack?
Yan Xi waited for a long time, only heard the sound of water, but no other movement.

"Flowers are wrong, what are you doing?" Yan Xi knocked on the door, in case he didn't have any clothes on, so she didn't go in directly.

no respond.

"Hua Cuo, if you don't speak, I'll come in." Yan Xi held the doorknob.

Still no response, only the sound of running water.

Yan Xi opened the door and went in without hesitation.

The bathtub was filled with cold water, and the water overflowed along the rim of the bathtub.

Hua wrongly dressed, her whole body was soaked in the water, her head sank to the bottom of the water, without any response.

"Wrong flower!"

Yan Xi was startled, and immediately dragged him out of the bathtub, put him on the ground, turned his body over, raised his abdomen and pressed hard, pouring out the water in the airway.

Stretching out his hand to check his mouth and nose, he didn't breathe.

Yan Xi was a little anxious, and quickly laid his body flat on his back, lifted his chin, and pinched his nose.

Yan Xi took a deep breath, and immediately blew air into his mouth. After the outline of his chest lifted, he let go of his nose, and pressed his chest with one hand to help him exhale.

After repeated several times, Hua Cuo was finally able to breathe on his own, his eyes slowly opened a slit, and he could vaguely see the face that was close at hand, with a hand pinching his jaw, making him unable to move.

Hua Cuo gradually woke up and realized what she was doing. His mind was blank, and he let her blow and press his chest without moving.

Yan Xi put his palm against his heart, his heart beat, and his chest rose and fell slowly.

"Wrong flower?" Yan Xi patted his cheek, if he still doesn't wake up, she will call an ambulance.

Hua Cuo opened his eyes and looked at her fixedly.

Yan Xi heaved a sigh of relief, probably he was the first person who could drown in the bathtub.

Yan Xi helped him up, his clothes were soaked and he needed to change.

Huacuo sat on the cold ground, her hair was dripping with water, her face was a little pale, her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked at her lips in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Yan Xi looked at him suspiciously.

"I want to kiss you." Hua Cuo couldn't help but speak out the fantasy in his mind.

Yan Xi was taken aback for a moment, she didn't know why Hua Cuo said that, but she didn't mind.

After a long time, Yan Xi said, "You can do this."

"What did you say?" Hua Cuo was stunned, what did he say just now, what did she say, did he hear wrong?
"It's fine if you don't hear it." Yan Xi's face was a little gloomy, was he playing tricks on her?
"I heard it." Hua Cuo said immediately, he heard it clearly, but he was not sure.

Yan Xi's face darkened, since he heard it, why did he ask.

Hua Cuo's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, he looked at her without blinking, his body slowly approached her, and gently touched her lips with great sincerity and anticipation.

Then his movements stopped, only one centimeter away from her, he held his breath, and wanted to try again.

Yan Xi didn't move at all, the distance was too close to see his expression clearly, what did he mean by being so still?
Hua Cuo's heart was surging, but she didn't push him away, so he slowly closed his eyes and kissed her again.

The water in the bathtub kept overflowing, with the sound of gurgling water.

Hua Cuo couldn't help reaching out to hug her, he would only be gentle, more gentle.

Hua Cuo didn't let her go until the air in his lungs was exhausted and he was almost suffocated. His breathing was a little panting, and he opened his eyes. The twinkling eyes seemed to be full of light, and her face was reflected in the bright black pupils.

Yan Xi acted very calm during the whole process, it was just a kiss, maybe he just had a psychological need, during the process of withdrawal, he was basically... physically powerless.

A gust of wind blows into the bathroom.

Hua Cuo shivered, subconsciously hugged her tightly, her body was very warm.

"It's late, you should soak in hot water first, and then go to bed early." Yan Xi broke the ambiguous atmosphere.

"Yeah." Hua Cuo blushed, and then let her go.

"Good night, call me if you need anything, I don't want to see you drown in the bathtub." Yan Xi got up and left.

Hua Cuo watched her back, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. She was a little out of control and unconscious during the attack just now, how could she drown in the bathtub.

But then I thanked the accident and still felt incredible.

Why didn't she refuse?
Does she like him a little too?
That night, Huacuo slept very peacefully, her figure was everywhere in the dream.


The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight entered the room, Yan Xi woke up on time.

As usual, Yan Xi went to Hua Cuo's room to check first, and seeing that he was still sleeping, she went downstairs to buy breakfast.

At eight o'clock in the morning, I bought breakfast, bought a newspaper, picked some longan, and waited for him to wake up.

Yan Xi went back to his room, opened his notebook, and dealt with some things until he heard the faint sound of water coming from the next door.

Without closing the door, you can basically understand the movement next door.

Yan Xi went downstairs to get breakfast and longan, and went to his room.

When Huacuo walked out of the bathroom, she saw her figure, and everything about last night involuntarily appeared in her mind.

"Good morning." Yan Xi looked back at him, he was in a good state of mind today,
"Good morning." Hua Cuo was nervous, she prepared breakfast for him as usual, as if nothing had happened, she didn't know her attitude towards what happened last night.

"You have breakfast." Yan Xi sat on a chair near the balcony and read the newspaper.

Hua Cuo sat down, ate breakfast silently, and occasionally looked at her, the morning light scattered on her body, her hair grew to the back, and he promised to trim her before, but he never had the chance.

No one mentioned what happened last night, the two of them were doing their own things, so quiet and harmonious.

I finished my breakfast by mistake.

Yan Xi put the newspaper on the bedside table and left it for him to pass the time.

"You rest." Yan Xi packed up the tableware and left.

Hua Cuo watched her leave, and then lay down on the bed. He was basically out of physical pain, but his whole body was weak. His originally extremely depressed and anxious mood might have been relieved by last night's kiss.

(End of this chapter)

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