I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 745 An Unexpected Kiss 09

Chapter 745 An Unexpected Kiss 09
When I went grocery shopping today, Hua Cuo bought a newspaper by the way.

"Song Yixue actually quit acting and married a screenwriter!" Hua Cuo looked at the headlines in surprise.

"Then you won't be able to watch her TV series in the future." Yan Xi said, knowing that Hua Cuo likes watching Song Yixue's TV series very much.

"That's not the point, okay? Look at this screenwriter, he looks very ordinary!" Hua Cuo was not looking down on him, but that there was a gap between this screenwriter and Gu Jinluo.

"He just looks ordinary." Yan Xi glanced at him with a lack of interest, not to be judged by his appearance.

Hua Cuo has nothing to say, and that's right, someone who can become a screenwriter should have connotations.

The longan has been dried in the sun, and there are as many as half a basket. I used to eat longan, but now I eat dried longan.

When cooking the soup, Huacuo also put some dried longan, and the soup exudes a faint fruity longan fragrance.

When cleaning today, Hua went to the basement by mistake, and he has never been to the basement.

The basement is dark and a bit cold, with only one incandescent light.

It was very empty, with only one confinement room.

Pushing open the heavy door of the confinement room, there is a small bed and a bathroom inside, but there is nothing else.

The walls are scratched and have impact marks.

Hua Cuo's heart was very heavy, and she didn't know how she had survived the pain in this dark confinement room.

After a long time, Huacuo walked out of the basement and returned to the house, and saw her there, she was so beautiful, elegant, resolute, and full of incredible charm.

Hua wrongly walked to her side.

Yan Xi held a water glass and was drinking water, so he glanced at him, what's the matter?

Hua Cuo's eyes were full of tenderness and affection, and his voice seemed to be laced with thick honey: "Baby Yanxi..."

cough!Yan Xi was choked and coughed lightly twice: "What did you say?"

"I want to call you that." Hua Cuo was full of expectations, a nickname between lovers.

"Ahem, you don't have to call me that, I don't like it." Yan Xi's expression was weird, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

"Then what do you want me to call you, sweetie, honey, dear..." Hua Cuo thought of many nicknames.

"You can just call me by my name." Yan Xi interrupted him, she didn't know how to appreciate this kind of romance.

"I want to call you something special." Hua Cuo said, she is his closest person.

Yan Xi said, "I think my name is very special."

Flower error: "..."

Well, it was the nicest, deepest, most special name he had ever heard.


At night when he was about to go to bed, Hua Cuo hugged her, and he was implying some kind of intention.

"Yanxi, tonight I want to..." Do something indescribable with you.

Yan Xi's heart skipped a beat, she didn't speak, but slowly raised her hand, and rubbed the sensitive spot on his back and spine.

Hua Cuo's body trembled, and there was an almost inaudible low moan from deep in his throat. He had already moved his mind, and of course he reacted to being teased by her.

"Wait for me." Hua Cuo immediately let go of her, opened the drawer, and took out a box of things, which were finally needed.

Hua Cuo was so excited that he quickly opened the box and rummaged through it, but couldn't find the instruction manual.

"Why is there no instruction manual?"

"What are you looking for for the manual?" Yan Xi glanced at him. She hadn't used this kind of thing for its main purpose, but she had used it for other purposes, such as its excellent waterproof effect. Won't get your phone wet.

"I don't know how to use it." Hua mistakenly poured out the contents of the box and found the instruction manual at the bottom of the box.

"Have you never used it?" Yan Xi's eyes became strange.

"No." Hua Cuo blurted out.

"Aren't you afraid of getting a woman pregnant?" Yan Xi's face changed slightly. This kind of thing is like performing a mission, and there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Hua Cuo froze for a moment before realizing what he had said.

Hua Cuo's face was unpredictable, he took something and an instruction manual, and walked into the bathroom.

About ten minutes later, Hua Cuo came out of the bathroom. His upper body was naked, with only a bath towel wrapped underneath.

Hua Cuo walked up to her, kissed her lips, and then said slowly: "I only did this kind of thing with you."

Yan Xi paused for two seconds, feeling a little unimaginable in her heart, she ended her virginity by accident?

Hua Cuo looked at her fixedly, his first love, first kiss and first night were all given to her.

Yan Xi suddenly asked, "How old are you?"

Hua Cuo's face darkened: "Don't ask such questions, please, let's hurry up, I'm a little uncomfortable." He is in dire straits now.

Yan Xi glanced down.

Hua Cuo noticed the look in her eyes, and his face flushed instantly, he immediately reached out and hugged her, and while kissing her, he unbuttoned her pajamas.

After a while, the two hugged each other and rolled onto the bed.


In October, it's autumn.

The recent days are relaxed and simple, full of warmth, but they both understand that there are more important things waiting for them.

The three-month vacation that was spent by mistake is coming to an end, and Yan Xi has also been on vacation for too long.

Today, Yan Xi gave him a present, a birthday present half a year late.

Hua Cuo happily accepted the gift, her birthday is less than two months away, I don't know if she will be free then.

In a few days, Yan Xi received a new assignment and she was leaving.

Hua Cuo's heart is heavy. He can quit his job at the National Security Bureau and choose a relatively stable life, but she can't. He won't discourage her from any choice, because he knows that her life will not be ordinary, but full of ink and extraordinary. meaning, full of wind and rain and legends.

"Yan Xi, contact me when you are free, and I will reply you when I am free."

"En." Yan Xi responded, already used to this method of contact.

Hua Cuo looked at her reluctantly, as if he wanted to engrave her figure in his heart.

Facing his gaze, Yan Xi suddenly felt worried, and asked after hesitation: "Hua Cuo, have you thought about getting married?"

"No." Hua Cuo answered without hesitation, because he couldn't imagine it, but still looked forward to it.

"Yanxi, I can't make a promise to you, maybe I can't give you a marriage, I don't know what the future will hold."

"Me too." Yan Xi expressed his understanding.

"If one day I'm gone, you... don't feel sad, it's my choice." Hua Cuo looked relaxed, he didn't want to be her weakness.

"If I'm not here, don't feel sad, it's my choice too." Yan Xi said seriously, everyone should be responsible for their own choices.

Huacuo suddenly hugged her tightly, he shouldn't have said that, he will do his best to protect himself, because the future is waiting for him.

"Yan Xi, protect yourself well, if you need me for anything, you can contact me at any time."

"Hua Cuo, you too, always protect yourself, and contact me if you have anything to do. Also, don't relapse, and don't get involved in any tasks related to drugs." Yan Xi seriously told and warned that he had only quit for three months, and it was extremely difficult. There is a possibility of relapse.

"I won't, I definitely won't! I promise!" Hua Cuo was extremely firm, this nightmare was too terrible, it almost destroyed him, and he would never repeat the same mistakes.

"I believe in you." Yan Xi said, he was extremely difficult in the process of quitting, but he recovered very smoothly in the later stage, and his mind and spirit were very good.

The next morning, Yan Xi handed over the key to Hua Cuo and left the small town.


(End of this chapter)

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